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Lokmaci Gate

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby CopperLine » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:09 pm

Open the crossing. The rest will follow.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:12 pm

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:No point at all mate. As you said intimidatory.

You never know one day we will be able to live side by side as we live in the UK. If a solution is ever found and the GC's can return to Varosha where my farther is from I will come back to my beloved Cyprus.

As it stands I find it too painful to return as I'm denied to visit my family home.

You have my sympathy, but my sympathy is not what WE want. We would like a solution which would be acceptable to the majority of Cypriots. Lets hope the new President will achieve what Tpapa could not or would not.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:13 pm

I hope your right CopperLine.

Little moves like this can make a difference to how each community see the other.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:16 pm

observer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
observer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Overall, the underlying Turkish Cypriot agenda is one of PARTITION so any petty arguments pertaining to bringing the two communities together, such as the Ledra street gate/crossing, are moot.

Can you really think that the 75% who voted for voted for a BBF under the terms of the Annan Plan wanted Partition? Even you must admit that it's a strange way of trying for it.

The 65% wanted a solution based on BBF with "Virgin Birth" concept on new states, which each more or less run their own affairs as they saw fit. If that was not a partition, then I don't know what partition is. Once in the EU, in time, either state could have declared Unilateral Declaration of Independence, and either state would have had limited recognition, just as Kosovo has done.

In order to have an honest BBF, "Virgin Birth" concept will need to come in the form of a True Federation & Democracy, otherwise the whole "Virgin Birth" concept is nothing more than second coming of crises in the future.

There are now a little over 200 countries who are members of the United Nations. I don't know for sure, but I'm prepared to bet that every single one of them has a different constitution based on its own particular history. Cyprus' history seems to me to indicate that a loose federation is the best way to start. No community dominates, no community feels that the other is getting a bigger share of the cake. If it works, common interest will bring closer ties naturally. If it doesn't work then it is better to drift apart in agreement as Czechoslovakia has done.

And I can guarantee you Observer, that the Cyprus history between the TC's and the GC's is a very short one, if we are to start the clock from 1960 onwards, in comparison with the other 200 countries in the UN. There absolutely no justification to form a BBF based on a Swiss model which is a Confederation to have a "Virgin Birth" on land which large majority belongs to the GC's, who may not want to be in the new "Virgin Birth" state in the North. A True Federation is the only fair way for Cyprus. I want to see Jesus walk on water first before I can believe that the GC's will ever say yes to a BBF based on "Virgin Birth".

United States have 50 States in the Union, not counting other territories, and there is a mechanism in place, that any State can secede from the Union, if they wish to do so, but it is not easy, which requires an agreement from the citizens from that State and also from other States as well as from Congress. That's what we need in Cyprus, where one state just can't decide one day to just pack up and leave the Union in Cyprus as if it was a Confederacy. We TC's do not own the North to have a Confederacy and the only way to own the North legally, is through a "Virgin Birth". You then say, if it does not work, then we should just drift apart, as in clean break partition. Clean break partition with what.?? We TC's do not own the Northern part of Cyprus legally, so how can we just break away and keep it legally. Has the last 24 years not proven that recognition has not come, because we do not own the north. Kosovo got a lot of recognition, due to the fact the Albanian Kosovars have been living on that land for very long time. That's why Kosovo and the "TRNC is no match for an argument, because there is absolutely no comparison.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:18 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
GeorgeV97qaue wrote:No point at all mate. As you said intimidatory.

You never know one day we will be able to live side by side as we live in the UK. If a solution is ever found and the GC's can return to Varosha where my farther is from I will come back to my beloved Cyprus.

As it stands I find it too painful to return as I'm denied to visit my family home.

You have my sympathy, but my sympathy is not what WE want. We would like a solution which would be acceptable to the majority of Cypriots. Lets hope the new President will achieve what Tpapa could not or would not.

I agree with you mate. Lets hope both leaders have the courage to put a solution into place that suits us Cypriots not Turkey not Greece or any other outside influience. If we are left alone I'm sure we can meet a common ground. We are the same the only difference is our religon. I have many Tc freinds in the UK and their parents treat me as family and visa versa with my parents.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:25 pm

CopperLine wrote:Open the crossing. The rest will follow.

"Field of Dreams". :D
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:28 pm

Kikapu wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Open the crossing. The rest will follow.

"Field of Dreams". :D

Black South Africas may have said the same thing back when they were under white rule. Now look they run the country. Field of dreams maybe but you can never say never.
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Postby CopperLine » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:32 pm

Kikapu wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Open the crossing. The rest will follow.

"Field of Dreams". :D

I agree with you.

There are thousands of reasons, claims and counter-claims why not to open the crossing.

There's one good reason to open the crossing. It'll allow people to talk to each other .... (oh, and it'll save people twenty five minutes walking round through the Ledra crossing) ... that the Lokmaci gate is blocked is just plain silly.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Open the crossing. The rest will follow.

"Field of Dreams". :D

I just meant that, "If you build it, they will come".

(It's from the movie "Field of Dreams" to those who got a little confused.)
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Postby CopperLine » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:55 pm

Ah, got you :D
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