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negotiations on the Cyprus Problem could start after April

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby alexISS » Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:33 pm

Kifeas wrote:Of course, the use of the phrase "to give instructions" may have been an exaggeration in order to emphasise that the first and last word on what goes, regarding the solution of the Cyprus issue, lies on the GC leadership, and it couldn't have been otherwise! Beyond that, I agree with your above assessment!

Exactly,it couldn't have been otherwise because that's how democracy works

Kifeas wrote:The opposite can be said about the TC leadership and Turkey, in which case the first and last word seem to solidly belong to the Turkish government and the army!

And they're not trying to hide it either. Not too long ago Talat got told by a Turkish army officer because he was not singing along to the Turkish national anthem during an event
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Postby Big Al » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:45 am

DT & Oracle,
I wouldnt hold your breath waiting for Northern Cyprus to be "handed" to you by turks, if you havent been able to take it in over 30 years its pretty safe to say that you will never, particularly with the might of the Turkish armed forces on the island.
In response to your comment regarding you tube, i have a better idea, why dont i tape myself swimming in Girne (Kyrenia), and put that up on youtube for you watch and dream about. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:04 am

Big Al wrote:DT & Oracle,
I wouldnt hold your breath waiting for Northern Cyprus to be "handed" to you by turks, if you havent been able to take it in over 30 years its pretty safe to say that you will never, particularly with the might of the Turkish armed forces on the island.
In response to your comment regarding you tube, i have a better idea, why dont i tape myself swimming in Girne (Kyrenia), and put that up on youtube for you watch and dream about. :lol:

Cocky Al,

If millenniums of history are anything to go by, nobody has outlasted the indigenous people of this island. In fact, the ONLY people that have lasted with them are the Armenians and Maronites, both of which swam WITH the islanders and not against.
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Postby Big Al » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:50 am

Get Real,
Is there any another part of northern cyprus you would like me to include on my youtube video???
Or are you just babling on crap, history has also taugh us that the strong survive, and with our motherland Turkiye beside us we are stronger, in the end thats all that matters.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:06 am

Big Al wrote:Get Real,
Is there any another part of northern cyprus you would like me to include on my youtube video???
Or are you just babling on crap, history has also taugh us that the strong survive, and with our motherland Turkiye beside us we are stronger, in the end thats all that matters.

That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been trying to tell you Al, but you’re too short sighted to see it. If you’re relying on a “motherland” to survive then you can’t be going very far as the Greek Cypriots found out in the last century who were also relying on a “motherland”, and it wasn’t until they took matters into their own hands that they were able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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Postby Big Al » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:32 am

Get Real
GC may seem themselves as a different entity to Greece, i see nothern cyprus as a state of Turkey. It is in the GC best interests to relinquish the motherland as they are a majority on Cyprus, they also believe they are the rightful and sole owners of the island.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:28 am

Big Al wrote:Get Real
GC may seem themselves as a different entity to Greece, i see nothern cyprus as a state of Turkey. It is in the GC best interests to relinquish the motherland as they are a majority on Cyprus, they also believe they are the rightful and sole owners of the island.

Alice, isn't it a true fact that we GCs are the rightfull and sole owners of the island?
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Postby Oracle » Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:40 am

Big Al wrote:DT & Oracle,
I wouldnt hold your breath waiting for Northern Cyprus to be "handed" to you by turks, if you havent been able to take it in over 30 years its pretty safe to say that you will never, particularly with the might of the Turkish armed forces on the island.
In response to your comment regarding you tube, i have a better idea, why dont i tape myself swimming in Girne (Kyrenia), and put that up on youtube for you watch and dream about. :lol:

Well the right way to take back Cyprus is our way ... by negotiation. So it takes a while, especially when dealing with the semi-literate Huns who like you, cannot understand why we don't just kill everyone that gets in our way.

As for swimming in Kyrenia, are you proposing swimming all the way over from your haven in Australia? .... Yes, I would like to see that on youtube. Get your arm-bands on :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:05 am

Big Al wrote:Get Real
GC may seem themselves as a different entity to Greece, i see nothern cyprus as a state of Turkey. It is in the GC best interests to relinquish the motherland as they are a majority on Cyprus, they also believe they are the rightful and sole owners of the island.

Only plonkers like you mate see a part of Cyprus as a part of Turkey. You are not of T/C parentage and it shows mate .
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Postby umit07 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:33 am

miltiades wrote:
Big Al wrote:Get Real
GC may seem themselves as a different entity to Greece, i see nothern cyprus as a state of Turkey. It is in the GC best interests to relinquish the motherland as they are a majority on Cyprus, they also believe they are the rightful and sole owners of the island.

Only plonkers like you mate see a part of Cyprus as a part of Turkey. You are not of T/C parentage and it shows mate .

Miltiades, I guess Big Al was born in Australia and has had limited contact with Cyprus as a whole. If I was still over their and had not seen the crap that goes around in this place, I wouldn't be any different. I think TC's should do everything they can to stand on thier own two feet economically and Politically. In my opinion the key is economics, the point when TC's can sustain their own developement is when we are gonna be free. I think GC's economic ambargoes against TC's is like "shooting yourself in the leg" . The more the economic preasure the more TC's will cling to Mama Turkey it is that simple.
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