zan wrote:boomerang wrote:zan wrote:Boomers...There is only one person that is blind here and you are he......You are blinded by the bright lights of the EU......There is life outside of the EU my friend...There is a whole world out there...A whole Islamic world full of oil and wonder....You guys seem to think that Turkey is sitting about waiting to be ordered about by the EU........I , on the other hand, am beginning to think that OZ is as insular as the USA in that you guys think the world revolves around Greeks and your adopted country......How pompous!!!!
I give you facts today and you come back with crap...
yeah zan, this explains as to why you and everyone else got/trying to get out of the shit hole, read "turkey=fascist state", and emigrate to the uS, EU and OZ...
Ask yourself how many tcs have RoC passport...oh yeah they are going to tin pot countries...Yeah good one Zan they all going to visit Borat...
What amazes me Zan, is live in a developed country and you want others to join tin pot societes...
I think your beloved "turkey=fascist state" made her choice, read knows which side of the bread is buttered... and she is looking west baby...not east with shitstan countries...
Please come up withsome intelligence in your next post...
PS...looking east is not an option for "turkey=fascist state" as that would mean suiside...this is why the. "turkish government=fascists to the max" always maintains, even if the EU says no, we would go at it alone...I wonder what they mean by that...
Lets face it, you were sold out long ago...
Why don't you try to understand what I say before you blow you horn on that big motorbike mouth of yours.......The EU is a set up club I agree.....But it is not the centre of the world......There are other organisations that will be as big and as successful and the OIC will be one of them. WILL BE>>>>>Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies in the world...YES they have a long way to go but so what...Look what is happening in the west...High inflation is killing us.....And today in the papers more doom and gloom to come.....400 billion put into the system by the USA and 40 by the UK and still we have no confidence...You join the EU club and think it is the best thing since sliced bread now.....Others will do just as well thankyou.....![]()
Here we have shitstan countries with money...Look at the saudis...with your logic,, they got money that is, but look at them as a society...they are laughable...
And don't confuse with fast growing societeis...Look at China...Go right ahaed and stay a fast growing crountry, but at the end it will implode....
It will have no choice but revert to a true democracy...
Again your shallow arguments blown out the door...

The point here is "turkey=fascist state" already is on path of selling you out...She, "turkey=fascist state" is on the path of feeding it to you...
70 million turks=fascist people" are banging their fists at the door, as we speak...