Oracle wrote:Just back from a walk on the beach.
A sense of reassurance has descended from focusing on the unchanging shape of the distant Akamas moulds that jut out to sea. Their curves softened by the light mist rolling in, observed with relaxed eyes through the various shades of grey as night defeats day.
Face taut from the gentle breath of a cooling breeze. My soul satisfied from having found the ultimate pink pebble, with a surface so smooth to caress, it makes me float.
The cicadas are even louder tonight; their singing concentrated in the row of olive trees on the edge of the field.
The smell of mint in the air .... ripped from the soil by an over-zealous mum, intent on taming years of neglect.
Enough twaddle ........
.... I'm ready to hit the Cyprus Problem threads.
The above link will give you some lovely cicada recipes. Waste not, want not.

Bon Apetit