cyprusgrump wrote: I don’t think the problem will be solved until the expat community stops ‘solving’ the problem or perhaps even better takes the dumped animals to the village office and makes it their problem.
Now that's a good idea except that they won't actually do anything.
Not so long ago whilst travelling from Larnaca to Limassol I witnessed a dog ( Cyprus poodle ) being thrown out of a car on the highway hard shoulder the car then drove off with the dog running behind ~ I narrowly missed the dog and pulled over to try and grab it but it ran off desperate to catch up with it's wonderful owners ~ what shocked me most of all was the smiling faces of the children at the rear window waving good bye

What happened to the dog ~~ well it was run over further down the road by some idiot in a pick up who made no effort at all to avoid running the dog over

This is apparently the accepted Cypriot way to get rid of unwanted pets if the amount of dead dogs you see along the highways is anything to go by.
Hardly what I would describe as a civilized attitude to pet ownership.
I've been told off by a couple of my Cypriot friends for making a fuss of their dog ~ the poor thing is tied up at the back of the house and when ever I've gone to pet it it's barked for ages after I've left.
I could recount many stories of cruelty to animals during my many years of visiting Cyprus and more recently actually living here ~ it is getting better but still needs a major shake up of the Cypriot attitude.
I can happily report that I know two Cypriot families who actually let their pet dog inside the house ~ there must be more but I haven't come across them yet.