Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Al-Qaeeda?

...but then you failed the spelling test

Spelling from Arabic is as complex as Greek v Cypriot greek spelling.
I tried to make it simple for readers who would not appreciate the complexities of the Arabic language. A phonetic spelling is the easiest for some to help them read phonetically.
There are three letters in the Arabic language which give an approximate sound to the English 'K'. There are five letters that will givre the approximation of the English 'H' sound. The same goes to the 'A' sound. What does not help the ignorant (as I assume you are ignorant of the Arabic language) is the absence of 'vowels' in most words. You either guess them, or follow the grammar' or less helpful are the little squigles above the letters which give an idea of the 'sound' to be produced.
OrPh, unless you studied Arabic, just shut up will you. Innallahimma'asaabirin.(God give me patience-with you)
I will not challenge your 'micro-biology' you will not challenge me on what I have studied.