kafenes wrote:denizaksulu wrote:kafenes wrote:Spoke to mum today and asked her about 'makhjagal'. She believes it's an Armenian word from the 2 words, mahich (meaning bed) and agal (meaning embrace). In the Armenian Bible, Jesus healed a sick man in the street and told him 'pick up your MAHICH and go home'. Your interpretation of it being a 'camp bed' could be very close as well. I will do some more research.
Kafenes, I did not realise this was one of your quiz's Just spoke to an Afgani student (she reminded me of Ojen (Eugenie) She said it sounded like a Surname, then said it could be 'Kurdish' . She will ask her Kurdish boyfriend and let me know..
No Deniz, not a quiz this time.
I just was so sure it would have been of Turkish origin. But the as you first said 'night jackal' could have been a brand name which got stuck(like Hoover for vacuum cleaners) for metal barred camp beds.
BTW when you were young did you used to kill wasps and take them to the police station and get some money for them?
A big YES. Half-a shilling each. It was wonderful. In the blazing heat, near the village fountain (taps/cesme) with a branch of som brush wood. We would kill the sods and take them to the agriculture officer who paid us. We would save enough money and hire the local bus which would take us to Larnaca to the open air cinema. The bastards sting bad though.