Teajay wrote:Hello Guys
Just wanted to say hello, and we will be over in May to spend some time in our holiday apartment we have just brought. Can't wait! About flights, I live in Germany, and flights anywhere from here have always been frighteningly expensive and more often than not it was cheaper to fly to UK with a budjet airline, then onto Cyprus (Yep, crazy, I know). BUT.....not sure what's happening at the mo, but booked return fligths from Munich for June for 197 Euro return, July for 280 Euro return and August for 310 Euro return. Lovely Jubbly! Night flights with Lufthansa, but hey, am happy with those!
Jet2 now also flying into Cyprus, I hear. Mr. Ryanair not happy about airport taxes at Cyprus. Shame, because since he came into Friedrichshafen (Lake Konstanz in Bavaria) there are now 2 flights a day and the tourism has boomed winter and summer here.
Anyway, snowing here, so enjoy the sun