Bucksboy wrote:Oracle wrote:Bucksboy wrote:zan wrote:Bucksboy wrote:Oracle wrote:"Zeitgeist" ...... refers to the ethos or spirit of a group of people, that expresses a view or lifestyle practised at a particular period of socio-cultural progression.
The Zeitgeist of the Cypriots is encompassed in their strong sense of duty, in looking after their own.
It has worked well.
With the influx of "retired" foreigners; idle time to fill ... we are being told that's not good enough!
"Absolve responsibility to a Charity."
"Round up some orphans, some elderly, some neglected pets and let's assign them to a Charity."
Come on lazy Cypriots ... you've been doing things your way here for 10,000 years ... but Johny Foreigner is here to change things to how we do them back home!
So why is your Zeitgeist better than Cypriot Zeitgeist?
Oracle,I've just had a thought! Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the nasty foreigners in Cyprus changed over to Cypriot zeitgeist.
Just imagine a world where there is no animal cruelty and to see all those nice furry pets munching on lanate lollipops, no racism, no exploitation of foreign domestic helpers, no corruption, no litter, and no bitterness because there would be need for foreigners to criticise anything. And, to top it all drivers would actually stop at red lights and be polite.

And Oracle would heave a huge sigh of relief after finding those leaflets on old peoples homes in her sons room!!!!

Zan,Hope the leaflets don't relate to the old folks home in Polemi, Paphos. I've heard horrible things about the place from more than one source
.... finally, something the same as in the UK then!
Happy now?

As you know, only the bad ones get publicity in the UK.
Don't here quite so much about those here do we?
Why would that be any different here?
You see BB .. you seem to think the Laws of Nature work in
different ways in Cyprus to the UK or indeed anywhere else.
How many British posters have come on here to
specifically praise some administrative practice of Cyprus?
The only praise we here is for something like the weather ... safe! Because it has nothing to do with Cypriots but is a Planetary aspect.
So you and a few others here, condemn the Cypriots, for neglecting pets etc. ...
But that's not enough, there is also condemnation for
caring too much about elders and children, and we should not spend so much time caring for them and then we would have more time for our pets.....
So, slowly, the Cypriots change their way of life to this more sophisticated mode of abandoning elders, orphans to "Homes".
And then when the
inevitable happens ...... such as administrative breakdown, you have the
audacity to yet again post about the malfunctioning of these Institutes in Cyprus.
Regarding your above post highlighting the bad practice of this home in Polemi ...
When I point out your
hypocrisy your ONLY defence is that you
only hear about the bad ones in the UK.
Why do you not accept, that may also be the case in Cyprus?
I am not asking anyone "to see the other side" or to not be "unbiased" ... these thing are difficult for the average person ...
All I am asking is not to
deliberately see things for the worse just because you want to feel better about yourself, maybe harbouring a little guilt for leaving your own culture behind
