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Abandoned puppies

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:04 pm

Bucksboy wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:If everyone who had a pet, had it neutered /spayed, the problems of unwanted animals roaming the streets would not be a problem, some people consider it cruel and inhumane to deny an animal its natural urges to procreate.
This is nonsense, !!! A dog or cat who has been fixed is less likely to roam, less likely to get into fights, and be happier and healthier. Ask your local vet, .
If you do not want your pet to produce unwanted offspring have him/or her done, dumping animals is not the solution, it contibutes to the problem.
Before you ask, all of my pets were neutered before their first birthday, and they are all sleek glossy and fit.!!

Well said Cheshire Cat!
Think I'll get done as well as I wouldn't want any offspring of mine wandering the streets in 2008! :D


Careful !! the ladies will be having the vapours :eyecrazy:
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Postby webbo » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:52 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:If everyone who had a pet, had it neutered /spayed, the problems of unwanted animals roaming the streets would not be a problem, some people consider it cruel and inhumane to deny an animal its natural urges to procreate.
This is nonsense, !!! A dog or cat who has been fixed is less likely to roam, less likely to get into fights, and be happier and healthier. Ask your local vet, .
If you do not want your pet to produce unwanted offspring have him/or her done, dumping animals is not the solution, it contibutes to the problem.
Before you ask, all of my pets were neutered before their first birthday, and they are all sleek glossy and fit.!!

Agreed. If you do not want to breed, have your animals neutered please!
Wish someone would tell that to the owner/s of the 'bitches' that are currently roaming the streets around our house! They have quite a posse of 'males' in their wake! Nightmare! :twisted: :twisted:

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:00 pm

[b]Thank you Bucksboy and Webbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do so many people think it is cruel,? it is the kindest cut of all.

What is more there are charities who are wanting to do this to save these poor little creatures which are born and dumped before they have had a chance at life.

We have the vetenary services to do this, why not give them a chance ???
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Postby webbo » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:06 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:[b]Thank you Bucksboy and Webbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do so many people think it is cruel,? it is the kindest cut of all.

What is more there are charities who are wanting to do this to save these poor little creatures which are born and dumped before they have had a chance at life.

We have the vetenary services to do this, why not give them a chance ???

Every pet we have ever had the fortune of bringing into our home has been castrated/spayed for the obvious reason! Not cruel at all - and we always let them have their first 'season' as people say it is the best thing to do - though I am not sure if that is just an old wives tale!! :? :oops:

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:40 pm

webbo wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:[b]Thank you Bucksboy and Webbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do so many people think it is cruel,? it is the kindest cut of all.

What is more there are charities who are wanting to do this to save these poor little creatures which are born and dumped before they have had a chance at life.

We have the vetenary services to do this, why not give them a chance ???

Every pet we have ever had the fortune of bringing into our home has been castrated/spayed for the obvious reason! Not cruel at all - and we always let them have their first 'season' as people say it is the best thing to do - though I am not sure if that is just an old wives tale!! :? :oops:
That is exactly what I have been told too, for males between 8 and 12 months for females after there first "Season".
There has to be a reason for this, there is usually sense behind old wives tales.
All out lot have been done ( except for the baby) and they look great. The cats are great mousers, our oldest Cleo who is 20 does not go out so much , prefers the fireside. But in cat years she is around 120
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:44 pm

Nikitas wrote:OK here is an excerpt from New YOrk City health pages:

"The scope of the services provided through this contract includes animal pick-up, shelter services, adoption,humane euthanasia and preparation of animals for rabies testing.:

Now you explain to everyone else in here the plain English meaning of "humane euthanasia".

I am fed up with this propaganda about what happens in "civilised countries" regarding animal control. Why dont you people just tell us the truth. At least in Europe they call a spade a spade and clearly say that animals found loose on city streets are collected, kept for a few days and if no owners or adoption is found are killed. Which explains why you do not see strays in Vienna, Paris or London. In London they also employ vermin exterminators who kill pigeons, stray cats etc in hospital grounds and derelict buildings. And again, explains why they do not have problems there.

In Cyprus we also have the cease fire line which amounts to 3 per cent of the land. Dogs and cats breed there in the wild. It is impossible to capture and socialise these animals and turn them into pets. We all know the solution to this problem. But if Cyprus were to do what they do in other nations there would be all kinds of protest and comments about it being less than "civilised". Maybe we should hand a contract over to an American or French company to do it their way. Something tells me the end result will be the same.

it does not say that all creatures are euthenised. for the third time, i stress they euthenize the pets that are either too sick or have behaviroral problems. the majority of the pets are not put down. and the majority of the shelters are no kill shelters. thanks to the generosity of our citizens, our pets in shelters generally live pretty good lives. compared to the shelter i visited in Limassol, our pets live in the taj mahal.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:47 pm

webbo wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:[b]Thank you Bucksboy and Webbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do so many people think it is cruel,? it is the kindest cut of all.

What is more there are charities who are wanting to do this to save these poor little creatures which are born and dumped before they have had a chance at life.

We have the vetenary services to do this, why not give them a chance ???

Every pet we have ever had the fortune of bringing into our home has been castrated/spayed for the obvious reason! Not cruel at all - and we always let them have their first 'season' as people say it is the best thing to do - though I am not sure if that is just an old wives tale!! :? :oops:

Bubbles x 8)

actually, it is not good at all to let the pets have thier "first season," it can cause obesity. it is recommended it done at anywhere fron 4 to 6 months of age, depending on the gender of the pet.
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abandoned puppies

Postby Bucksboy » Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:35 am

So, after all this mud slinging to see which country is the cruelist, dare I ask who has decided to donate their time or finances to the "PAWS" dog shelter in Paphos?

Come on you us foreigners that you care by actually DOING something constructive!!

Why do we have to do it all?
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Re: abandoned puppies

Postby Oracle » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:02 am

Bucksboy wrote:So, after all this mud slinging to see which country is the cruelist, dare I ask who has decided to donate their time or finances to the "PAWS" dog shelter in Paphos?

Come on you us foreigners that you care by actually DOING something constructive!!

Why do we have to do it all?

Unecessarily patronising and insulting post.

Cypriots care as much as any other nationals do about animals.

They just care MORE for other issues, children, elderly, sick and refugees .... and therein lies the contrast which you fail to grasp.

Cypriots do not have to prove anything to any foreigners.

This thread has gone way too far in anti-Cypriot racism and Admin should ameliorate.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:13 am

Admin never ameliorate as far as I can see... :-(
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