Reports of wild penguins seen on Troodos have been brought into question by New Zealand scientific authorities. Speaking for a spokesman, spokeswoman Miss Anna Gram spoked:
you won't find any penguins in Cyprus at all.You've got to go down to Antarctica to see those penguins.
Owing to the ongoing elections, a Cypriot government wildlife expert was not available for comment, but large numbers of camouflage-clad Cypriot wildlife experts have been seen heading towards Troodos on the off-chance that the indigenous Cypriot penguin (Pygoscelis gombarosia) might not yet be extinct.
We have cameramen standing by to record the event if any hunter manages to catch one and eat it in one mouthful.
Donations to the "Save the Cypriot penguin" fund can be made in sardines to any branch of Laiki Bank.
PHOTOGRAPH: One recent sighting of the rare Cypriot penguin.