Bananiot wrote:Turkey and Talat, it seems, have done their homework and have formulated their forthcoming moves on the Cyprob after the unexpected success of Christofias (which was not anticipated by the Turkish side that expected a Papadopoulos success). Probably they now have the army on their side too. Remember, it was only a while ago when CTP annoyed the army when they fail to play the Turkish national anthem or even host a picture of Kemal Ataturk at the party congress.
Recently, Talat said that 2008 will see a solution, one way or another. This he said will be either a unified state or recognition of TRNC.
I have read that after the elections, in two visits to Ankara, Talat, Erdogan and the army have agreed that the Cyprob must be solved so that the EU aspirations of Turkey can move forward. Turkey will fully cooperate in the efforts to find a solution provided the two component states of a Federal Cyprus are politically equal. The term "parthenogenesis" appeared for the first time in "Zaman" on 5/2/2008 as a reply to Papadopoulos idea of what "political equality" meant and that was equality of the citizens and not the states.
It seems Turkey has set the Annan Plan as her red line. Turkey seems to agree for changes to the Plan that can not alter its philosophy and also that the main body of work that has been done since 1974 will be at the forefront. The July 8 agreement will be utilised only as a procedural agreement that can lead to head on negotiations.
Turkey also insists that the 1960 treaty guarantees must remain in place as per London/Zurich. This now is extremely difficult for the Greek Cypriot side to digest. Perhaps the parthenogenesis factor was employed to give negotiation leverage to the Turkish side who will later "sacrifice" it so that we can accept the Turkish guarantees and the stationing of some, at least, Turkish soldiers after the solution.
In the event of no agreement, Turkey will move for the completion of the Taiwanisation process of the north and later will endeavour for the diplomatic recognition, as per Kosovo.
Zaman finally says that it was expected that Papadopoulos would come out on top and that he would reject any kind of agreement that would recognise the Turkish Cypriots as politically equal, in which case independence would have been a lively option.
The one definition I have found for this word "parthenogenesis" is as follows.
"The product of a new plant or animal from a female without sexual union with a male".
This peace settlement talks are getting just a little too kinky, aren't they.

I for one will not approve of any settlement, if sexual intercourse will be forbidden between the GC's and the TC's after a settlement is reached.

In the event of no agreement, Turkey will move for the completion of the Taiwanisation process of the north and later will endeavour for the diplomatic recognition, as per Kosovo.
I have read that after the elections, in two visits to Ankara, Talat, Erdogan and the army have agreed that the Cyprob must be solved so that the EU aspirations of Turkey can move forward
Bananiot, don't you think the two statements above contradict each other. In another words, how does Turkey plans to move ahead with their EU membership if they try to push for a Taiwanization of the "TRNC" if the talks does not produce meaningful results. Is Turkey really willing to forgo the EU membership for the sake of the "TRNC" by trying and hoping to get recognised. WHY.??????