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Duty-Free Car 'Mire'

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Duty-Free Car 'Mire'

Postby Tom Henry » Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:28 pm

I imported a one year old BMW 323i when I came to live in Cyprus in 2001. After a year consisting of several visits to the Nicosia traffic/customs office, I was eventually allowed to register my car, duty free, upon payment of around 2000 Cyprus pounds.

Now I want to sell the car, but am told that I will have to pay the duty (approx. 17000 Cyprus pounds -- just about the cars worth! (excluding what I paid for it in the first place, plus all the customs hassles & expenses latterly incurred).

So -- 20000 quid to buy the car, 2000 quid to get Cypriot plates on it and now 17000 quid to make it a 'duty paid', car. Apart from all the road tax, insurance fees, petrol etc. to run it for approx. 2000 miles over the last two years, that means:


Is there any way around this nonsense? (thought we were all in the EU now??).>

Tom Henry.
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Postby Svetlana » Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:48 pm

Hi Tom

Sorry to hear of your dilemma. I see only one way round it; have you considered exporting the car? Might be cheaper, export it and give it to a family member; you will need Permission to Dispose from C&E here.

Yes, we are in the EU but your Duty Free privilege preceeds the advent of EU and Cyprus still has authoity over much of its tax regime.

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