Piratis wrote:No, it didn`t and there has been no war between the RoC and Turkey. A community of the Cyprus assembled an an army against the constituion of the RoC established per the Zurich Agrements. That illegal organization killed innocent TCs and fatally attempted to annex the island to Greece. The only war that took place was between the criminal gang you assembled and a NATO member Army.You are loosing it mate. Cyprus is an independent sovereign country member of the United Nations. Just repeating your crap all day will not make them true.
And I`ll repeat it as many times as is necessary: There has never been and there is no war between the RoC and Turkey. Turkey never declared war on the RoC. The fact is that you asssembled a criminal military organization in violation of the RoC constitution and international agreements. This criminal gang attacked and killed innocent TCs. Furthermore, it launched a large scale offensive to annex the whole island to Greece. Makarios apolagized in front of the whole world for establishing and harboring this criminal institution and asked for help to bring it under control. Turkey smashed the brains out of this sorry-ass-excuse for an army in 1974 thus eliminating once and for all your dreams of ENOSIS and the threat you posed to the TC commnity. No war with the RoC at any point whatsoever.
Piratis wrote:Murataga wrote:It says "immediate end to foreign military intervention". I believe that would include Greece and all her military personel, weapons, logistics and accoomodating financial support on the island as well. Is this part covered by your end; or better yet has it ever been?
On July 20th the foreign intervention was by Turkey, so stop hiding behind your finger.
The resolution came about on July 20th - a date which Greece was on the island as a "foreign military intervention" with troops, weapons, financial and logistic support (before and after as well actually...). The resolution makes no specific reference to Turkey nor does it confine the recommendations to the day of the July 20th. Rather it says, "immediate end to foreign military intervention". That includes Greece and all her military personel, weapons, logistics and accomadating financial support on the island as well. So, once again: have you measured up to your end of this resolution - ever?
Piratis wrote:Murataga wrote:You were the COMMUNITY outnumbering us 1 to 4 with an objective of handing the island to Greece. With that, you had the initiative and you established a paramilitary organization that destroyed anything and everything that stood in the way of uniting the whole of Cyprus with Greece. You launched your offensive and we resisted. Check the sequence of the dates which EOKA and TMT were established...
We outnumber you 1 to 5+ actually, but of course that didn't stop you from going against the democratic wishes of the Cypriot people because you knew you had turkey behind you.
You can not "democratically wish" to hand over the land, citizenship and rights of TCs to Greece without their consent, period.
Piratis wrote:EOKA was established to fight the colonialists and that is what they did. We wanted to be free from foreign oppressors. Do you have a problem with that Murataga?
EOKA was established to fight anything and anyone who stood in the way of annexing Cyprus to Greece. And this is exactly what they did, and yes, I do have a problem with this.
Piratis wrote:The inter-communal conflict started by you, and it is documented in the video I posted earlier. The creation of TMT coincides with the beginning of the inter-communal conflict. So you should check your sequence of events and see that you are the ones who started the conflict.
TMT was established after EOKA and there is a meaning of that sequence.
Piratis wrote:Murataga wrote:Rights are not valid when it only suits you. We all have rights and all of our rights have limitations. Your rights are as that of a COMMUNITY; do you accept this or not?
My rights are those of a Cypriot citizen. How is belonging to a community make my rights less? Do you think we are living in the Ottoman era that you could class anybody you wanted as a second category citizen with lesser rights? What are the limits to my rights are defined only by Cyprus and EU laws, not by you.
Here is how: you did not have the right to assemble an army comprised of GCs and call it the armf of the RoC, you did not have the right to prevent the elected TC representatives to attend their posts in the government, you did not have the right to invite the Greek Army to Cyprus, you did not have the right to pass resolutions on behalf of the RoC stating that her overall objective is to be annexed to Greece, you did not have the right to make any decisions on behalf of the RoC to jeapordize the TC communal safety and well being, you did not have the right to ambargo the members of the TC community from supplies that even included infant medicine, and etc... These illegalities in general have been orchestrated and launched by the GC community against the the TC community for refusing ENOSIS, for refusing to give up their rights granted to them by the international agreements and for not accepting to have Cyprus Hellenized.
The limits to your rights had been defined by a constitution that your elected COMMUNAL leader Makarios agreed and signed. As of now, you have breached almost all of them.