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Do Cypriots hate the British ?

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Postby purdey » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:29 pm

Oh yes,Mr Brown is a sly fox,rarely smiles,and when he does he looks in pain...
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:35 pm

During this morning's ladies' village coffee and gossip session ...

It became apparent that the older biddies resent the amount of looting the British did to Cyprus before the 60's ... stripped mines bare of minerals etc.

However, they have a lot of respect for British people and it is quite clear they distinguish between the politics (Bases and Colonialism) and the tourists / ex-pats.
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Postby murf62 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:39 pm

Nikitas wrote:Hate the British? No. Wnat the bases to go? Yes. But then I have yet to meet an English person who would not like the American bases in Britain to go.

That's because we accept people from other nationalities & cultures and welcome the money/skills/diversity that they bring to our nation. The US base at Lakenheath keeps the local economy alive just like Dhekelia, Episkopi & Akrotiri do here.

As soon as the British bases are removed from Cyprus, then all your problems will be solved will they? The fact that the British (a member of the EU) have a tiny proportion of 'your' soil is the main thing you (now as an EU member) should be aiming to eradicate is it?

Do Cypriots hate the British? No, I don't think so, otherwise why would there be more of them in the UK than in Cyprus! ;)
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:02 pm

The Cypriots shouldn't hate the British,but they should hate Irish Roman Catholics (Taigs),as the Taigs have caused nothing but trouble,not just in the U.K. & both countries on the isle of Ireland,but also in New Zealand as well.Being of Scots descent myself,I come from a very fiercely anti-Taig family,who know full well that I admire Ian Paisley of Ulster (as in the one who should have been made a hereditary Lord years ago!).

The Sovereign Base Areas ARE legally established.Read the text of the Cyprus Independence Agreement of 1959 to find out for yourself.The British owe the Cypriot Government some back rent,but they should BUY the territory of the S.B.A.s & convert them into a full British colony like Gibraltar & the Falkland Islands.

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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:18 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:The Cypriots shouldn't hate the British,but they should hate Irish Roman Catholics (Taigs),as the Taigs have caused nothing but trouble,not just in the U.K. & both countries on the isle of Ireland,but also in New Zealand as well.Being of Scots descent myself,I come from a very fiercely anti-Taig family,who know full well that I admire Ian Paisley of Ulster (as in the one who should have been made a hereditary Lord years ago!).

The Sovereign Base Areas ARE legally established.Read the text of the Cyprus Independence Agreement of 1959 to find out for yourself.The British owe the Cypriot Government some back rent,but they should BUY the territory of the S.B.A.s & convert them into a full British colony like Gibraltar & the Falkland Islands.


Why would the British buy the Bases when they can carry on being squatters .... i.e. using them and not paying rent.

Can Britain afford Cyprus property prices ... I don't think so. They are priceless dear, so give them back to their rightful owners ..... the Cypriot people or pay your rent ...
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:25 pm

Oracle,the British Government CAN afford to buy the S.B.A.s.The reason why I said this is that the British can compensate the Cypriot Government by paying the back rent owing,& by buying the S.B.A.s,they can assist in compensating the Cypriot people as well.It's the best of both worlds,I think.

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Postby murf62 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:01 pm

Why would we buy them, they're a part of Europe and therefore are as much ours as they are Cypriot. ;)
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:06 pm

murf62 wrote:Why would we buy them, they're a part of Europe and therefore are as much ours as they are Cypriot. ;)

Would you believe it? .... they are excluded from EU jurisdiction by demand from the UK! :roll:

Those clever Brits thought of everything in their efforts to avoid paying their rent or giving them back!
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:08 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Oracle,the British Government CAN afford to buy the S.B.A.s.The reason why I said this is that the British can compensate the Cypriot Government by paying the back rent owing,& by buying the S.B.A.s,they can assist in compensating the Cypriot people as well.It's the best of both worlds,I think.


Wake up Aiden ... it's not some "Dungeons and Dragons Game" where you can make the rules up as you go along!
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:11 pm

Murf62,both Cyprus & the U.K. are both E.U. member states as well as being parts of the British Commonwealth.The S.B.A.s are the island of Cyprus' equivilant of Gibraltar & the Falkland Islands - British colonies in which the Army is the largest employer of local people.

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