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Abandoned puppies

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Abandoned puppies

Postby Niki » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:47 pm

What is it with some people here?

A motorbike stopped 100m up the road and threw a box of 7 puppies on to the road......and then drove away leaving them to get run over!!

My children happened to be in the garden and heard this and then the whining from the puppies who were running all over the road. We gathered them up and fed them, you couldn't just leave them!

After a lot of calling different people I found a wonderful lady who could take them on (they were very young and needed specific care and as we are in a rented house couldn't have them). Why couldn't these people who threw them on to the road call to find alternative care???

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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:19 pm

bless you Niki, and bless the woman who took them on.
and curses to the jerk who dumped the pups.
this could have been prevented if they just took the time and spend a few bucks on getting the bitch fixed.
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Re: Abandoned puppies

Postby webbo » Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:52 am

Niki wrote:What is it with some people here?

A motorbike stopped 100m up the road and threw a box of 7 puppies on to the road......and then drove away leaving them to get run over!!

My children happened to be in the garden and heard this and then the whining from the puppies who were running all over the road. We gathered them up and fed them, you couldn't just leave them!

After a lot of calling different people I found a wonderful lady who could take them on (they were very young and needed specific care and as we are in a rented house couldn't have them). Why couldn't these people who threw them on to the road call to find alternative care???


A regular occurrence here Niki mou. Sad but true :x

We live in a predominantly Cypriot area and on several occasions puppies and kitten have been dumped in boxes - right outside our door. Seems, us Brits are a soft touch.

Glad you got them sorted though :D

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Postby Niki » Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:27 am

I heard from June that this was happening all the time. It's the pure evil of dropping tiny puppies on a main road that got me. They were too far up the road from us for them to have been intentionally left for us, they were just left to die.

As you say GG, it wouldn't have cost that much to have the mother neutered.
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Postby webbo » Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:02 am

Niki wrote:I heard from June that this was happening all the time. It's the pure evil of dropping tiny puppies on a main road that got me. They were too far up the road from us for them to have been intentionally left for us, they were just left to die.

As you say GG, it wouldn't have cost that much to have the mother neutered.

Morning Niki mou,
Have you ever seen the dogs that get tied up along the motorway? :x
That really bugs me. How can anyone be so cruel to do that ?
Poor animals being tied up, alone and terrified as the traffic whizzes by.

If they do not want the animal they should do the decent thing and try to rehouse it or take it to the appropriate authorities. :evil:
How they actually stop and do this evil act without being seen is beyond me.

They deserve the same treatment - no worse! :twisted:

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Re: Abandoned puppies

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:53 am

Niki wrote:What is it with some people here?

A motorbike stopped 100m up the road and threw a box of 7 puppies on to the road......and then drove away leaving them to get run over!!

My children happened to be in the garden and heard this and then the whining from the puppies who were running all over the road. We gathered them up and fed them, you couldn't just leave them!

After a lot of calling different people I found a wonderful lady who could take them on (they were very young and needed specific care and as we are in a rented house couldn't have them). Why couldn't these people who threw them on to the road call to find alternative care???


I feel for you – we’ve also had puppies abandoned in our road. It can be extremely expensive both emotionally and financially… I’ve lost track of how many animals we’ve had neutered, inoculated, chipped and then re-homed.

Unfortunately, it is all rather self defeating – Cypriots know that one of us will take care of the animals or at least they justify the dumping on the basis that one of us could find them and take care of them.

While there are some fantastic people doing amazing things for animal welfare on the island I don’t personally think the situation will improve until we push the problem back to the Cypriot community. If we all started taking these poor animals and dumping them at the local police station or village office then something would happen.
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Postby Bucksboy » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:10 pm

If they do not want the animal they should do the decent thing and try to rehouse it or take it to the appropriate authorities. :evil:

You mentined appropriate authorites above. Just wondering what those might be in Cyprus? I've never found any...has anybody else?
Animal abuse is getting worse here not better and until the Cypriots are shown to the worlds media as the most ignorant and backward regarding animal welfare then things will remain the same.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:30 pm

Authorities, Police HA !!
A horse was once wandering around the houses in Episkopi, Lovely creature, we were worried about its welfare,
we thought we were doing the right thing by informing PC Plodd at the village police station, his reply
" if it is so nice why you no take it in" I explained I could not, they then arrived in a Police car and CHASED the terrified animal out of the village.
I think that it had been stabled somewhere and had got loose and lost its way. It was not a nag, it was a lovely horse, Someone had obviously loved and cared for it.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:38 pm

One fine Anglo-American terrier puppy looking for a good home...

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Postby purdey » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:41 pm

If you want to hear about local authourity care for animals,visit the Donkey Sanctuary at Vouni.Some of these poor creatures have suffered horrendous abuse.
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