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Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:10 am

miltiades wrote:Of all the words to describe the Cypriot culture and the way of life you chose a German word , Hitler I believed loved this word and used it constantly when wanting to rid Germany of the Jewish zeitgeist and gays !!
No nation on earth can claim to be perfect in all aspects of living. The West can justifiably claim that it has in place laws and governing racism , religious freedoms , the right to vote , freedom of speech a welfare system in most countries and institutions that take care of the old and the infirm , as well as caring for people it also cares for the welfare of animals and birds.
In Cyprus we have the inbred disposition of taking care of our family , alas not of our animals or indeed our immediate ambience , clear for all to see in their every day life.
The influx of Brits has added considerably to the wellbeing of the locals and more so to the welfare of animals and to the surroundings in general. English care for , not only as the G/Cs do the interior of houses , but also the surrounding areas , animals and birds are seen as wonderful creatures not a bloody meal on the table.
As a Cypriot I would like to thank all those Brits who have and still do contribute so much to cultural life in Cyprus , may I also kindly request that they write to Mr Brown reminding him that he hasn't paid his bloody rent for more than 40 years !!! As a matter of fact these "rent" money is put aside year on year and has reached the sum , I believe of some hundreds of millions of pounds. Lets have it Mr Brown we can use it to build a few more hospitals , children's and old peoples homes , sanctuaries for animals and many other worthwhile causes not forgetting the Cancer Associations throughout Cyprus.
On a personal level I would like to congratulate my son in law and my daughter who are about to make me very very happy with my second grandchild , any minute now.!!!! Cyprus here I come

What is the British excuse or justification for not paying rent,dear miltiades??? And here I was thinking that they were actually the only foreign power legitimately in Cyprus...

My sincere congratulations on the imminent arrival of your second grandchild... 8)
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Postby miltiades » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:06 pm

Oracle wrote:Miltiades.....

I could have chosen an English word ..... LIFESTYLE ... instead of a snazzier German one. :roll:

I provided a definition at the start of the thread so that anyone such as yourself, is quite clear on what I mean ... :wink:

Next time I'll provide reading glasses too :roll:

Anyway ....

Many congratulations in anticipation of your new grandchild...

And in true Cypriot Zeitgeist ... I cannot resist predicting the sex ...

It will be a boy .... no doubt .... 100% sure. :D

Spot on OP a Boy indeed !!
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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:Miltiades.....

I could have chosen an English word ..... LIFESTYLE ... instead of a snazzier German one. :roll:

I provided a definition at the start of the thread so that anyone such as yourself, is quite clear on what I mean ... :wink:

Next time I'll provide reading glasses too :roll:

Anyway ....

Many congratulations in anticipation of your new grandchild...

And in true Cypriot Zeitgeist ... I cannot resist predicting the sex ...

It will be a boy .... no doubt .... 100% sure. :D

Spot on OP a Boy indeed !!

Vivre Le Cypriot Zeitgeist!

I am never wrong! :wink:


.... and many more to come!


(N.B. Party poopers: If it's La instead of Le ... I don't care ... it's a boy!)
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Re: Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

Postby Bill » Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:06 pm

Oracle wrote: It will bring a smile to your face to know that I believe in Euthanasia .... :roll:

Now or are you going to make us suffer and wait :(
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Re: Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

Postby tessintrnc » Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:33 pm

Bill wrote:
Oracle wrote: It will bring a smile to your face to know that I believe in Euthanasia .... :roll:

Now or are you going to make us suffer and wait :(

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:58 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:Miltiades.....

I could have chosen an English word ..... LIFESTYLE ... instead of a snazzier German one. :roll:

I provided a definition at the start of the thread so that anyone such as yourself, is quite clear on what I mean ... :wink:

Next time I'll provide reading glasses too :roll:

Anyway ....

Many congratulations in anticipation of your new grandchild...

And in true Cypriot Zeitgeist ... I cannot resist predicting the sex ...

It will be a boy .... no doubt .... 100% sure. :D

Spot on OP a Boy indeed !!

Vivre Le Cypriot Zeitgeist!

I am never wrong! :wink:


.... and many more to come!


(N.B. Party poopers: If it's La instead of Le ... I don't care ... it's a boy!)

Shouldn't that be :

Heil, mein Führer! ...
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Re: Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

Postby Bucksboy » Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:48 am

Oracle wrote:"Zeitgeist" ...... refers to the ethos or spirit of a group of people, that expresses a view or lifestyle practised at a particular period of socio-cultural progression.

The Zeitgeist of the Cypriots is encompassed in their strong sense of duty, in looking after their own.

It has worked well.

With the influx of "retired" foreigners; idle time to fill ... we are being told that's not good enough!

"Absolve responsibility to a Charity."
"Round up some orphans, some elderly, some neglected pets and let's assign them to a Charity."

Come on lazy Cypriots ... you've been doing things your way here for 10,000 years ... but Johny Foreigner is here to change things to how we do them back home!

So why is your Zeitgeist better than Cypriot Zeitgeist?


Given that many on this forum are not Cypriot, can you amplify your thoughts how we should be living within Zeitgeist and the daily practicalities of adhering to that way of living. I'm thinking of an average family with perhaps 2 children with both sets of grandparents alive. :)
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Re: Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

Postby Oracle » Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:55 am

Bucksboy wrote:
Oracle wrote:"Zeitgeist" ...... refers to the ethos or spirit of a group of people, that expresses a view or lifestyle practised at a particular period of socio-cultural progression.

The Zeitgeist of the Cypriots is encompassed in their strong sense of duty, in looking after their own.

It has worked well.

With the influx of "retired" foreigners; idle time to fill ... we are being told that's not good enough!

"Absolve responsibility to a Charity."
"Round up some orphans, some elderly, some neglected pets and let's assign them to a Charity."

Come on lazy Cypriots ... you've been doing things your way here for 10,000 years ... but Johny Foreigner is here to change things to how we do them back home!

So why is your Zeitgeist better than Cypriot Zeitgeist?


Given that many on this forum are not Cypriot, can you amplify your thoughts how we should be living within Zeitgeist and the daily practicalities of adhering to that way of living. I'm thinking of an average family with perhaps 2 children with both sets of grandparents alive. :)

You misunderstand ....

You are free to live as you like :D

But please allow others to do so also.

My complaint is the desire of foreigners to impose their will on the Cypriots ... not the other way around.

Live and let live ....
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Postby Oracle » Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:59 am

I see no one has actually addressed the question of why their lifestyle is better than that of the average Cypriot. :roll:

.... anyone venture a nugget? :D

So why is your Zeitgeist better than Cypriot Zeitgeist?
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Re: Cypriot Zeitgeist Under Threat ......

Postby Bucksboy » Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:15 am

Given that many on this forum are not Cypriot, can you amplify your thoughts how we should be living within Zeitgeist and the daily practicalities of adhering to that way of living. I'm thinking of an average family with perhaps 2 children with both sets of grandparents alive. :)[/quote]

You misunderstand ....

You are free to live as you like :D

But please allow others to do so also.

My complaint is the desire of foreigners to impose their will on the Cypriots ... not the other way around.

Live and let live ....[/quote]


Live & let live, I agree but surely there has to come a point when some things are so wrong then change is essential for improvement. Is this imposing your will over others? Would you say that the elected foreign council official of Peyia (forget name) is imposing his will on the local population by stating (as he has done) that development within Peyia needs to be halted.

What about the Mayor of Edmonton, a London suburb who happens to be Cypriot I think...would he be thought of as imposing his will on the population of Edmonton every time he decided a change was needed in the borough?

You also say that I am free to live as I like which is a complete nonsense.
I and most others live within the restrictions of the society/country we happen to be living in and are happy to do so. That doesn't make it ok though NOT to criticise Cypriots (for instance) who are cruel to animals. I try to make change but how do you stop that being thought of as imposing your will on others?
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