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Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

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Postby Bill » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:01 pm

cyprusgrump wrote: I don’t think the problem will be solved until the expat community stops ‘solving’ the problem or perhaps even better takes the dumped animals to the village office and makes it their problem.

Now that's a good idea except that they won't actually do anything.

Not so long ago whilst travelling from Larnaca to Limassol I witnessed a dog ( Cyprus poodle ) being thrown out of a car on the highway hard shoulder the car then drove off with the dog running behind ~ I narrowly missed the dog and pulled over to try and grab it but it ran off desperate to catch up with it's wonderful owners ~ what shocked me most of all was the smiling faces of the children at the rear window waving good bye :evil:

What happened to the dog ~~ well it was run over further down the road by some idiot in a pick up who made no effort at all to avoid running the dog over :roll:

This is apparently the accepted Cypriot way to get rid of unwanted pets if the amount of dead dogs you see along the highways is anything to go by.

Hardly what I would describe as a civilized attitude to pet ownership.

I've been told off by a couple of my Cypriot friends for making a fuss of their dog ~ the poor thing is tied up at the back of the house and when ever I've gone to pet it it's barked for ages after I've left.

I could recount many stories of cruelty to animals during my many years of visiting Cyprus and more recently actually living here ~ it is getting better but still needs a major shake up of the Cypriot attitude.

I can happily report that I know two Cypriot families who actually let their pet dog inside the house ~ there must be more but I haven't come across them yet.

Last edited by Bill on Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:01 pm

Bucksboy wrote:
Oracle wrote:I see no one has actually addressed the question of why their lifestyle is better than that of the average Cypriot. :roll:

.... anyone venture a nugget? :D

So why is your Zeitgeist better than Cypriot Zeitgeist?

It depends what your lifestyle is. Can you enlarge and tell us with your experience what comprises the Cypriot lifestyle? :)

Bucksboy .... you're just passing the buck! :D

I set the question, you are the guest: now answer .... if you can?
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Postby Brittania » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:09 pm

Oracle wrote:
Brittania wrote:sorry didn't mean to be rude...its just that i've been reading your posts regarding some Turkish Cypriots and they seem to brand everyone with the same brush! I was very shocked when i read it.

Welcome Brittania .... wishing you luck in ruling the waves on the forum :D

..... Is there a reason for the non-traditional spelling? :wink:

My complaint is with the Turks and the supporters of partition and continued occupation of Cyprus.

It is with some of their memes I have issue with .... none of their genes.

Perhaps the Turk's Zeitgeist needs to go under the microscope 8)

Brit - Tania name and nationality in one.
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Postby kafenes » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:20 pm

Brittania wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Brittania wrote:sorry didn't mean to be rude...its just that i've been reading your posts regarding some Turkish Cypriots and they seem to brand everyone with the same brush! I was very shocked when i read it.

Welcome Brittania .... wishing you luck in ruling the waves on the forum :D

..... Is there a reason for the non-traditional spelling? :wink:

My complaint is with the Turks and the supporters of partition and continued occupation of Cyprus.

It is with some of their memes I have issue with .... none of their genes.

Perhaps the Turk's Zeitgeist needs to go under the microscope 8)

Brit - Tania name and nationality in one.

Welcome to the forum Britney, what part of Tanzania?
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:21 pm

kafenes wrote:
Brittania wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Brittania wrote:sorry didn't mean to be rude...its just that i've been reading your posts regarding some Turkish Cypriots and they seem to brand everyone with the same brush! I was very shocked when i read it.

Welcome Brittania .... wishing you luck in ruling the waves on the forum :D

..... Is there a reason for the non-traditional spelling? :wink:

My complaint is with the Turks and the supporters of partition and continued occupation of Cyprus.

It is with some of their memes I have issue with .... none of their genes.

Perhaps the Turk's Zeitgeist needs to go under the microscope 8)

Brit - Tania name and nationality in one.

Welcome to the forum Britney, what part of Tanzania?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Brittania » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:25 pm

kafenes wrote:
Brittania wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Brittania wrote:sorry didn't mean to be rude...its just that i've been reading your posts regarding some Turkish Cypriots and they seem to brand everyone with the same brush! I was very shocked when i read it.

Welcome Brittania .... wishing you luck in ruling the waves on the forum :D

..... Is there a reason for the non-traditional spelling? :wink:

My complaint is with the Turks and the supporters of partition and continued occupation of Cyprus.

It is with some of their memes I have issue with .... none of their genes.

Perhaps the Turk's Zeitgeist needs to go under the microscope 8)

Brit - Tania name and nationality in one.

Welcome to the forum Britney, what part of Tanzania?

King island smartass. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:43 pm

Bill wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote: I don’t think the problem will be solved until the expat community stops ‘solving’ the problem or perhaps even better takes the dumped animals to the village office and makes it their problem.

Now that's a good idea except that they won't actually do anything.

Not so long ago whilst travelling from Larnaca to Limassol I witnessed a dog ( Cyprus poodle ) being thrown out of a car on the highway hard shoulder the car then drove off with the dog running behind ~ I narrowly missed the dog and pulled over to try and grab it but it ran off desperate to catch up with it's wonderful owners ~ what shocked me most of all was the smiling faces of the children at the rear window waving good bye :evil:

What happened to the dog ~~ well it was run over further down the road by some idiot in a pick up who made no effort at all to avoid running the dog over :roll:

This is apparently the accepted Cypriot way to get rid of unwanted pets if the amount of dead dogs you see along the highways is anything to go by.

Hardly what I would describe as a civilized attitude to pet ownership.

I've been told off by a couple of my Cypriot friends for making a fuss of their dog ~ the poor thing is tied up at the back of the house and when ever I've gone to pet it it's barked for ages after I've left.

I could recount many stories of cruelty to animals during my many years of visiting Cyprus and more recently actually living here ~ it is getting better but still needs a major shake up of the Cypriot attitude.

I can happily report that I know two Cypriot families who actually let their pet dog inside the house ~ there must be more but I haven't come across them yet.


You are absolutely right Bill , let me again say that a huge improvement has taken place and it is still happening now. My niece , who was born in the UK but now lives in Cyprus with her Cypriot husband and children does keep her dog inside the house , I also know a number of other British Cypriots who also keep their pets indoors , the attitudes are changing , slowly but surely.Many of us "Charlies " do encounter ignorance when we challenge locals , I suppose its easier for me than you Bill by the fact that I speak the language and it does help in telling these buggers off !!
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:51 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:Miltiades.....

I could have chosen an English word ..... LIFESTYLE ... instead of a snazzier German one. :roll:

I provided a definition at the start of the thread so that anyone such as yourself, is quite clear on what I mean ... :wink:

Next time I'll provide reading glasses too :roll:

Anyway ....

Many congratulations in anticipation of your new grandchild...

And in true Cypriot Zeitgeist ... I cannot resist predicting the sex ...

It will be a boy .... no doubt .... 100% sure. :D

Spot on OP a Boy indeed !!

Vivre Le Cypriot Zeitgeist!

I am never wrong! :wink:


.... and many more to come!


(N.B. Party poopers: If it's La instead of Le ... I don't care ... it's a boy!)

Neber say never OrPh. I can count at least two instances when you were wrong, but then who cares.

It is the prospective grand dads day and a pre-emptive congratulations are in order.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:58 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:Miltiades.....

I could have chosen an English word ..... LIFESTYLE ... instead of a snazzier German one. :roll:

I provided a definition at the start of the thread so that anyone such as yourself, is quite clear on what I mean ... :wink:

Next time I'll provide reading glasses too :roll:

Anyway ....

Many congratulations in anticipation of your new grandchild...

And in true Cypriot Zeitgeist ... I cannot resist predicting the sex ...

It will be a boy .... no doubt .... 100% sure. :D

Spot on OP a Boy indeed !!

Vivre Le Cypriot Zeitgeist!

I am never wrong! :wink:


.... and many more to come!


(N.B. Party poopers: If it's La instead of Le ... I don't care ... it's a boy!)

Neber say never OrPh. I can count at least two instances when you were wrong, but then who cares.

It is the prospective grand dads day and a pre-emptive congratulations are in order.

OK .... so they are not quite as large as hers!
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:58 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
miltiades wrote:Of all the words to describe the Cypriot culture and the way of life you chose a German word , Hitler I believed loved this word and used it constantly when wanting to rid Germany of the Jewish zeitgeist and gays !!
No nation on earth can claim to be perfect in all aspects of living. The West can justifiably claim that it has in place laws and governing racism , religious freedoms , the right to vote , freedom of speech a welfare system in most countries and institutions that take care of the old and the infirm , as well as caring for people it also cares for the welfare of animals and birds.
In Cyprus we have the inbred disposition of taking care of our family , alas not of our animals or indeed our immediate ambience , clear for all to see in their every day life.
The influx of Brits has added considerably to the wellbeing of the locals and more so to the welfare of animals and to the surroundings in general. English care for , not only as the G/Cs do the interior of houses , but also the surrounding areas , animals and birds are seen as wonderful creatures not a bloody meal on the table.
As a Cypriot I would like to thank all those Brits who have and still do contribute so much to cultural life in Cyprus , may I also kindly request that they write to Mr Brown reminding him that he hasn't paid his bloody rent for more than 40 years !!! As a matter of fact these "rent" money is put aside year on year and has reached the sum , I believe of some hundreds of millions of pounds. Lets have it Mr Brown we can use it to build a few more hospitals , children's and old peoples homes , sanctuaries for animals and many other worthwhile causes not forgetting the Cancer Associations throughout Cyprus.
On a personal level I would like to congratulate my son in law and my daughter who are about to make me very very happy with my second grandchild , any minute now.!!!! Cyprus here I come

What is the British excuse or justification for not paying rent,dear miltiades??? And here I was thinking that they were actually the only foreign power legitimately in Cyprus...

My sincere congratulations on the imminent arrival of your second grandchild... 8)

BK, you ought to know by now that the British have the annoying habit of not paying their dues. They will find any excuse.
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