magikthrill wrote:an interesting fact the article doesn't mention that i believe i read somewhere else is that Turkey refuses to send any monetary compensation to an RoC bank.
There is more about this on the Cyprus Mail's website. As I understand it it's not so much that Turkey refuses to pay it's more that there is no mechanism to pay the money directly from Turkey to the RoC. Of course the transfer could easily be made via third country that does recognise both Turkey and RoC and I believe this is what has been suggested and hope happens. Turkey agrees that the money is owed. It has the money ready to pay it over. Currently there is no mechanism to transfer money from a Turkish bank to a RoC bank. Of course the RoC could make it easy for Turkey by giving them an account outside of the RoC to pay it tinot but that is not politicaly acceptable to RoC. Similarly Turkey could pay it into say a UK bank with instructions to then forward it to a RoC bank - but again politicaly unacceptable to Turkey. Hopefully the plight of this latest patient will focus these 'political' minds on matters that actualy matter to people and a solution will be found to this issue.