LENA wrote:Something I never understood is why the post are deleted and then the thread is locked...For some people like myself that dont read anymore the forum that often is hard to understand why the thread was locked.
By the way I agree with locking the threads but not deleting the post...dont see the reason actually but whatever. Lana could you please explain me that because I feel stupid?
None of the posts today, were deleted before they were locked ... I think Kafenes made an assumption that some posts were deleted because what is actually posted at the moment is not very offensive.
I don't know why any of them were locked today ... they were pretty tame by some standards. Although Deniz was discussing Gerald Durrell being a spy .... so that may be libelous ....
However yesterday, Cheshire Cat went too far and after she complained to Admin that DT. and GR! were being horrible to her (

OK .... any further queries please do not hesitate to ask
Yours sincerely