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negotiations on the Cyprus Problem could start after April

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:05 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:So far no one has analysed this notion of politically equal communities. Neither has anyone offered any examples of similar federal systems where there is such equality of states or communities. Assuming words are given their obvious meaning then equal means that 150 000 Tcs are equal to 650 000 GCs and nothing moves unless there is agreement by both sides. Sounds like another recipe for deadlock which will lead to the inevitable conclusion that we cannot live together and partition is the only solution. Which then will leave the GCs without the RoC.

Perhaps those in the forum who have studied federal structures can enlighten us on the application of this equality thing in real life situation. The one federal state I know fairly well is the USA and while both California and Wyoming are equal, with two senators each in the senate, in the House of Representatives they have members according to their population, California has 80 million, Wyoming half a million. Wyoming cannot block any process in the US by asserting equality. Neither can Wyoming or any other state pull out of the union unilaterally.

In Cyprus of course we will not follow the American model, it is not good enough for us. So what are we talking about?


Actually, we have 30 million residents in California, and that's plenty enough, since we also have few million illegal Immigrants also, which they call California home, since it once belonged to Mexico.!!!

Here is why the True Federation works well in the States. In California, despite being the most populous state in the Union, we only have 2 senators in the senate, same as Wyoming, as you correctly pointed out, despite Wyoming have about 1/60th population of California, therefore, all 50 States get equal senate representation. Where the population count, is in the House of Representatives. California has 53 representatives from 58 Counties . Each representative represents people of certain area in California in the congress. Some are Democrats and some are Republicans, as well as Independents. Some areas are more Republican and Democrat than other areas, but it is not unusual, in fact it is all too common to elect a Republican in a mostly Democratic areas and the same for electing a Democrat in a mostly Republican areas. California in general have more Democrats than Republicans, but we have elected just as many Republican Governors as Democratic Governors. Therefore, people cross part lines all the time. We try to elect the best person for the job.

So, to try and apply this system in Cyprus will not be difficult. This is why it would be beneficial for all Cypriots if we were to disband all political Parties, and form 3 main new ones, like Democrats, Republicans and Independents. This way, all Cypriots can vote based on philosophy and ideology and not because one is a GC and the other is a TC. But to get back to the representatives of a Federal System, if most of the TC's remained in the North and about 100,000 GC's also moved to the North, if not all 200,000, the North will be able to have around 40% of all the representatives in the North. Each representative will then vote on issues that effects the constituents he or she represents in the are they are from. These are elected individuals and are up for election once every 2 years, so if they are not performing, then they will get voted out. The President can veto any legislation, but can be overridden by 60% vote in the house and the senate. Since the senate will have equal representation from each states, the North and the South, and if the vote is 50-50 in the senate, then the vice president can cast a vote to break the deadlock. A simple majority is needed in presenting a legislation to be sent to the president to sign.

Most common complaints I hear about the True Federation reactionist or perhaps "rejectionists" is a better term, that the TC's are afraid that the GC's will vote as a block to pass laws against the interest of the TC's, because the TC's lack the numbers in population. Why would a representative in congress vote for a legislation that will be bad for the area he represents, since both GC's and TC's will be living in the same area. This is nothing but a "red herring" to avoid having a True Federation and a True Democracy. If lets say a legislation is produced by a Racist representative that will not be in the best interest of the TC's in General, what makes the "rejectionists" think, that other representatives, the senators, and the President will support such a legislation. And even if they did, a 1 in a million chance, then we will have the Supreme court which will examine the legality of such legislation to see if it would violate the rules of the constitution on Human Rights, civil rights and individual rights, plus many other rights. What these "rejectionists" are saying is, the blacks in the States are only 10% of the population, which means the majority being whites, they can put a legislation forward that can make slavery once again legal. Sorry, even if the whole country voted for such laws, the supreme court will strike it down as being unconstitutional.

We want True Federation and True Democracy for Cyprus. Those who do not want the above, can move to any on of the Middle Eastern countries, and see how they would like to live under a non True Democratic Laws.

Who was it that voted to go into Iraq and who is it that is protesting this move then Kiks????? :lol: :lol: :lol: Funny guy you are!!!


Do you have point to make, or you are just bored and do not know what to say.???

What is your question exactly.??

The more clear you are, the clearer the answer you will get in return.!!!
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Postby zan » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:15 am

I doubt that very much Kiapolous because the question is very clear...Your comments are that the system you put forward is fair and it simply is not as far as Cyprus is concerned...That is why adult minds have been working on the CYprob for decades and then little old Kikapolous thinks his idea is better than theirs........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
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Postby boomerang » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:17 am

zan wrote:I doubt that very much Kiapolous because the question is very clear...Your comments are that the system you put forward is fair and it simply is not as far as Cyprus is concerned...That is why adult minds have been working on the CYprob for decades and then little old Kikapolous thinks his idea is better than theirs........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

When you say adult minds are you including your mind in that context? :lol:
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Postby zan » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:25 am

boomerang wrote:
zan wrote:I doubt that very much Kiapolous because the question is very clear...Your comments are that the system you put forward is fair and it simply is not as far as Cyprus is concerned...That is why adult minds have been working on the CYprob for decades and then little old Kikapolous thinks his idea is better than theirs........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

When you say adult minds are you including your mind in that context? :lol:

I will state here and now that I had no input into the Annan PLan or any other Plan for that matter.......I am not qualified and I know it...Shame others here are not as wise to their own abilities or lack of......No idea...Then lets say that the system works in the USA then it must in Cyprus......First of all we must make sure that we supply enough booze for the natives so that when we give them free rein of some wilderness land they are so pissed that they have no idea we just sent them up the Swanny...
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:29 pm

TC Leader Mehmet Ali Talat has stressed that there is a high possibility for a new initiative to be launched towards the solution of the Cyprus problem once the negotiations between the two sides start.

TC leader said that diplomatic information indicates that the United Nations will soon step in with a new initiative on the Cyprus issue.

Mr Talat met experts of special committees established during the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan at a reception in Girne(Kyrenia) last night.In an address to the reception, Mr Talat reiterated the Turkish Cypriot side’s readiness to start a new negotiations process.

Pointing out that there has been a new beginning on the Cyprus issue, Mr Talat said the Turkish Cypriot side – which is in support of peace and solution - will use the new process as an opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem.

`It is almost certain that a new initiative will be launched towards a solution once the negotiations process starts` he added.

TC leader Talat went on to say that, as before, the Turkish Cypriot side which has the willingness for a real solution to the Cyprus problem - will be on the side of the new UN initiative and added that he expects the Greek Cypriot side to follow suit.

He stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is going to form a set of ideas to get prepared for the new solution process.

TC Leader also thanked to volunteer committee members for their efforts on the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan and expressed the belief that they will be providing support to the Turkish Cypriot side in the forthcoming period as well.
Meanwhile, it’s been announced that Mr Nami will meet with Yorgos Yakovu – an aide to the Greek Cypriot Leader - tomorrow
The meeting between the two senior aides will start at 10.00 in the morning.
The TRNC President’s Special Representative for Negotiations with the UN and the EU Ozdil Nami has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Moller.
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Postby DT. » Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:44 pm

TC Leader Mehmet Ali Talat has stressed that there is a high possibility for a new initiative to be launched towards the solution of the Cyprus problem once the negotiations between the two sides start.

TC leader said that diplomatic information indicates that the United Nations will soon step in with a new initiative on the Cyprus issue.

Mr Talat met experts of special committees established during the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan at a reception in Girne(Kyrenia) last night.In an address to the reception, Mr Talat reiterated the Turkish Cypriot side’s readiness to start a new negotiations process.

Pointing out that there has been a new beginning on the Cyprus issue, Mr Talat said the Turkish Cypriot side – which is in support of peace and solution - will use the new process as an opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem.

`It is almost certain that a new initiative will be launched towards a solution once the negotiations process starts` he added.

TC leader Talat went on to say that, as before, the Turkish Cypriot side which has the willingness for a real solution to the Cyprus problem - will be on the side of the new UN initiative and added that he expects the Greek Cypriot side to follow suit.

He stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is going to form a set of ideas to get prepared for the new solution process.

TC Leader also thanked to volunteer committee members for their efforts on the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan and expressed the belief that they will be providing support to the Turkish Cypriot side in the forthcoming period as well.
Meanwhile, it’s been announced that Mr Nami will meet with Yorgos Yakovu – an aide to the Greek Cypriot Leader - tomorrow
The meeting between the two senior aides will start at 10.00 in the morning.
The TRNC President’s Special Representative for Negotiations with the UN and the EU Ozdil Nami has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Moller.

:lol: and you were doing so well....up to the last paragraph. :lol:
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:51 pm

DT. wrote:
TC Leader Mehmet Ali Talat has stressed that there is a high possibility for a new initiative to be launched towards the solution of the Cyprus problem once the negotiations between the two sides start.

TC leader said that diplomatic information indicates that the United Nations will soon step in with a new initiative on the Cyprus issue.

Mr Talat met experts of special committees established during the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan at a reception in Girne(Kyrenia) last night.In an address to the reception, Mr Talat reiterated the Turkish Cypriot side’s readiness to start a new negotiations process.

Pointing out that there has been a new beginning on the Cyprus issue, Mr Talat said the Turkish Cypriot side – which is in support of peace and solution - will use the new process as an opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem.

`It is almost certain that a new initiative will be launched towards a solution once the negotiations process starts` he added.

TC leader Talat went on to say that, as before, the Turkish Cypriot side which has the willingness for a real solution to the Cyprus problem - will be on the side of the new UN initiative and added that he expects the Greek Cypriot side to follow suit.

He stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is going to form a set of ideas to get prepared for the new solution process.

TC Leader also thanked to volunteer committee members for their efforts on the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan and expressed the belief that they will be providing support to the Turkish Cypriot side in the forthcoming period as well.
Meanwhile, it’s been announced that Mr Nami will meet with Yorgos Yakovu – an aide to the Greek Cypriot Leader - tomorrow
The meeting between the two senior aides will start at 10.00 in the morning.
The TRNC President’s Special Representative for Negotiations with the UN and the EU Ozdil Nami has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Moller.

:lol: and you were doing so well....up to the last paragraph. :lol:

it is his title , don't play man , otherwise ........ :lol:
how was the clean monday ? have you cleaned ? :wink:
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Postby DT. » Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:04 pm

halil wrote:
DT. wrote:
TC Leader Mehmet Ali Talat has stressed that there is a high possibility for a new initiative to be launched towards the solution of the Cyprus problem once the negotiations between the two sides start.

TC leader said that diplomatic information indicates that the United Nations will soon step in with a new initiative on the Cyprus issue.

Mr Talat met experts of special committees established during the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan at a reception in Girne(Kyrenia) last night.In an address to the reception, Mr Talat reiterated the Turkish Cypriot side’s readiness to start a new negotiations process.

Pointing out that there has been a new beginning on the Cyprus issue, Mr Talat said the Turkish Cypriot side – which is in support of peace and solution - will use the new process as an opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem.

`It is almost certain that a new initiative will be launched towards a solution once the negotiations process starts` he added.

TC leader Talat went on to say that, as before, the Turkish Cypriot side which has the willingness for a real solution to the Cyprus problem - will be on the side of the new UN initiative and added that he expects the Greek Cypriot side to follow suit.

He stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is going to form a set of ideas to get prepared for the new solution process.

TC Leader also thanked to volunteer committee members for their efforts on the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan and expressed the belief that they will be providing support to the Turkish Cypriot side in the forthcoming period as well.
Meanwhile, it’s been announced that Mr Nami will meet with Yorgos Yakovu – an aide to the Greek Cypriot Leader - tomorrow
The meeting between the two senior aides will start at 10.00 in the morning.
The TRNC President’s Special Representative for Negotiations with the UN and the EU Ozdil Nami has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Moller.

:lol: and you were doing so well....up to the last paragraph. :lol:

it is his title , don't play man , otherwise ........ :lol:
how was the clean monday ? have you cleaned ? :wink:

lovely...ate too much though...this fasting really gets your appetitie going.
I've cleaned up very well, will even have new underwear on for our next meeting :lol:
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:19 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:
DT. wrote:
TC Leader Mehmet Ali Talat has stressed that there is a high possibility for a new initiative to be launched towards the solution of the Cyprus problem once the negotiations between the two sides start.

TC leader said that diplomatic information indicates that the United Nations will soon step in with a new initiative on the Cyprus issue.

Mr Talat met experts of special committees established during the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan at a reception in Girne(Kyrenia) last night.In an address to the reception, Mr Talat reiterated the Turkish Cypriot side’s readiness to start a new negotiations process.

Pointing out that there has been a new beginning on the Cyprus issue, Mr Talat said the Turkish Cypriot side – which is in support of peace and solution - will use the new process as an opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem.

`It is almost certain that a new initiative will be launched towards a solution once the negotiations process starts` he added.

TC leader Talat went on to say that, as before, the Turkish Cypriot side which has the willingness for a real solution to the Cyprus problem - will be on the side of the new UN initiative and added that he expects the Greek Cypriot side to follow suit.

He stated that the Turkish Cypriot side is going to form a set of ideas to get prepared for the new solution process.

TC Leader also thanked to volunteer committee members for their efforts on the preparatory phase of the Annan Plan and expressed the belief that they will be providing support to the Turkish Cypriot side in the forthcoming period as well.
Meanwhile, it’s been announced that Mr Nami will meet with Yorgos Yakovu – an aide to the Greek Cypriot Leader - tomorrow
The meeting between the two senior aides will start at 10.00 in the morning.
The TRNC President’s Special Representative for Negotiations with the UN and the EU Ozdil Nami has met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Moller.

:lol: and you were doing so well....up to the last paragraph. :lol:

it is his title , don't play man , otherwise ........ :lol:
how was the clean monday ? have you cleaned ? :wink:

lovely...ate too much though...this fasting really gets your appetitie going.
I've cleaned up very well, will even have new underwear on for our next meeting :lol:

Forgive me mate , i didn't know about What for is Clean Monday . I will get more information about it at our next meeting . I am not religious man . I don't have much ideas about these days . Only i know that some TC's they do celebrations at 9th march every year. but this is nothing to do with Clean Monday .... i guess.....
i used to fasting as well ..... i should try this year .... it is realy helps , afterwards you feel better...
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:04 pm

zan wrote:I doubt that very much Kiapolous because the question is very clear...Your comments are that the system you put forward is fair and it simply is not as far as Cyprus is concerned...That is why adult minds have been working on the CYprob for decades and then little old Kikapolous thinks his idea is better than theirs........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

Zan the Pinocchio

You don't have a question Pinocchio, all you have is a rejection of anything that has anything to do with
True Democracy and True Federation. You don't believe in True Democracy or why else would you support a Racist, Fascist, undemocratic and violation of Human Rights plan offered in the Annan Plan. You actually enjoy dictatorship far better than even a sub democratic anything, much like what your hero Denktash did for 40 years. He even had to import foreigners from Turkey to make them "TRNC" citizens so to be able to stay on his dictatorial perch. You are one of his Fascist foot soldiers, along with his "pen-pal" hypocrite Expatkiwi. Sorry that I cannot offer you any Racist and Fascist solution plans Pinocchio. You can get one from any Fascist and Racist politicians, and I will tell you who they are, once they screw up the next settlement talks. I'll be "nice" to them and you until then.
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