Here you go Zanny...
Inter-Communal Violence, 1963-1964
miltiades wrote:As a G/C I feel thoroughly ashamed that fanatics calling themselves "patriots" took part in killing Cypriots for one reason only , they were T/Cs or G/Cs . I have T/C friends who would express the same sentiments. In all it was the extremists who caused so much pain and suffering to our people. Do we need more of this ?? Most certainly NOT , our people have had a belly full of extreme actions perpetrated by the few affecting the many . Zan epitomizes what the extremists felt all those years ago , hate and more hate , can any one imagine Zan with a deadly weapon facing a bunch of G/Cs ? The Plonker would wipe them all out , have you noticed this plonker has posted more than 9000 posts !! Not a single one directed towards peace , forgiveness and reconciliation , stupid little one liners trying to out do GR or PHoenix with whom he is clearly not a match !!
miltiades wrote:You are a pathetic soul , you need help . How many on this forum come to agree with your twisted and bitter views, just look at your signature what message does it sent ? One of reconciliation , peace and understanding , NO """ Driven out of Cyprus by EOKA and Makarios. Kept out by TPap. ""
Two died a long time ago , one History !! Compare your signature to mine Zanio , what do you see mate, I will tell you One Real Cypriot a T/C and a G/C and one twisted full of hatred TURK Not Cypriot !!
Gabira wrote:miltiades wrote:People on this forum , G/Cs , T/Cs , other ethnicities take note ...blah blah... I do not post propaganda...dribble dribble
Thankyou for giving me my daily dose
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