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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:58 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:BBF is on offer take it or leave it....the choice is yours.

As a True Federation, I'll take it.

As a disguised Partition, NO THANKS.

Here is something for all to think about.

Had the 2004 AP passed by all Cypriots, the North would have been considered a Turkish Territory and in essence can do whatever they wished to do with it, continue being part of the "United Cyprus" or just say, the hell with it, we want to be Independent. I can guarantee you, had that been the case, the North would have declared Independence the same week as Kosovo and all those who are willing to recognise Kosovo would have had no choice but recognise the North also.

Guess what, with VP's kind of BBF, the same situation will exist again in the near future, if it's adapted. What's to stop it.???

I'm not revealing any secrets here. If I can read the "tea leaves" so can everyone else. That's why the BBF has been dubbed as a "disguised Partition". So what's the advantage for the GC's to say yes on VP's BBF. Perhaps VP can give us all the advantages to the GC's of his kind of BBF over a clean partition or staying as we are now.

Can you tell us which part of the Annan Plan allowed the TCs to do that....Give us the specific part please
???? :roll:

Zan, when you play bumb, stupid and ignorant, it really doesn't go too well with you, but if you keep it up, then I will have no choice but to accept you as a dumb, stupid and ignorant.

What do you think the "Virgin Birth" concept was and is all about and a two seperate states with their own laws that are not covered under the Federal Laws and even if they were, SO WHAT. Once the North legally enters into the hands of the TC's, whether there are GC's living there or not, will eventually want to break away by declaring Independence citing
"irreconcilable differences", just like most couples use for reasons for divorce these days. If not, few bombs here and there will do the trick, as it was done before. The whole purpose of the BBF is to keeps options open for a complete Partition once the North is in the EU officially. If that is not the case, why do you refuse True Federation and True Democracy.?? Because you know damn well, that you will not be able to declare Independence with the land TC's do not outright own, the North , but with the "Virgin Birth", that is a different story. Talat still talking about a "Virgin Birth" for GOD sake. We can have a "Virgin Birth" as a country, but do not count on the GC's to agree on a "Virgin Birth" to the TC's the Northern part of Cyprus anytime soon in a BBF.

Nope...Read this a few times and still can't find the answer I need.....Just your obsession on sound-bites that you think make you look as if you know what you are talking about....Haram...Virgin birth....Here is a new one for you......

Allah Belani versin....


Nope...Read this a few times and still can't find the answer I need

Sorry to hear, that you have reached the bumb, stupid and ignorant level in understanding what is going on Zan. Perhaps you need to double up your efforts to be honest for a change even though honesty does not seem to be the "order of the day" for Partitionist, Propagandist and Fascist.

Haram...Virgin birth.

You could have chosen a better "video" than the one you did Zan. I mean, the song had nothing to do with the original Video itself. It was just another case of stealing others property and changing it to make it the singer's own. Perhaps it was a case of "Virgin Birth" being exercised here. What was someone else's before, now it's mine by removing the original song from the video and adding their own. That's exactly how the "Virgin Birth" concept works and your video example is what I'm talking about when it comes to Cyprus and the North. I'm glad to see that you are not as dumb as you think you are.

Talk about "Haram", you have reminded me to ask you a question. Did I read correctly recently on the forum, where you stated that you have "donated" your family's 50+ donums of land on the "Green Line" to the "TRNC". Is this true Zan, or did I miss read it.? I must admit I was doing a very quick read at the time, so I can't be certain of it's accuracy. But if it is true, can you tell us some of the details on how you were able to do this. I mean Zan, you are talking about a lot of land here to be just "donated" like that. Not exactly a very Cypriot thing to do without any compensation in return. So tell us about your "goodwill" that you made to the "TRNC" with your family's land.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:36 pm

Thank-you Halil for the valuable information you provided.

the proposal

i provided in simplistic terms is much of the same.

One thing I know is that the quality of the Annan Plan, in comparison to those that you provided us in this thread did far less to advance the values which Humanity holds important. And I am glad that it failed when tested as a solution, because even as an agreement it is far from clear. every single post, although I intend to return to some of the documents I scanned, and I suggest the other writers (and readers) to do the same.
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