To keep declaring war ... so that you can then declare peace?

Catch 22

The boring brigade are here .... so unless someone comes up with a rational point to discuss (whilst leaving their ego aside), then I will be busy elsewhere.
webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:Lets have a look at those who have been on the recieving end of your venom,
The Turks ( obviously) The Americans, The French, Most of the EU, The British, Is there any nationality you do like other than the Greeks or The GC's
I Note that you are Anglo -Cypriot Do you hate the English side of yourself, I do not hate any nationality in particular there are Certain Cypriots who have upset me, but I do NOT and I repeat NOT hate all cypriots.
You have a serious problem,
You cannot cope with other people having an opinion, GET A LIFE GIRL before it is too late.
Opinions I love .....
People without reason ... that means you .... I have no wish to engage with.
You lost the argument on your motives regarding Cypriot bashing ... now you change tack.
Well I don't give a damn.
Why bother to reply then?![]()
Cheshire Cat wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:Lets have a look at those who have been on the recieving end of your venom,
The Turks ( obviously) The Americans, The French, Most of the EU, The British, Is there any nationality you do like other than the Greeks or The GC's
I Note that you are Anglo -Cypriot Do you hate the English side of yourself, I do not hate any nationality in particular there are Certain Cypriots who have upset me, but I do NOT and I repeat NOT hate all cypriots.
You have a serious problem,
You cannot cope with other people having an opinion, GET A LIFE GIRL before it is too late.
Opinions I love .....
People without reason ... that means you .... I have no wish to engage with.
You lost the argument on your motives regarding Cypriot bashing ... now you change tack.
Well I don't give a damn.
Why bother to reply then?![]()
Bubbles, Can I talk to you,?
You Make sense!!
webbo wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:Lets have a look at those who have been on the recieving end of your venom,
The Turks ( obviously) The Americans, The French, Most of the EU, The British, Is there any nationality you do like other than the Greeks or The GC's
I Note that you are Anglo -Cypriot Do you hate the English side of yourself, I do not hate any nationality in particular there are Certain Cypriots who have upset me, but I do NOT and I repeat NOT hate all cypriots.
You have a serious problem,
You cannot cope with other people having an opinion, GET A LIFE GIRL before it is too late.
Opinions I love .....
People without reason ... that means you .... I have no wish to engage with.
You lost the argument on your motives regarding Cypriot bashing ... now you change tack.
Well I don't give a damn.
Why bother to reply then?![]()
Bubbles, Can I talk to you,?
You Make sense!!
Of course you may CC - that is what this Forum is all about!![]()
It will be quiet without Orph around though!![]()
I will be logging off soon too. Mother's Day and being spoiled by my 'boys'
(Will be back later - unless I have too much wine!?!?)
Bubbles x
Cheshire Cat wrote:webbo wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:Cheshire Cat wrote:Lets have a look at those who have been on the recieving end of your venom,
The Turks ( obviously) The Americans, The French, Most of the EU, The British, Is there any nationality you do like other than the Greeks or The GC's
I Note that you are Anglo -Cypriot Do you hate the English side of yourself, I do not hate any nationality in particular there are Certain Cypriots who have upset me, but I do NOT and I repeat NOT hate all cypriots.
You have a serious problem,
You cannot cope with other people having an opinion, GET A LIFE GIRL before it is too late.
Opinions I love .....
People without reason ... that means you .... I have no wish to engage with.
You lost the argument on your motives regarding Cypriot bashing ... now you change tack.
Well I don't give a damn.
Why bother to reply then?![]()
Bubbles, Can I talk to you,?
You Make sense!!
Of course you may CC - that is what this Forum is all about!![]()
It will be quiet without Orph around though!![]()
I will be logging off soon too. Mother's Day and being spoiled by my 'boys'
(Will be back later - unless I have too much wine!?!?)
Bubbles x
My Daughter Brought me breakfast in bed this morning!!! That and loads of kisses and cuddles. Made my day !!
Enjoy Mothers Day
GorillaGal wrote:now, now Oracle, time to make peace! please be nice, and you too CC!
Sophia1 wrote:Oracle why do you always think every one is against Cypriots? Each to there own babes just think of number 1 for now, YOU.. Has any one these day's stoped and listen to some good advise or someones good ideas?? No they will only learn by making there own mistakes. Cypriots have changed they have wider range of Opportunities than before, they can speak out, they have alot more materialistic things they never had before.
The Cypriots including my self are very proud and only we know our history and what our parents and grandparents went through and came out of it smelling like sweet roses so no one not even the whole of Europe can change the Cypriots and that is what make me a proud Greek Cypriot..
The G.C's that live abroad still celebrate the G.C holidays, and cook the same food and dance the same dances, but we still mix with other cultures and yes I have to educate them about our culture. You know one day I was minding my own business at school and my teacher looked straight into my eyes and said "We should of gased you Greeks when we had the chance" Oracle has any one ever said any thing racist to you? or has made you feel like you do not belong any were? We English Greek Cypriots have, when I was living in Cyprus my comfort zone I use to call it I use to get abuse off people all the time but they got to know me and now they are my best friends and they helped change me for the better!! I am so greatful for that.
Sophia1 wrote:Oracle why do you always think every one is against Cypriots? Each to there own babes just think of number 1 for now, YOU.. Has any one these day's stoped and listen to some good advise or someones good ideas?? No they will only learn by making there own mistakes. Cypriots have changed they have wider range of Opportunities than before, they can speak out, they have alot more materialistic things they never had before.
The Cypriots including my self are very proud and only we know our history and what our parents and grandparents went through and came out of it smelling like sweet roses so no one not even the whole of Europe can change the Cypriots and that is what make me a proud Greek Cypriot..
The G.C's that live abroad still celebrate the G.C holidays, and cook the same food and dance the same dances, but we still mix with other cultures and yes I have to educate them about our culture. You know one day I was minding my own business at school and my teacher looked straight into my eyes and said "We should of gased you Greeks when we had the chance" Oracle has any one ever said any thing racist to you? or has made you feel like you do not belong any were? We English Greek Cypriots have, when I was living in Cyprus my comfort zone I use to call it I use to get abuse off people all the time but they got to know me and now they are my best friends and they helped change me for the better!! I am so greatful for that.
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