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Where to get a Mod Chip fitted to a Xbox360 & Wii In Cyp

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Where to get a Mod Chip fitted to a Xbox360 & Wii In Cyp

Postby Drunken_Ninja » Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:33 am

Does anyone know where I can get a Mod Chip fitted to my Xbox 360 & Wii so that it can play back-up games - With my kids the discs always get scratched so like all of my DVD's I want them backed up on an exclusive hard-drive and ready to burn...

Been in Cyprus 7 years and still have not found a place where I can get this done, I brought a Modded PS2 with me from England but now I have a lot of damaged games that need replacing...

I'm in Nicosia but don't mind travelling...

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Postby Drunken_Ninja » Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:11 pm

Still Looking...
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Postby Spetz » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:07 pm

They know heaps about this stuff and in fact have tutorials of how you do it yourself.
I've modded my own PSP using a tutorial and I am planning on modding my 360 as well
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Postby JoJo » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:17 pm

Drunken_Ninja I do not think people will tell you on the forum because they will be in fact telling you which shops engage in illegal activities...get my drift. :wink:
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Postby Drunken_Ninja » Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:31 pm

Thanks for the replies, I modded my PSP which is easy cause it's only a firmware upgrade but an Xbox360 or Wii involves Hardware upgrade which involves soldering...

I once tried to Mod a PS2 and it died, I quickly realised after that it is a job for professionals and not DIY...

As for being illegal this is not the case, I have lots of Original games that are scratched and want to play back-up copies of them, which I can assure you is legal... Plus Modding a console in it's self is not illegal it just voids the consoles warranty...
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Postby murf62 » Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:29 pm

I used to do 360s, but can't be bothered anymore ( ... light=xbox). Ignore the email address in that thread, I don't check it anymore.

It can be done by flashing the firmware on the DVD drive and it not as difficult as it sounds. You need a SATA card in your PC and a bit of knowledge. If you've done PSPs then you should be able to do a 360 after a bit of reading. All you need to know can be found here..

For the Wii, you need to solder a chip in. I have fitted a few Wii Keys ( but as you said they require soldering. I hear there is a version 2 Wii that you can't get keys for yet? Again, read up on these sites for more info.

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Postby Spetz » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:42 pm

Yeah it's not illegal
You can own copies of games that you own originals of, as mentioned for "back ups" etc
The xbox 360 can of what I understand be upgraded via firmware only as well

PS. if you go to then maybe you can search for members within cyprus and pm them where to get this done
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Postby Drunken_Ninja » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:38 am

Thanks for the information, not sure what a SATA is but I will try to find out, I only have 2 Laptop's at home so I'm hoping they are upto the task of flashing the Xbox 360, it's an old one so they probably cracked it ages ago, as for the Wii thats around a year old and like I said I'm not doing any soldering after busting up my PS2 years back, seems the Wii might be a tougher task anyway....
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Postby murf62 » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:57 am

You will not do it with a Laptop, it's not possible. You need a desktop with a 6421 SATA card such as this one: ... dZViewItem

It has everything you need including all the guides (with videos). This is what I bought when I started out doing them.

As for the Wii, the soldering job is a lot easier than the old PS2s, only 6 wires if I remember correctly.
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Postby Drunken_Ninja » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:33 am

murf62 wrote:You will not do it with a Laptop, it's not possible. You need a desktop with a 6421 SATA card such as this one: ... dZViewItem

It has everything you need including all the guides (with videos). This is what I bought when I started out doing them.

As for the Wii, the soldering job is a lot easier than the old PS2s, only 6 wires if I remember correctly.

If I buy that SATA Card from ebay can I then attach that to my laptop? is there any way to attach it externally?

How come you stopped providing this service murf... I'll pay you 60 EUROS if you would do it?

If I could just buy that card and attach it to my laptop I would give it a try but if I am going to need to buy a desktop and the card it's just not going to be worth the hasstle...[/GVideo]
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