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negotiations on the Cyprus Problem could start after April

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:24 am

Big Al wrote:stop barking, i have as much claim to cyprus as you do.

The only claim a Turk has on Cyprus is my buckshot...
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:24 am

Big Al wrote:OTTO Boy?? Please explain....
The flag represents my identity, history, culture and religion.

So you aint a Cypriot then are you ?

As far as poking my nose into your " inslults "against Kikapu and Bir ,
any insults against any friend of mine is an insult to me .
Of course you can express you views on this forum regardless how stupid and racist they might be.
What annoys me about you is the fact that YOU think you are representative of the Turkish Cypriots , you are nothing of the sort , you are mixed up and represent only the extremists who , along with their G/C counterparts are responsible for the deaths of thousands of my people , not yours mate because YOU ARE NOT A CYPRIOT.
Turkey is a huge country , your proud of your Turkishness then go man go , Turkey is waiting , the new world is beckoning and leave Cyprus to the Cypriots , the T/Cs and the G/Cs .
I'm blessed with knowing hundreds of T/Cs and I know that they are all proud Cypriots first and foremost . You most certainly ain't .
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:26 am

[quote="Big Al
The T/Cs have as much right to Cyprus as I have , but you DO NOT !
Your allegiance is to TURKEY , take your flag and go fight for Turkey in N. Iraq !!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:55 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu, im actually quite an accepting person, open to other peoples views, lifestyles and beliefs. What i cant stand is Greek propaganda being spread against my people. Bir Kibrisli, you are an orospu cocugu, i have had bad experiences with GC's, and have lost family members at their hands, these family members were not military personnel or were they male, and they were murdered prior to turkey's intervention.
You really make me sick Bir Kibrisli, and i cant understand why you take the positions you do, perhaps living in Australia you are being f&*%d by a GC and think to yourself "would it be great if all live together". Your a disgrace and i am ashamed of you.

Big Al, I really do not want to carry on talking with you, when you have zero respect for forum members family members, specially name callings towards their mothers. You have crossed the integrity line as far as I'm concerned with the "orospu cocugu" comments. Your mother ought to rub some red chilly peeper on your tongue boy. How dare you insult any one's mother. Really shame on you. You have proven to be a disgusting individual, just like few others we have here on the forum who share your 15th Century mentality and have used same language in the past, so well done for showing us your limited ability in expressing yourself.

Almost every family member has lost loved ones in Cyprus, whether they were from the TC community or the GC community, therefore you are not anything special. If there is anything that you need to learn from history, is not to repeat past mistakes, but what you want to do, is in fact continue the mistakes of the past, so something tells me that you are not able to think rationally.

Just out of curiosity Big Al, just exactly what Propaganda are the GC's using towards the TC community, and while you are at it, can you tell me what Propaganda are the TC's using against the GC community. As much as you want to believe it, Cyprus problem is not a "one way street". If you can't see that, than there really is no point in talking with you ever again. Lets see if you have any understanding of the Cyprus problems at all, be it be from the past or at present.
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Postby DT. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:16 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu, im actually quite an accepting person, open to other peoples views, lifestyles and beliefs.

Hitler: What are you talking about??? All my best friends are Jews!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Big Al » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:25 am

My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:35 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu,
My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.

I agree with you, Big Al, but lets just see how the upcoming negotiations proceed between the new Greek Administration Leader and President Talat. We'll soon find out if there is a mood for reconciliation on both sides.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:56 am

Expatkiwi wrote:
Big Al wrote:Kikapu,
My first ever post stated that TC should reject any proposal to unite the island and begin to establish diplomatic ties with the international community, starting with Turkic speaking and islamic countries, slowly but surely international recognition will begin, against the best efforts of GC, Greece, Russia maybe a couple of balkan states. I realise that the Cyprus problem is not a "one way street" but i also need to look at what is in the best interests of the TC community and in the long run i believe that that is through permanent partition. If the efforts of recognition do not bear any fruit for TC's then perhaps they should consider Taksim as another solution. Either way they maintain some level of self rule and have safety and security and they do not give up their own heritage.

I agree with you, Big Al, but lets just see how the upcoming negotiations proceed between the new Greek Administration Leader and President Talat. We'll soon find out if there is a mood for reconciliation on both sides.

Not surprising that the biggest hypocrite on the forum would support Big Al on his partition dream on land that was created by ethnic cleansing.

Another great humanitarian...........not.!!!

Way to go, Expatkiwi.!!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:05 am

Big Al wrote:Kikapu, im actually quite an accepting person, open to other peoples views, lifestyles and beliefs. What i cant stand is Greek propaganda being spread against my people. Bir Kibrisli, you are an orospu cocugu, i have had bad experiences with GC's, and have lost family members at their hands, these family members were not military personnel or were they male, and they were murdered prior to turkey's intervention.
You really make me sick Bir Kibrisli, and i cant understand why you take the positions you do, perhaps living in Australia you are being f&*%d by a GC and think to yourself "would it be great if all live together". Your a disgrace and i am ashamed of you.

You are not worth spitting on,Big Al,but I will make an exception in your case,just to put a smile on my dear compatriot, miltiades' face...

Are you ready? Open your mouth...Good boy...Huckkkkkkkk tooooooooooo!!!!!!! :)
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Postby DT. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:29 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Big Al wrote:Kikapu, im actually quite an accepting person, open to other peoples views, lifestyles and beliefs. What i cant stand is Greek propaganda being spread against my people. Bir Kibrisli, you are an orospu cocugu, i have had bad experiences with GC's, and have lost family members at their hands, these family members were not military personnel or were they male, and they were murdered prior to turkey's intervention.
You really make me sick Bir Kibrisli, and i cant understand why you take the positions you do, perhaps living in Australia you are being f&*%d by a GC and think to yourself "would it be great if all live together". Your a disgrace and i am ashamed of you.

You are not worth spitting on,Big Al,but I will make an exception in your case,just to put a smile on my dear compatriot, miltiades' face...

Are you ready? Open your mouth...Good boy...Huckkkkkkkk tooooooooooo!!!!!!! :)

I see you went for the hukkkkkk...personally i would have gone for more of a hoowaaakkk. Perfect for little racists with big heads.
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