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Abandoned puppies

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Postby webbo » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:42 pm

Jerry wrote:The attitude of many Cypriots towards animals is demonstrated on this very site simply by their lack of interest or unwillingness to comment about topics that relate to animals.

I can hear them thinking it now.
"They are only bloody animals, what's all the fuss about, stupid English worry more about cats and dogs than the Cyprus problem"

Miserable bastards

WOW! You know how to stir it up :lol: :lol: :wink: :lol: :lol:

Bubbles x 8)
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Re: Abandoned puppies

Postby pantheman » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:49 pm

Niki wrote:What is it with some people here?

A motorbike stopped 100m up the road and threw a box of 7 puppies on to the road......and then drove away leaving them to get run over!!

My children happened to be in the garden and heard this and then the whining from the puppies who were running all over the road. We gathered them up and fed them, you couldn't just leave them!

After a lot of calling different people I found a wonderful lady who could take them on (they were very young and needed specific care and as we are in a rented house couldn't have them). Why couldn't these people who threw them on to the road call to find alternative care???


What breed are they?
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:15 pm

GorillaGal wrote:and they call themselves "civilized"!

its a shame it happens but cy is not the only place int he world, i dont know about america but i know it hapens a lot in the uk =/ just not many organisations developed to put an end or to rescue the animals in cy.. maybe that would be a good new business venture in cy :)
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Postby kafenes » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:19 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
and they call themselves "civilized"!

Teens accused of beating disabled woman
By LISA CORNWELL, Associated Press Writer
CINCINNATI - Two teenagers hid overnight in a house and spent more than six hours torturing a disabled woman after her mother left in the morning, authorities said.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said the teenage boy and girl tied up the 18-year-old woman, clubbed her, kicked her, shaved her head and soaked her with water before making her walk barefoot outside in the snow.
They also ignored pleas from the woman, who had undergone brain surgery, not to hit her in the head, investigators said.
"This is one of the worst crimes I've ever seen," Jones said Monday. "They are sick animals, apparently just doing this for kicks and no other reason."
Cheyenne Blanton, 17, and Joseph Nagle, 16, both of Hamilton, were arraigned Monday on juvenile delinquency charges that include aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, felonious assault and vandalism, according to juvenile court officials.
They were ordered held in the county's juvenile detention center pending a court appearance later this week. Neither entered a plea, and both requested court-appointed attorneys. Those attorneys had not been named Monday.
The teens are accused of physically abusing Ashley Clark, 18, for more than six hours Friday at her home in Hanover Township, about 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati.
Both Jones and the woman's mother, Sheila Clark, want the teenagers tried as adults, and Jones said the two could get 75 years to life in prison if tried and convicted as adults.
"I want full justice for my daughter," Clark said Monday. "Those two never need to walk the streets again."
Clark would not comment on details of the case or provide specifics on her daughter's disabilities or injuries, other than to say that her daughter was doing as well as possible.
"I can't understand how anyone could do this to anyone, but especially to someone with such a beautiful, loving heart," Sheila Clark said.
Messages seeking comment on whether adult charges would be pursued were left at the prosecutor's office Monday. There was no answer at telephone listing for a Joseph Nagel in Hamilton. There was no listing for Cheyenne Blanton.
Jones said the teenagers hid overnight in the basement of the Clark home, intending to steal the car and leave town before an upcoming juvenile court appearance date for one of the suspects.
They apparently missed their chance to get the car when Sheila Clark left the house in it Friday morning, and they went into the kitchen to get something to eat before going upstairs and waking her daughter, Jones said. The pair then spent the next six to eight hours torturing Ashley Clark, he said.
The mother realized something had happened when she came home, saw the house ransacked and called 911. A neighbor also called the sheriff's department to report two juveniles in the neighbor's yard.
Detectives apprehended the teenagers a few minutes later in nearby woods after following their footprints in the snow, Jones said.

And here we are blaming the Cypriots for cruelty towards animals.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:21 pm

paliometoxo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:and they call themselves "civilized"!

its a shame it happens but cy is not the only place int he world, i dont know about america but i know it hapens a lot in the uk =/ just not many organisations developed to put an end or to rescue the animals in cy.. maybe that would be a good new business venture in cy :)

i think it wouldn't make much money. what needs to be done in CY is education. as the saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" so it would involve getting into the schools, teaching the kids, and just keep teaching the kids. after a generation or two, it might sink in.

i was hoping to win the mega lotto this last time around. my dream was to tak that $270million, donate a million each to the two local pet shelters in my community, and then head off to CY with a huge hunk of that money....set up more shelters, start a spay/neuter program, and start an education program. alas. i didn't win, so i guess it's not happening this week. :cry:
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Re: Abandoned puppies

Postby Niki » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:22 pm

pantheman wrote:
Niki wrote:What is it with some people here?

A motorbike stopped 100m up the road and threw a box of 7 puppies on to the road......and then drove away leaving them to get run over!!

My children happened to be in the garden and heard this and then the whining from the puppies who were running all over the road. We gathered them up and fed them, you couldn't just leave them!

After a lot of calling different people I found a wonderful lady who could take them on (they were very young and needed specific care and as we are in a rented house couldn't have them). Why couldn't these people who threw them on to the road call to find alternative care???


What breed are they?

Labrador cross I think, they are golden coloured.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:27 pm

kafenes wrote:GorillaGal wrote:
and they call themselves "civilized"!

Teens accused of beating disabled woman
By LISA CORNWELL, Associated Press Writer
CINCINNATI - Two teenagers hid overnight in a house and spent more than six hours torturing a disabled woman after her mother left in the morning, authorities said.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said the teenage boy and girl tied up the 18-year-old woman, clubbed her, kicked her, shaved her head and soaked her with water before making her walk barefoot outside in the snow.
They also ignored pleas from the woman, who had undergone brain surgery, not to hit her in the head, investigators said.
"This is one of the worst crimes I've ever seen," Jones said Monday. "They are sick animals, apparently just doing this for kicks and no other reason."
Cheyenne Blanton, 17, and Joseph Nagle, 16, both of Hamilton, were arraigned Monday on juvenile delinquency charges that include aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, felonious assault and vandalism, according to juvenile court officials.
They were ordered held in the county's juvenile detention center pending a court appearance later this week. Neither entered a plea, and both requested court-appointed attorneys. Those attorneys had not been named Monday.
The teens are accused of physically abusing Ashley Clark, 18, for more than six hours Friday at her home in Hanover Township, about 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati.
Both Jones and the woman's mother, Sheila Clark, want the teenagers tried as adults, and Jones said the two could get 75 years to life in prison if tried and convicted as adults.
"I want full justice for my daughter," Clark said Monday. "Those two never need to walk the streets again."
Clark would not comment on details of the case or provide specifics on her daughter's disabilities or injuries, other than to say that her daughter was doing as well as possible.
"I can't understand how anyone could do this to anyone, but especially to someone with such a beautiful, loving heart," Sheila Clark said.
Messages seeking comment on whether adult charges would be pursued were left at the prosecutor's office Monday. There was no answer at telephone listing for a Joseph Nagel in Hamilton. There was no listing for Cheyenne Blanton.
Jones said the teenagers hid overnight in the basement of the Clark home, intending to steal the car and leave town before an upcoming juvenile court appearance date for one of the suspects.
They apparently missed their chance to get the car when Sheila Clark left the house in it Friday morning, and they went into the kitchen to get something to eat before going upstairs and waking her daughter, Jones said. The pair then spent the next six to eight hours torturing Ashley Clark, he said.
The mother realized something had happened when she came home, saw the house ransacked and called 911. A neighbor also called the sheriff's department to report two juveniles in the neighbor's yard.
Detectives apprehended the teenagers a few minutes later in nearby woods after following their footprints in the snow, Jones said.

And here we are blaming the Cypriots for cruelty towards animals.

this is a big country. we have a few more people in it than you do, and not all of them are right in the head. (just look at our president!) this is an unfortunate, sick incident, but for every sicko there are probably hundreds of wonderful, generous, loving americans. at least we haven't gone around killing our own since our civil war. you have a much more recent history. ours ended in a united country, yours ended in a divided country.
and from what i read on this forum, there are still acts of sensless violence amongst your own.
no country is perfect.
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Postby Bucksboy » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:43 pm

paliometoxo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:and they call themselves "civilized"!

its a shame it happens but cy is not the only place int he world, i dont know about america but i know it hapens a lot in the uk =/ just not many organisations developed to put an end or to rescue the animals in cy.. maybe that would be a good new business venture in cy :)


For a start we are talking about Cyprus and not the UK. IN the UK there are organisations devoted to the care & rescue of animals and cases of cruelty are REGULARLY brought to court. In cyprus this just doesn't happen and the situation here with regard to animal welfare is dire.
As for not many organisations in Cyprus devoted to the care & rescue of Paphos alone there are two dedicated charities (run by foreigners of course) but lack of funding by the Cypriot government is always the biggest problem. Why should foreigners pay for what is essentially a Cypriot made problem?!
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:47 pm

Bucksboy wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:and they call themselves "civilized"!

its a shame it happens but cy is not the only place int he world, i dont know about america but i know it hapens a lot in the uk =/ just not many organisations developed to put an end or to rescue the animals in cy.. maybe that would be a good new business venture in cy :)


For a start we are talking about Cyprus and not the UK. IN the UK there are organisations devoted to the care & rescue of animals and cases of cruelty are REGULARLY brought to court. In cyprus this just doesn't happen and the situation here with regard to animal welfare is dire.
As for not many organisations in Cyprus devoted to the care & rescue of Paphos alone there are two dedicated charities (run by foreigners of course) but lack of funding by the Cypriot government is always the biggest problem. Why should foreigners

ditto in USA. we care for our pets, and prosecute those that don't.
and as for foreigners paying to solve the cypriot pet problem, i would have done it if i had won the mega lotto ($270million).... animals do not have a care in the world as to what country anyone is from.... they just worry about staying alive.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:51 pm

kafenes wrote:GorillaGal wrote:
and they call themselves "civilized"!

Teens accused of beating disabled woman
By LISA CORNWELL, Associated Press Writer
CINCINNATI - Two teenagers hid overnight in a house and spent more than six hours torturing a disabled woman after her mother left in the morning, authorities said.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said the teenage boy and girl tied up the 18-year-old woman, clubbed her, kicked her, shaved her head and soaked her with water before making her walk barefoot outside in the snow.
They also ignored pleas from the woman, who had undergone brain surgery, not to hit her in the head, investigators said.
"This is one of the worst crimes I've ever seen," Jones said Monday. "They are sick animals, apparently just doing this for kicks and no other reason."
Cheyenne Blanton, 17, and Joseph Nagle, 16, both of Hamilton, were arraigned Monday on juvenile delinquency charges that include aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, felonious assault and vandalism, according to juvenile court officials.
They were ordered held in the county's juvenile detention center pending a court appearance later this week. Neither entered a plea, and both requested court-appointed attorneys. Those attorneys had not been named Monday.
The teens are accused of physically abusing Ashley Clark, 18, for more than six hours Friday at her home in Hanover Township, about 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati.
Both Jones and the woman's mother, Sheila Clark, want the teenagers tried as adults, and Jones said the two could get 75 years to life in prison if tried and convicted as adults.
"I want full justice for my daughter," Clark said Monday. "Those two never need to walk the streets again."
Clark would not comment on details of the case or provide specifics on her daughter's disabilities or injuries, other than to say that her daughter was doing as well as possible.
"I can't understand how anyone could do this to anyone, but especially to someone with such a beautiful, loving heart," Sheila Clark said.
Messages seeking comment on whether adult charges would be pursued were left at the prosecutor's office Monday. There was no answer at telephone listing for a Joseph Nagel in Hamilton. There was no listing for Cheyenne Blanton.
Jones said the teenagers hid overnight in the basement of the Clark home, intending to steal the car and leave town before an upcoming juvenile court appearance date for one of the suspects.
They apparently missed their chance to get the car when Sheila Clark left the house in it Friday morning, and they went into the kitchen to get something to eat before going upstairs and waking her daughter, Jones said. The pair then spent the next six to eight hours torturing Ashley Clark, he said.
The mother realized something had happened when she came home, saw the house ransacked and called 911. A neighbor also called the sheriff's department to report two juveniles in the neighbor's yard.
Detectives apprehended the teenagers a few minutes later in nearby woods after following their footprints in the snow, Jones said.

And here we are blaming the Cypriots for cruelty towards animals.

At least these teenagers were brought to justice, Unlike in Cyprus where
after being harrassed by an " Estate agent" for over a year, when we finally got attention to our ordeal the Police came around to our house and BEGGED us not to press charges against the man. As Heads would roll in the Police force.
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