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Am I old fashioned ?

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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:01 pm

this about explains it all.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:04 pm

purdey wrote:And the other one has bells on...give it a pull.Very rarely do I see a positive written by your fair hand..

And I thought you said your strong point was closing deals :lol:
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Postby Bill » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:06 pm

I used to go on the following when interviewing :-

The candidates apparent interest, enthusiasm and knowledge / homework done in respect of the advertised vacancy.

Experience or apparent willingness to learn.

First impressions which includes dress / presentation and my gut feeling on the candidates suitability.

Qualifications ~ which to be honest I put last as although it certainly helps it wouldn't automatically get someone the job

I've surprised one or two candidates by either giving them a job when they weren't the most qualified or not taking them on when according to their CV they were the best bet for the job ~ the selection was often purely by gut instinct .

I've often been struck dumb by the apparent lack of interest of some candidates ~ in both personal appearance and knowledge of the position advertised .

I have in really extreme cases advised a candidate that his / her personal appearance and / or apparent lack of interest has let him / her down on this occasion and to try a little harder at creating a better first impression if they intend to apply for any future positions with the company.

As you can imagine I've had a few complaints from candidates plus a good few from the job centre too.

I was lucky that I managed to take on good workers willing to fit in and more importantly still be there after a couple of years .

The company eventually changed over to the American idea of tests and puzzles to select the best candidates and sadly it went down hill from there with the quality of staff employed and how long they stayed with us.

Now when you also bring in the problem in the UK of equal rights for ethnic minorities, which basically means that you have to take on a certain proportion even though they may not be exactly what you want just to show and satisfy everybody that you are not a racially prejudiced company, then it starts to get really silly.

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:09 pm

purdey wrote:Get real-get real,
we would not survive very long in business if we played that game.99.9% of my staff are more qualified than myself,but they could not close a deal if their life depended on it.
Oh by the way it was a panel interview,3 others involved,it is what we call a family business,not all staff are related...

Getting someone to raise the standard of their appearance is far quicker and less expensive than getting someone else to catch up with required qualifications and work experience.

If you feel the business is doing well now think how much better it would do with a decent manager. Sorry. This is how I would handle it…

Interviewer: “How important is it to you that you impress me today?”

Applicant: “Very” or “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to impress you”

Interviewer: “Good! So why isn’t your shirt ironed?”

Applicant: [Embarrassed]

Interviewer: “We have the following [explain detail] dress code here which we expect the applicant to follow. Would that be a problem for you?”

Applicant: “Err, no…”

Interviewer: “Excellent! So how do you plan to overcome this problem if given the opportunity to work here?”

That’s how you handle it…
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Postby Oracle » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:11 pm

Surely it all depends on the type of job ....

I mean you don't care how starched someones shirt appears if they can put together a particle accelerator! :roll:
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Postby purdey » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:15 pm

We always try and leave space at interview for a wild card.Someone who shows an interest,willingness to learn and has experience of life in general.
This young guy,made no attempt to impress in person,late, unkempt,slouched in the chair,but produced one hell of a CV.
As for a response to Phoenix,I do not think I said I close deals,I don't, I have not got that in me,but I have a collegue who does...
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Postby purdey » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:21 pm

Isn't it all about making a little effort ? I believe Phoenix on a previous post you were lambasting the English regarding un ironed jeans ?
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Postby purdey » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:25 pm

Nice one get real..I wish I had the time to lecture someone on presentation at interview.I thought it was the norm to attend a interview for a 24k job with at least a tie,and to turn up on time ? maybe not,maybe I am old fashioned.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:26 pm

purdey wrote:Isn't it all about making a little effort ? I believe Phoenix on a previous post you were lambasting the English regarding un ironed jeans ?

Iron jeans .... :roll: I think you have me confused with someone who cares about clothes .....

Also, I rarely use the term "English" unless I am distinguishing between Scots etc
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Postby purdey » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:29 pm

It's there Phoenix,under your old user name.If memory serves it was with reference to the Scottish.
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