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Am I old fashioned ?

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Re: Am I old fashioned ?

Postby dinos » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:06 pm

purdey wrote:A few weeks ago I interviewed 7 people for a job in Cyprus.The job is mainly office based with some appointments out of office.
Today I recieved a rude letter from one candidate who never got the job.The guy was highly qualified,answered all the right questions,spoke three languages and would have been a assett in the workplace.
However he arrives at interview ten minutes late,was dressed in a unironed shirt,dirty trousers and looked unkempt.On appearance only he did not get the job.
I gave the job to a lady who was well presented,who was not qualified and only spoke one language but was prepared to learn another.

You did the right thing, Purdey.

Not only were you gracious in actually speaking with him, you also gave him the courtesy of letting him know why he got the ax. I have no problem giving a lesser-qualified applicant a chance if I felt they had substance, willingness to learn and wouldn't embarrass the company in front of clients. I would've told the applicant to piss off straight away if s/he had come in late looking unkempt.

Not to mention the fact that you don't have to deal with the sense of entitlement that would've come with the guy you didn't hire...
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