zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:
Zan the PinocchioYou don't have a question Pinocchio, all you have is a rejection of anything that has anything to do with
True Democracy and True Federation. You don't believe in True Democracy or why else would you support a Racist, Fascist, undemocratic and violation of Human Rights plan offered in the Annan Plan. You actually enjoy dictatorship far better than even a sub democratic anything, much like what your hero Denktash did for 40 years. He even had to import foreigners from Turkey to make them "TRNC" citizens so to be able to stay on his dictatorial perch. You are one of his Fascist foot soldiers, along with his "pen-pal" hypocrite Expatkiwi. Sorry that I cannot offer you any Racist and Fascist solution plans Pinocchio. You can get one from any Fascist and Racist politicians, and I will tell you who they are, once they screw up the next settlement talks. I'll be
"nice" to them and you until then.
You know when you were converting back to being a christian...Was there anything about "Democracy" in the teachings you had to study......OH you made it up as you went along Kikapolous
The importing of Greeks did not worry you then mate......

Zan the Pinocchio
Thanks for not disputing the fact that you are a
Fascist foot soldier.!!
Poor Pinocchio still inventing things that only he believes in them. Keep it up Pinocchio, but be warned, that you will outgrow your nose so much, that you will not be able to keep your balance anymore. It is bad enough that you hardly have anything balanced now on anything that you put on the forum other than Racist, Fascist and Undemocratic views.
I asked you a question before you disappeared for a week or so, and that was, I believe you said you have "donated" all of your family's 50+ donums land sitting on the "Green Line" to the "TRNC". If so, I had also stated that it was not a very Cypriot thing to do, to give away so much land for no compensation back in return. Now think very hard before you answer my question to you Pinocchio, and that is, how much GC land did you receive from the "TRNC" in return for your family's land.??
That's all for now Pinocchio. Lets see if you have any courage to be truthful for once. It will do wonders for your nose.!!!