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negotiations on the Cyprus Problem could start after April

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:44 am

Expatkiwi wrote:
Big Al wrote:Kikapu,
My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.

I agree with you, Big Al, but lets just see how the upcoming negotiations proceed between the new Greek Administration Leader and President Talat. We'll soon find out if there is a mood for reconciliation on both sides.

Then stop pretending you are serious. . Listen plonker , the entire fucking world refers to the "Greek Administration leader "" as the President of Cyprus , not the other way around stupid !!
I think you too ought to join the other plonker BigArse and go fight the Kurds !!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:19 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu,
My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.

When you talk about "maintaining some level of self rule and ... not giving up their own heritage", your argument applies if you accept the thesis of "giden de Türk, gelen de Türk" rather than "giden Kıbrıslı, gelen Türkiyeli".

If you consider the Turkish Cypriots to be a separate community with their own unique culture, then this culture is already under threat now that mainland Turks make up the majority of the population in the north of Cyprus. If partition becomes permanent, this unique cultural identity will become totally obliterated within a couple of decades. How is this not 'giving up their own heritage'?

As to maintaining a level of self rule, why do you think Turkey maintains the fiction of the TRNC and makes sure that political leadership there remains in Turkish Cypriot hands? Surely it is to keep her options open in case a viable settlement becomes possible. If partition becomes permanent, what is to stop Turkey simply annexing the territory it currently names the TRNC and making it a province of the Turkish Republic? Where is your 'level of self rule' then?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:22 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu,
My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.

My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries

You are beginning to worry me Big Al with your knowledge of the Cyprus problems with you above statement. Just what do you think the TC's were doing for the first 30 years since 1974.?? Do you think there was any peace efforts made by Expatkiwi's pen-pal Denktash to find a solution, or was it to keep the North closed off for 30 years and wait for recognition to come after declaring Independence in 1983. I don't even think there's much of a peace movement by Talat today. He just talks a lot, but says nothing of importance, other than we want a settlement based on BBF, or in plain English, Disguised Partition with all the benefits afforded to a EU member. Not a bad deal if he can get it, although that was all rejected back in 2004. I guess, if it failed once, just try and try and try again and again and again rather than seek for an honest settlement so that all Cypriots are treated equally. Even after 30+ years, other Turkic and Islamic nations are not willing to recognise a "state" created illegally. Does that not worry you as to the reasons why.?? Is it possible, that others do not share the views on a state created by ethnic cleansing of another community of the same nation.??

slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states.

Really.?? What makes you think that after 30+ years that recognition will come. Do you prescribe to the notion that in time everyone will forget that there ever was a Cyprus Problem and just make recognition of the North, so that illegal acts will be forgiven. We do live in times of the "Rule of Law" Big Al, or has that escaped you somehow.?

I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition

Best interest of the TC community should be the same with any other community, be it be in Cyprus or any other country, which is to take their rightful place in a society that is from that country and be part of it. If you are so worried that will not be achieved for the TC's in Cyprus, just because of the past experiences, then perhaps the safest place for the TC's would be to be placed in Turkey were the TC's would be safe and sound. I'm not recommending this you understand, but making a suggestion to satisfy your concerns for the TC's, since you want partition. Somehow you will reject this idea, which then makes your Partition desires more than a safety issue. So what is it Big Al.?? Is it about flexing Turkey's muscle against a small country like Cyprus, to show the world what great military power they think they are, or is it as simple as land grab by the TC's and the Turks, because there are no other reason why all Cypriots cannot live together on the island. But if permanent partition is what the TC's want, and by the way, the last survey taken in the "TRNC" couple of months ago disputed this notion that the True TC's want a permanent partition of the island. They may not be happy with the GC's so much, but they also do not want to be taken over by Turkey anymore than they have been already with many more settlers in the North than True TC's as we speak now.

If the TC's wanted permanent partition, why is it that they have not asked for it to agree on a 80%-20% split with the GC's based on their own communities population numbers and bid each other goodbye.?? The ones who want partition are the ones who are holding onto stolen GC land and getting rich from it and all the fascists. The average TC's is ruled by the corrupted officials and the elite. The rest of those who want partition are the lemmings used by the above by making promises to them that they cannot deliver by waving the Turkish flag and the poster of Ataturk at them. As a True TC myself, I cannot accept building a state on the back of others from the same country, no matter what the payoffs are. Many others have had far worse wars and political injustices than we have had in Cyprus and yet they have found ways to resolve their problems and work through them. Are you saying to me, that we, as Cypriots are not capable in doing that.?? Are we that far gone in civilization, that we can't see our way through all this mess. ??

If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage

Isn't it funny, on how you support ENOSIS (taksim) with Turkey but have been condemning it for the last 40+ years and using it as basis in asking for partition because of the past mistakes by the GC's. So I'm glad to know, just like many other Partitionist on the forum, that you all support ENOSIS when it comes to you people, just not when it comes to the GC's. Can you spell the word hypocrite by any chance Big Al. I'm sure Expatkiwi will help you to spell it, but just in case he can't, here it is...
H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. Lets understand something Big Al, if you really cared so much about the safety and security of the TC's, it will not come through taking on someone else's land and try to build a society on it in today's 21st Century, specially land taken from those who are only stone throw away from where the TC's are today. You cannot have peace when guarded by day and night by a foreign army. That is not called self determination, but rather self destruction as a "corrupted society". Nothing good will ever come from such "state", even if it did manage to be recognised, because the owners of most of the land where that "state" is built on, knows where their land is and who is keeping them away from it, and sooner or later, they will come for it. If you are after safety and security for our TC community, then you are going about it the wrong and immoral way in trying to obtain it.
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Postby observer » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Big Al wrote:Kikapu, im actually quite an accepting person, open to other peoples views, lifestyles and beliefs. What i cant stand is Greek propaganda being spread against my people. Bir Kibrisli, you are an orospu cocugu, i have had bad experiences with GC's, and have lost family members at their hands, these family members were not military personnel or were they male, and they were murdered prior to turkey's intervention.
You really make me sick Bir Kibrisli, and i cant understand why you take the positions you do, perhaps living in Australia you are being f&*%d by a GC and think to yourself "would it be great if all live together". Your a disgrace and i am ashamed of you.

What an abnoxious nauseating repugnant ignorant little shit you are !!!
There is only one orospu cocugu and that is you Plonker !!

Miltiades, why don't you ignore this schizophrenic child so that he will eventually stop posting in this forum, and instead you keep responding to his idiotic comments?

Kifeas, why don't you ignore this schizophrenic child so that he will eventually stop posting in this forum, and instead you keep responding to his idiotic comments?

Miltiades, Kifeas, GR - Is he really any different at heart from Phoenix/Oracle. Both represent the far ends of the Cypriot spectrum. Hopefully not too many people share their views
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Postby halil » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:53 pm

The Presidential Spokesman Hasan Ercakica has said that there is a good possibility that President Mehmet Ali Talat and the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias will be coming together before the end of this month.

Speaking with reporters during his weekly press briefing, the Presidential Spokesman said that date for the meeting had not yet been fixed and would only be determined following the UN Special Representative Michael Moller’s contacts this week.
Pointing out that all eyes had turned on the Greek Cypriot Administration to see what kind of a stance it will adopt on the Cyprus Problem, Ercakica said that the Turkish Cypriot Side position which clearly supports a solution has not changed since the period the leading to the referendum on the Annan Plan.

Stressing that the Turkish Cypriot Side will only be contributing positively to the new process, the Presidential spokesman said that how the Greek Cypriot Side will contribute to the talks now that their has been a change in leadership, will only become clear following the meeting between the two leaders.

Ercakica also said that a UN delegation headed by Lynn Pascoe, the UN Secretary General’s Undersecretary for Political Affairs will be visiting the island in the first half of April to hold contacts on both sides of the island.

Stressing that the Turkish Cypriot Side wants to keep the issue of opening the Lokmaci barricade out side of the Cyprus Issue, Ercakica expressed the view that it could be possible to open the Lokmaci crossing point soon if a practical approach was adopted.

He added that the Turkish Cypriot Side desired the opening of the Lokmaci crossing point at the earliest possible time.

Responding to questions, the Presidential spokesman reiterated the Turkish Cypriot Side’s readiness to work towards finding an immediate and just solution to the Cyprus Problem.

The Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitali Churkin said that the Security Council will be following closely the developments on the Cyprus Problem in the period ahead.Pointing out that there was an expectation that new developments will take place on the Cyprus Problem now that the elections in South Cyprus are over, Churkin said that the UN Security Council will not be the first institution that will follow closely these developments.
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Postby halil » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:00 pm

Meanwhile, the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias has arrived in Athens for talks with Greek officials on the Cyprus issue.

As part of his contacts, Mr. Christofias met yesterday with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and the leaders of the Greek political parties.

Addressing a state dinner hosted in honour of the Greek Cypriot leader, Greek President Papoulias described the 8 July agreement as a important step towards reaching a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.
For his part, the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that the Greek Cypriot Side will continue to pursue a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus question.
Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat will be flying to the Turkish capital Ankara tomorrow, for talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A statement released by the Turkish presidency said that the two leaders will be discussing all aspects of the Cyprus Problem during the meeting including the coordination of the two countries(Turkey and TRNC) in view of forthcoming developments on the Cyprus Issue.
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Postby DT. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:22 pm

halil wrote:Meanwhile, the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias has arrived in Athens for talks with Greek officials on the Cyprus issue.

As part of his contacts, Mr. Christofias met yesterday with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and the leaders of the Greek political parties.

Addressing a state dinner hosted in honour of the Greek Cypriot leader, Greek President Papoulias described the 8 July agreement as a important step towards reaching a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.
For his part, the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that the Greek Cypriot Side will continue to pursue a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus question.
Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat will be flying to the Turkish capital Ankara tomorrow, for talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A statement released by the Turkish presidency said that the two leaders will be discussing all aspects of the Cyprus Problem during the meeting including the coordination of the two countries(Turkey and TRNC) in view of forthcoming developments on the Cyprus Issue.

I'm surprised the article doesn't call Karamanlis the Greek Leader instead of Prime Minister.
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Postby alexISS » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:26 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:Meanwhile, the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias has arrived in Athens for talks with Greek officials on the Cyprus issue.

As part of his contacts, Mr. Christofias met yesterday with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and the leaders of the Greek political parties.

Addressing a state dinner hosted in honour of the Greek Cypriot leader, Greek President Papoulias described the 8 July agreement as a important step towards reaching a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.
For his part, the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that the Greek Cypriot Side will continue to pursue a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus question.
Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat will be flying to the Turkish capital Ankara tomorrow, for talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A statement released by the Turkish presidency said that the two leaders will be discussing all aspects of the Cyprus Problem during the meeting including the coordination of the two countries(Turkey and TRNC) in view of forthcoming developments on the Cyprus Issue.

I'm surprised the article doesn't call Karamanlis the Greek Leader instead of Prime Minister.

You would be twice as surprised if you had read the whole article, it also calls Papoulias President :lol:
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Postby DT. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:34 pm

alexISS wrote:
DT. wrote:
halil wrote:Meanwhile, the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias has arrived in Athens for talks with Greek officials on the Cyprus issue.

As part of his contacts, Mr. Christofias met yesterday with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and the leaders of the Greek political parties.

Addressing a state dinner hosted in honour of the Greek Cypriot leader, Greek President Papoulias described the 8 July agreement as a important step towards reaching a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.
For his part, the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that the Greek Cypriot Side will continue to pursue a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus question.
Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat will be flying to the Turkish capital Ankara tomorrow, for talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A statement released by the Turkish presidency said that the two leaders will be discussing all aspects of the Cyprus Problem during the meeting including the coordination of the two countries(Turkey and TRNC) in view of forthcoming developments on the Cyprus Issue.

I'm surprised the article doesn't call Karamanlis the Greek Leader instead of Prime Minister.

You would be twice as surprised if you had read the whole article, it also calls Papoulias President :lol:

Eeerrmm he IS the president Alexiss.... :lol:
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Postby alexISS » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:38 pm

DT. wrote:
alexISS wrote:
DT. wrote:
halil wrote:Meanwhile, the Greek Cypriot Leader Dimitris Christofias has arrived in Athens for talks with Greek officials on the Cyprus issue.

As part of his contacts, Mr. Christofias met yesterday with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and the leaders of the Greek political parties.

Addressing a state dinner hosted in honour of the Greek Cypriot leader, Greek President Papoulias described the 8 July agreement as a important step towards reaching a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.
For his part, the Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that the Greek Cypriot Side will continue to pursue a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus question.
Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat will be flying to the Turkish capital Ankara tomorrow, for talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A statement released by the Turkish presidency said that the two leaders will be discussing all aspects of the Cyprus Problem during the meeting including the coordination of the two countries(Turkey and TRNC) in view of forthcoming developments on the Cyprus Issue.

I'm surprised the article doesn't call Karamanlis the Greek Leader instead of Prime Minister.

You would be twice as surprised if you had read the whole article, it also calls Papoulias President :lol:

Eeerrmm he IS the president Alexiss.... :lol:

the president of the Greek administration of the south Balkans?
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