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negotiations on the Cyprus Problem could start after April

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby wallace » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:13 pm

1 President and 1 leader you mean.....right? :D
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:16 pm

wallace wrote:1 President and 1 leader you mean.....right? :D

No I was right first time 2 leaders we do not recognize the "RoC" therefore he is leader of the GC community.
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Postby halil » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:55 am

The Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union KTOS has called on all parties involved in the Cyprus Problem to work towards achieving a federal settlement in Cyprus.
The Trade Union also criticized President Mehmet Ali Talat for not consulting with NGOs before holding contacts in Ankara.

Speaking in a press conference yesterday, the Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union Sener Elcil said that the Cyprus Problem had gained new momentum following the ‘presidential’ elections in South Cyprus.

He said that overall goal of all the parties concerned in the Cyprus Problem must be to achieve a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution based on the political equality of the two sides and UN parameters.
Elcil added that any solution to be found to the Cyprus Problem must be based on the joint political will of both peoples on the island.
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Postby humanist » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:21 am

we ain't gonna go anywhere because the Turks only want partition, no holding my breath here
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Postby zan » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:12 am

humanist wrote:we ain't gonna go anywhere because the Turks only want partition, no holding my breath here

Give it go....You might like it... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Only joking!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:09 am

halil wrote:The Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union KTOS has called on all parties involved in the Cyprus Problem to work towards achieving a federal settlement in Cyprus.
The Trade Union also criticized President Mehmet Ali Talat for not consulting with NGOs before holding contacts in Ankara.

Speaking in a press conference yesterday, the Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union Sener Elcil said that the Cyprus Problem had gained new momentum following the ‘presidential’ elections in South Cyprus.

He said that overall goal of all the parties concerned in the Cyprus Problem must be to achieve a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution based on the political equality of the two sides and UN parameters.
Elcil added that any solution to be found to the Cyprus Problem must be based on the joint political will of both peoples on the island.

Someone ought to teach these "educators" above that the BBF is not a Federation at all, but a Confederation. Any moron would know that, except of course, those who want a Disguised Partition under a BBF "federation". If we can't get the truth from the educators, god help us from the politicians. The whole post above is a farce.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:09 pm

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:The Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union KTOS has called on all parties involved in the Cyprus Problem to work towards achieving a federal settlement in Cyprus.
The Trade Union also criticized President Mehmet Ali Talat for not consulting with NGOs before holding contacts in Ankara.

Speaking in a press conference yesterday, the Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union Sener Elcil said that the Cyprus Problem had gained new momentum following the ‘presidential’ elections in South Cyprus.

He said that overall goal of all the parties concerned in the Cyprus Problem must be to achieve a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution based on the political equality of the two sides and UN parameters.
Elcil added that any solution to be found to the Cyprus Problem must be based on the joint political will of both peoples on the island.

Someone ought to teach these "educators" above that the BBF is not a Federation at all, but a Confederation. Any moron would know that, except of course, those who want a Disguised Partition under a BBF "federation". If we can't get the truth from the educators, god help us from the politicians. The whole post above is a farce.

Kikapu the joke is on you even the UN and EU experts rubber stamped the AP as being a federal solution, so are we to assume they are all wrong and you are right? :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:42 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:The Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union KTOS has called on all parties involved in the Cyprus Problem to work towards achieving a federal settlement in Cyprus.
The Trade Union also criticized President Mehmet Ali Talat for not consulting with NGOs before holding contacts in Ankara.

Speaking in a press conference yesterday, the Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union Sener Elcil said that the Cyprus Problem had gained new momentum following the ‘presidential’ elections in South Cyprus.

He said that overall goal of all the parties concerned in the Cyprus Problem must be to achieve a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution based on the political equality of the two sides and UN parameters.
Elcil added that any solution to be found to the Cyprus Problem must be based on the joint political will of both peoples on the island.

Someone ought to teach these "educators" above that the BBF is not a Federation at all, but a Confederation. Any moron would know that, except of course, those who want a Disguised Partition under a BBF "federation". If we can't get the truth from the educators, god help us from the politicians. The whole post above is a farce.

Kikapu the joke is on you even the UN and EU experts rubber stamped the AP as being a federal solution, so are we to assume they are all wrong and you are right? :lol:

Not really VP. The AP was rubber stamped by Kofi Annan as a "Federation" based on Swiss model. Last time I looked and I also happen to live in Switzerland, the Swiss operate under a Confederation system. Aside from that fact VP, you yourself believe that the BBF is a Confederation plan once the "Virgin Birth" concept is accepted. Why else would you not accept a True Federation along with Turkey, Talat and all the rest of the clan in the "TRNC" leadership. It was just one more disguised word , "the Federation", when in fact it was a Confederation all the way. Without Confederation, there is no "Virgin Birth" and vise-verse. No wonder it was in disguised, just as the whole AP was a disguised for Partition. Lets start calling BBF as to what it really is, and that is, it is a Confederation. Without Confederation after "Virgin Birth", there can be no True legal TC state in the North. Have you ever wonder why the GC's gave a resounding 75% NO to the AP, and do not want it back. The GC's are willing to talk about True Federation, but not the BBF. If the TC's want a True Federation, then I believe, we don't need to wait to the end of 2008 for a solution. I'm sure the deal can be closed on the March 21st. The only "Federation" in the AP's BBF, was the letter "F". The rest was as you said, a RUBBER STAMP.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:08 pm

Bicommunal defines our willingness to look at ourselves as Individuals AND as Persons. Bizonal does not mean splitting the island in two. Federation implies that Sovereignty rests with the State, however it does not imply that its components must neccessarily be weak as governing bodies.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:16 pm

Kikapu the majority of GCs did not understand the AP and they opted for the wait and see what the EU will bring as they were guaranteed entry I truly believe that if the EU door was firmly shut if they rejected the AP they would have scraped a 51% yes but faced with a crying president begging them to reject a plan that would send them all to hell and the prospect of getting all they want via an EU enforced solution swung the resounding no.

It appears you can label it what you want confederation or federation the bottom line is the contents and the structures contained within, obviously we have different ideas of a solution and the chasm appears to wide to bridge as neither side is willing to compromise, so it looks like status quo all round and surprise surprise more of the same. We are used to it Kikapu and even if President Talat stood up tomorrow and said we have agreed a solution we would all laugh and say yeah yeah pull the other one.
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