denizaksulu wrote:Natty wrote:Well hello there Denise, how are you my dear?
Olan is a weird one. we say "nedir olan yaptigin". Which means what on earth are you doing. The word "olan" seems to emphasise the question.
In the GC dialect it seems it's also used to emphasise, usually that you're quite exasperated with a certain situation...If that makes any sense….
Yes, you have it. It is an emphsising word. Not only in questions. Statements too. It gives some weight to what you are saying. I have never analysed the use of that word until today. When we use it it comes naturally.
Yeah, it's used in pretty much the same way in the GC dialect. It's just there to put more emphasis on what you're saying. Glad I've given you something to think about, I always find it really interesting trying to find out where words come from. I think that's why I've stuck mainly on this thread since I've been online.
So if there is no real meaning to the word in Turkish aswell, do you think it could have derived from another language, Arabic perhaps?
A simple sentence. gel olan buraya. Meaning simply come here. Ela re boudgahame. Did I write that right?
Almost, as Kafenes said, it's more 'Fige re boudahame'. Does 'Kel' mean ‘come’ then? There's a Greek song called 'Kel Kel Aman', which I presume means 'Come Come Aman'...
(Don't worry, that's the last time I'll call you Denise. I think I’ve overused it as it's beginning to lose it's beauty..
