Oracle wrote:Sega wrote:Oracle wrote:Sega wrote:sal wrote:just spotted in a post on the abandoned puppies that said instead of siga-siga it is Cypriot to say 'yali yali'
that right?
Yes it is Cypriot. Yali yali means the same thing as siga siga, slowly slowly. The true Cypriot language is a mixture of Greek and Turkish words. For instance Barberis (barber) is a Turkish word. I use it far more than the greek equivalent of Kourias. You have a choice, it's ashame that many have forgetted their Turkish equivalents, but I know them well. lol
Yeah yeah yeah, forgotten Turkish words .... tough!... shouldn't have put themselves in quarantine then .....
The expression in Cyprus is "siga ... siga"
Aways has been ... always will be!
End of.
heyMy grandparents say yali yali, and sometimes I say it too and many of my friends say it.
Circles... triagles
Did I name them all?