Is there anything that I can do about this, legally or illegally? basically, want the trees gone, be it through killing them or through some other channels.
Anyone have ideas on who to contact, or know of a good method to destroy these trees?

Hazza wrote:The neighbour from the ground floor appartment of where I live has taken it upon himself to plant 2 huge palm trees on the pavement by his gate. Problem with that is its going to not only block my views from my veranda, but also sunlight coming in.
Is there anything that I can do about this, legally or illegally? basically, want the trees gone, be it through killing them or through some other channels.
Anyone have ideas on who to contact, or know of a good method to destroy these trees?
Hazza wrote:The neighbour from the ground floor appartment of where I live has taken it upon himself to plant 2 huge palm trees on the pavement by his gate. Problem with that is its going to not only block my views from my veranda, but also sunlight coming in.
Is there anything that I can do about this, legally or illegally? basically, want the trees gone, be it through killing them or through some other channels.
Anyone have ideas on who to contact, or know of a good method to destroy these trees?
Hazza wrote:He literally removed paving slabs to plant the trees into the ground, using rope to tie then to his fence to keep them upright.
Its easy to say don't kill the trees, but they won't be blocking sunlight and views from your appartment. With power lines directly above them, it can cause problems with the electricity.
I do agree, palm trees are nice, but be fair about this. When it comes to selling the appartment further down the line, the value will drop as there will be no light coming in and won't be able to see anything outside.
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