Joy Goodman, a cake decorator, is seeking damages for personal injury and loss of earnings, claiming the top of her right index finger was severed when she delivered the mail. She claims she needs compensation because she is now unable to carry out her intricate job.
But the homeowner vowed to fight the case. Paul O'Brien, 44, a self-employed engineer from Leeds, said: "When I received a solicitor's letter I thought someone was having a laugh. I actually told them they had sent it early. April Fool's Day is still six weeks away.
"I just cannot believe someone who came on to my property uninvited, to put junk mail through my door that I didn't want, can now sue me because they hurt themselves."
He added: "There is nothing wrong with the letterbox. I haven't altered it or done anything to it. It's just like every other letterbox on this estate."
Mrs Goodman declined to comment, saying only: "It is in the hands of my solicitors."
A law expert said that householders had limited duties of care to people who went on to their property such as delivery people or postmen.
These duties of care include not having such things as bare electricity cables sticking out, but were not likely to extend to a letterbox providing it was a standard model.
Goodnight Forum friends
Bubbles x