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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:22 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Ghandi wrote:i have been folowing this thread and it is so prdictable.i said if the problem is Turkey than (then) shoudnt the GC try tgive the TC more power so they are not as reliant on Direct flights.I also said to please not jump on this comment and instead tell me what each side should apologise for.This is obviously a question that no one is comfortable answering.I wonder why?Is it because they do not have their memorised spiel.

I've heard a lot of pathetic TC excuses but this one tops them all! was the response i received.Realise that I am just saying that If the TC has no power and Turkey has than (then) dont we have to give the TC some power to overcome the whole of Cyprus problem.In the scheme of this huge problem are direct flights so important.

Turkey’s military withdrawal from Cyprus is DEMANDED by UN resolutions and it is NOT something that should be used or accepted as a bargaining chip. There should be no “reward” expected by the Turkish Cypriots for it is in their interests that Turkey withdraws and democratic order be restored to all four corners of the island. fair enough but if the UN cant get them out what chance does the TC of doing it.

If a child is reliant on a parent and has to act on his orders than (then) should someone punish the child with as much vigour?North Cyprus must do plenty to fix their mistakes.If again i am told what each side should be sorry for than (then) it would be easier to work out what they need to do.

So the TC has violated your rights and take your land or did Turkey.I am confused you answer like its Turkeys fault and yet blame the TC for it.yYou dont want to give TC's the message that helping divide and rule can be beneficial to them.So what is their mistake within the framework of their real power?What are their real options?Or have they just been overpowered first by the British and then the Turks?

I am not saying incentives be given to the TC but that if the island needs Turkey out than (then) its not about sending messages to the TC but rather about getting turkey out.Did the TC call them to come?its better for everyone if they where gone but incentives may be needed for this to happen

You are blackmailing us by occupying 1/3rd of our country and violating our human rights, and you are trying to force us to accept your terms and you think this will bring peace? You are making a big mistake my friend.
Peace can came when you stop your illegalities, and you allow human rights and democracy in Cyprus.
You write this to TC,s but are talking about Turkey.I think you blame the TC for Turkey actions and many times are just unaware of your own racism.

Once again my question has not been answered.One learns so much more through silence.Everybody has a point to make or argue and yet no one seems to learn from each others ideas on this sight.

1...Hey curry boy how about after a comma, a full stop, a question mark, you put a space...Also learn to say THEN instead of THAN...I thought you were educated in OZ and you are a shitting me or what?

2...The turkish generals are not in the business of taking orders form anyone...They give orders...

3...then you say
Once again my question has not been answered.One learns so much more through silence.Everybody has a point to make or argue and yet no one seems to learn from each others ideas on this sight.

We are not teachers...and not in the business of educating rita, well in your case the curry boy... :lol:

PS...Before you call me a racist for calling you a curry boy allow me to explain
1...curry coz you like curry
2...boy coz you haven't got a clue as to what you are talking about

....and nouns begin with capital letters.

Hi Boomerang. Had a good day?

Hey Deniz I ain't claiming to be a teacher, educated in OZ...corrupting young innocent minds :lol:

BTW today it is gonna be a glorious Autumn day . starting with 35 degrees followed up with me going fishing...Its Australia weekend and a long weekend...

Hope you also have great day

neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext :lol:
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Right back at you Boomerang

Postby Ghandi » Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:06 am

Boomerang you have made 1400 posts i bet you they have all been rubbish.

I ask if either side has anything to apolgise for and you answer with bad jokes.

I pity your mind!!
Posts: 50
Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:09 pm


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