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Islam - rewritten rules by Turkish Scholars

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Islam - rewritten rules by Turkish Scholars

Postby tessintrnc » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:59 pm

May of us argued - and discussed for many days, Quamerland's version of Islam. I was very interested to find out that Turkey has appointed some top theological scholars to radically update the sayings of the Prophet to reflect life TODAY rather than the times when Islam was founded. They have even appointed 450 woman Imams!! It makes for interesting reading, and I am looking forward to the results!!!

I would like to know Quamersland's views on this!!!

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Re: Islam - rewritten rules by Turkish Scholars

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:50 pm

tessintrnc wrote:May of us argued - and discussed for many days, Quamerland's version of Islam. I was very interested to find out that Turkey has appointed some top theological scholars to radically update the sayings of the Prophet to reflect life TODAY rather than the times when Islam was founded. They have even appointed 450 woman Imams!! It makes for interesting reading, and I am looking forward to the results!!!

I would like to know Quamersland's views on this!!!


I agree with you that this is an earth-shattering development. It is tantamount to turning Sharia into a system of rational, codified law without changing its name.

One thing that puzzles me is that I can find absolutely no reference to this in the Turkish press. It is only the BBC who have reported it. I would be especially interested to know what Islamic papers like Zaman have got to say. If anybody can provide a link, I wuld be grateful.

Actually, there are so many mutually contradictory hadith out there - or even contradictory verses of the Quran - that it has always been possible to pick and chose and create a form of Islamic law that suits the people who frame it. Now the AKP seems determined to prove that Kemalism was what the prophet Muhammad had in mind all along!

I can't see the Arab world taking kindly to Turks playing about with the hadith, though. I thought of Qamersland when I heard about this on the BBC World Service news. I'm glad you raised this question.
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Postby zan » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:56 pm

If any book was static then there would not be so many variations of all the major religions.....
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Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:19 pm

The Turkish Minister of Religious Affairs has denied that any kind of work is going on to revise the hadith. He says that the Western press has got the wrong end of the stick.

This is an article in Turkish about it:
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Re: Islam - rewritten rules by Turkish Scholars

Postby kurupetos » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:20 pm

tessintrnc wrote:May of us argued - and discussed for many days, Quamerland's version of Islam. I was very interested to find out that Turkey has appointed some top theological scholars to radically update the sayings of the Prophet to reflect life TODAY rather than the times when Islam was founded. They have even appointed 450 woman Imams!! It makes for interesting reading, and I am looking forward to the results!!!

I would like to know Quamersland's views on this!!!


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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:08 pm

Here is an English language report covering the denial made by Turkish Minister of Religious Affairs, Bardakoglu, that Turkey is engaged in reforming Islam: ... th-review/

I think it is significant that Bardakoglu made these statements at Istanbul airport just as he was departing on an official visit to Saudi Arabia. I think it was designed to defuse any possible conservative reaction that he might encounter in that most Islamic of kingdoms.

Reading between the lines, I actually think that some kind of reform is going on. If so, it is a very welcome development. The major fault line in the present day world appears to be between the West and politicised Islam. Reforming Islam to bring into touch with the modern world could well help to heal this breach.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:34 pm

Tim, I have also read this "lukewarm" denial of the BBc's report. I hope that you are right, and that some more modern day approach and understanding of Islam is forthcoming.............
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