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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:27 am

miltiades wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

My personal experience , though not true in all cases , is that a loving and supporting family can greatly enhance the prospects of fighting terminal deceases , something to always look forward in doing .
Here is a little insight into my personal experience.
When my wife was first diagnosed we were all devastated , the young doctor who broke the news was severely reprimanded by my self for the way in which he calmly announced to my wife while on her own , you have cancer and it is in a progressive stage. Don't ask me , he said , how long you have !!! What a first class idiot. I saw red when my wife related the conversation he had with her. That was in July 2002 , six years on and my wife has seen our daughter get married in Cyprus , attended the first wedding ie the civic one , saw our grand daughter born and will shortly if all well see our grand son born. Its a tough battle and very disheartening for all around the sufferer . Chemos , operations , depression , and worst of all pain , the kind of pain that only morphine can ease , personal " indignities " forced upon the sufferer by the decease , it takes courage and the hope to carry on but above all it takes the love and care of a partner that has at the uppermost of his mind the time when their life was full of laughter , no sickness , enjoyment , seeing the kids grow up and share all life's pleasures.
That is why I attach so much importance to family life and I can honestly say that what keeps my wife going is the tremendous love she has for the little one who looks so much like her .
We never discuss the ultimate inevitabilty but this last few months have been very tough and one evening she asked where I would like to be buried. I replied wherever its easier for my family , well she said , I want to be in Cyprus . .

bless you miltiades, and bless your wife.
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Postby LENA » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:43 am

GorillaGal wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

death is part of life, and it is not the end. if you were dreaming of your grandmother, perhaps she was coming to comfort you to let you know she was ok. my mother was afraid of dying, and i used to try to comfort her by telling her that we were there now, and when it was time for her to cross over, she should go to the light, and those who had died before her (her friends and family members) would be there on the other side to help her and welcome her. and i would always end it by telling her that when she gets to the light, "make sure you put in a good word for me!"
the day after her funeral, i went to a psychic, who made you think of your questions--not verbally tell her, and she told you the answers. she did not know i had just lost my mother. anyway, one of my questions was a very general question about my mom, and the answer was "the message has been delivered." she asked me if that meant anything to me, and i said yes. i know my mom got to the otehr said, and put in that good word fo me!

i also had a friend that died of a heart attack about 3 years ago. he came to me in a dream to say goodbye. i knew he was dead, and asked him what he was doing here, and he said he had to finish something with a kid he knew. he was always involved with children, a very generous man when it came to kids. i asked him a little about what it was like on the other side, and told him he could come back anytime. when i woke up, i could feel he was still standing next to my bed. i used to sleep naked, i won't do that anymore...just in case he wants to come back.

may i suggest any books by Raymond Moody. he is the forefather of the Near Death Experiences. it is quiet interesting, and not at all scarey.

GG I did heard stories like your and even more convincing about the next life etc etc but that do not give me any comfort. As for my grandmother i still dont know what was that but I had to go through all that for 2 years.

Anyway as i said I dont mind the pain and my death but I am scared of the death of one of my beloveds.
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Postby LENA » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:49 am

miltiades wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

My personal experience , though not true in all cases , is that a loving and supporting family can greatly enhance the prospects of fighting terminal deceases , something to always look forward in doing .
Here is a little insight into my personal experience.
When my wife was first diagnosed we were all devastated , the young doctor who broke the news was severely reprimanded by my self for the way in which he calmly announced to my wife while on her own , you have cancer and it is in a progressive stage. Don't ask me , he said , how long you have !!! What a first class idiot. I saw red when my wife related the conversation he had with her. That was in July 2002 , six years on and my wife has seen our daughter get married in Cyprus , attended the first wedding ie the civic one , saw our grand daughter born and will shortly if all well see our grand son born. Its a tough battle and very disheartening for all around the sufferer . Chemos , operations , depression , and worst of all pain , the kind of pain that only morphine can ease , personal " indignities " forced upon the sufferer by the decease , it takes courage and the hope to carry on but above all it takes the love and care of a partner that has at the uppermost of his mind the time when their life was full of laughter , no sickness , enjoyment , seeing the kids grow up and share all life's pleasures.
That is why I attach so much importance to family life and I can honestly say that what keeps my wife going is the tremendous love she has for the little one who looks so much like her .
We never discuss the ultimate inevitabilty but this last few months have been very tough and one evening she asked where I would like to be buried. I replied wherever its easier for my family , well she said , I want to be in Cyprus . .

I admire you for the courage and the love you show towards your wife. You are a great gentleman Miltiade mou and your wife is lucky to have you by her side.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:50 am

LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

death is part of life, and it is not the end. if you were dreaming of your grandmother, perhaps she was coming to comfort you to let you know she was ok. my mother was afraid of dying, and i used to try to comfort her by telling her that we were there now, and when it was time for her to cross over, she should go to the light, and those who had died before her (her friends and family members) would be there on the other side to help her and welcome her. and i would always end it by telling her that when she gets to the light, "make sure you put in a good word for me!"
the day after her funeral, i went to a psychic, who made you think of your questions--not verbally tell her, and she told you the answers. she did not know i had just lost my mother. anyway, one of my questions was a very general question about my mom, and the answer was "the message has been delivered." she asked me if that meant anything to me, and i said yes. i know my mom got to the otehr said, and put in that good word fo me!

i also had a friend that died of a heart attack about 3 years ago. he came to me in a dream to say goodbye. i knew he was dead, and asked him what he was doing here, and he said he had to finish something with a kid he knew. he was always involved with children, a very generous man when it came to kids. i asked him a little about what it was like on the other side, and told him he could come back anytime. when i woke up, i could feel he was still standing next to my bed. i used to sleep naked, i won't do that anymore...just in case he wants to come back.

may i suggest any books by Raymond Moody. he is the forefather of the Near Death Experiences. it is quiet interesting, and not at all scarey.

GG I did heard stories like your and even more convincing about the next life etc etc but that do not give me any comfort. As for my grandmother i still dont know what was that but I had to go through all that for 2 years.

Anyway as i said I dont mind the pain and my death but I am scared of the death of one of my beloveds.

You are a caring loving girl Lena , dont worry darling your loved ones are blessed to have you to love them .
Good night sweetie sleep well , hope to see you soon , regards to mum .
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:51 am

miltiades wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

My personal experience , though not true in all cases , is that a loving and supporting family can greatly enhance the prospects of fighting terminal deceases , something to always look forward in doing .
Here is a little insight into my personal experience.
When my wife was first diagnosed we were all devastated , the young doctor who broke the news was severely reprimanded by my self for the way in which he calmly announced to my wife while on her own , you have cancer and it is in a progressive stage. Don't ask me , he said , how long you have !!! What a first class idiot. I saw red when my wife related the conversation he had with her. That was in July 2002 , six years on and my wife has seen our daughter get married in Cyprus , attended the first wedding ie the civic one , saw our grand daughter born and will shortly if all well see our grand son born. Its a tough battle and very disheartening for all around the sufferer . Chemos , operations , depression , and worst of all pain , the kind of pain that only morphine can ease , personal " indignities " forced upon the sufferer by the decease , it takes courage and the hope to carry on but above all it takes the love and care of a partner that has at the uppermost of his mind the time when their life was full of laughter , no sickness , enjoyment , seeing the kids grow up and share all life's pleasures.
That is why I attach so much importance to family life and I can honestly say that what keeps my wife going is the tremendous love she has for the little one who looks so much like her .
We never discuss the ultimate inevitabilty but this last few months have been very tough and one evening she asked where I would like to be buried. I replied wherever its easier for my family , well she said , I want to be in Cyprus . .

You are both brave Miltiades. I dont know what to say. Our thoughts are with you.
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Postby LENA » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:16 am

miltiades wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:Lena, i am sorry fo your friend's loss, and yours.
i think we all hope to have a quick and painless death, but sometimes knowing that time is going to come is a good thing for the family. when my mother died, i had 14 months to prepare for it. never having lost anyone that close to me, it gave me the time i needed to learn about death and dying (i read alot of books on the subject to prepare myself). also it gave me time to say what i had to with my mom, and ask her all the questions i had. in my case, i was my mother's least favorite child, yet i was the one to take care of her, while my sisters were off doing...whatever it is they did.... it was a wonderful time for my mother and i to finally bond. i am sorry my mom had to suffer, but having that time with her really made her realise, and let me know, that i was an ok person after all.

Thanks GG, but for me it doesnt work like that. Death is the only thing that I cannot cope very well with, in fact I cannot cope with it at all. I spend 2 years to get used to the idea of my grandmothers death and stop dreaming of her which totally freaked me out. I avoid funerals as much as I can and thank God I did not have to attend in any for few years now. I cannot imagine the grief people go through every day for months until the end of their beloved ones. I think if I knew something like that for a close friend or a member of my family will kill me first. I admire the one who stand by their side strong and ready to encourage them. Most of the times I've seen the patients give courage to the rest and not the opposite.

death is part of life, and it is not the end. if you were dreaming of your grandmother, perhaps she was coming to comfort you to let you know she was ok. my mother was afraid of dying, and i used to try to comfort her by telling her that we were there now, and when it was time for her to cross over, she should go to the light, and those who had died before her (her friends and family members) would be there on the other side to help her and welcome her. and i would always end it by telling her that when she gets to the light, "make sure you put in a good word for me!"
the day after her funeral, i went to a psychic, who made you think of your questions--not verbally tell her, and she told you the answers. she did not know i had just lost my mother. anyway, one of my questions was a very general question about my mom, and the answer was "the message has been delivered." she asked me if that meant anything to me, and i said yes. i know my mom got to the otehr said, and put in that good word fo me!

i also had a friend that died of a heart attack about 3 years ago. he came to me in a dream to say goodbye. i knew he was dead, and asked him what he was doing here, and he said he had to finish something with a kid he knew. he was always involved with children, a very generous man when it came to kids. i asked him a little about what it was like on the other side, and told him he could come back anytime. when i woke up, i could feel he was still standing next to my bed. i used to sleep naked, i won't do that anymore...just in case he wants to come back.

may i suggest any books by Raymond Moody. he is the forefather of the Near Death Experiences. it is quiet interesting, and not at all scarey.

GG I did heard stories like your and even more convincing about the next life etc etc but that do not give me any comfort. As for my grandmother i still dont know what was that but I had to go through all that for 2 years.

Anyway as i said I dont mind the pain and my death but I am scared of the death of one of my beloveds.

You are a caring loving girl Lena , dont worry darling your loved ones are blessed to have you to love them .
Good night sweetie sleep well , hope to see you soon , regards to mum .

Thank you for all your good words. I will pass your regards if you give a kiss to the princess from me. Good night Miltiade mou.
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Re: for Oracle, Chesire Cat, and all of us

Postby webbo » Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:08 pm

GorillaGal wrote:

please watch, this is wonderful!

God bless you and your courage GG. We are all behind you.
That goes for any other Forum Friends out there if you are fighting any illness.

After any family death whether they have been young or old, the one thing I have learned through them all is to live life to the full. I try to

Bubbles x 8)
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