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'EU´s Tassos Plan'

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby erolz » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:08 am

Was in not GC here who said that TC should not judge TP sincerity re a solution until he had had a chance to proove himself in negotiations, despite his long personal history and involvment in the Cyprus problem to date?

Kind of ironic then for GC to be 'slating' Talat for his sincerity re a solution when he has no such personal history.

The fact is Talat is the best option for an agreed settlement. His stance has clearly been pro solution (but not solution at any cost) and not independance and that is an improvment. Also he (currently) has the political support of the people of the north necessary to broker a solution. GC should actually welcome this just as I would welcome almost anyone other than TP on the GC side (clerides or someone without any history in the events of the past or even anyone who had not publicaly denied that any TC were killed by a GC from 63 onwards!).
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:31 am

It is inaccurate to describe Talat as "pro unification" as his position is to reunify nothing. All he has said is that he wants a solution which would institutionalize division.
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Postby brother » Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:53 am

Thats an assumption you have just made, lets wait and see what happens as they say the proof will be in the pudding.
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Postby Main_Source » Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:42 pm

Papdopolous has given TC free health care which the GC pay for.
He has stopped building on TC land.
He has let TC back into there homes pre-1974.
He has put forward a plan for the joint venture of a GC/TC port.

As much as you love to put him down and make him the bad guy (because TC always want a GC bad guy i.e tit for tat for the sake of it)...what has Talat done or tried to do which has made the same kinda concessions as these?
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Postby turkcyp » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:32 pm

Main_Source wrote:Papdopolous has given TC free health care which the GC pay for.
He has stopped building on TC land.
He has let TC back into there homes pre-1974.
He has put forward a plan for the joint venture of a GC/TC port.

Did any of TCs has asked him to do that?

The % of TCs using GC healthcare, turing back to his pre-74 home in south, etc. etc. are miniscule. I would say not even 1%.

As usual, he i sgiveing what he want to give not what is our right?

Where are our rights from 1960 constituion?

If he had put forward a plan to turn back to 1960 agreements, I am sure many TCs would applaud him. BUT no. He keeps on saying turn back to RoC, but under our own conditions. Turn back to current day republic where your rights from 1960 constitution is toppled everyday.

Gosh! It makes me lough seeing how many of you are like him. It makes me have a very LONG, SAD lough.
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Postby brother » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:42 pm

A lot of GC are swallowing hook, line and sinker whatever tassos tells them without questioning what use they will be or how accurate.

Was it not recently that he made claims that he had sent communication and letters to the U.N and Mr Annan about resuming talks and then was exposed as a LIAR by the SG and the rest of the world.

Why you all have this complete blind faith in this liar i will never understand but the only constant truth there is that he will hurt all cypriots with his absurd and ludricous claims and refusal to resume talks which he disguises with pretty words that seem to be fooling only the GC people while the rest of the world can see him for what he really is hence a joke springs to mind when you think of tassos which goes:

What is worse than a decietful Greek= two decietful Greeks
What is worse than two decietful Greeks=Tassos the ROC president
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Postby metecyp » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:53 pm

Papdopolous has given TC free health care which the GC pay for.
He has stopped building on TC land.
He has let TC back into there homes pre-1974.
He has put forward a plan for the joint venture of a GC/TC port.

This is a guy (T-Pap) who said no single TCs got killed between don't expect me or any TC to trust him just because he provides free health care for I said before, this is the minimum price he paid for claiming to represent TCs...did he do anything to support TC representation in the RoC? NO! Did he do anything to support TC representation in the EU? NO!
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Postby garbitsch » Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:56 pm

Very well said Mete... You cannot buy a people by giving free health care to them. Guess what? I don't pay for the health care in London either. I should thank Mr. Blair for that favour! :lol:
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Postby Main_Source » Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:26 pm

Right, so the RoC government is throwing away millions a year for the free healthcare to TC because it does not want a solution.

Hey guess what guys...heres a guy giving away free healthcare to people...but because these people didnt ask for it, this guy is out of order lol. Its ridiculous.

In the mean time, Talat is STILL exploiting GC land while Papadolous is making concessions on TC land in the south.

This is all a load of bollocks. I cant understand your way of thinking here....its like no matter what, you will always try to paint a negative on matter how petty it is, just for the sake of it. Its like your thinking "WELL IF WE GOT DENKTASH, YOU GOT PAPADOPOLOUS". It's f*cking petty. All the concessions Papadopolous has made to the TC, your never happy...because you didnt ASK FOR IT!? Its like if you dont get EVERYTHING you want right now, Papadopolous is the bad guy. In the mean time, Talat talks his talk about wanting reunification but still gives the go ahead on the mass sales of GC land to foreign investors.....which he knows will make it harder for GC to get back.

Its like a spoilt kid...he gets the free health care, the cancellation of building on TC land...but because he didnt get all the other stuff he asked for too...RIGHT NOW...he's pissed off.
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Postby garbitsch » Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:34 pm

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