cannedmoosse wrote:Although I appreciate the sentiments expressed in your post Kifeas, I'm surprised that you claim St. Hilarion, Buffavento and Kyrenia castles as some uniquely GC heritage. If I'm correct, they were established by the Byzantines (i.e. a shared Greco-Turkish heritage)
The Byzantine heritage was a shared Greco-Turkish heritage? What are you talking about Moosse? The Byzantine Empire, emanating from Konstantinoupolis, was a predominately Greek and Christian Orthodox Empire. The Ottoman Turks were the ones who ended it’s existence and renamed Konstantinoupolis into Istanbul.
moosse wrote:and largely improved and strengthened by the Lusignans, by whom the majority of the structures we see today were built. Thus, you could say that they are visible vestiges of the enslavement of Orthodox Christian Cypriots by their Catholic overlords who forced them to trek up into the mountains to build these forts...
And who built them Moosse? Have the Byzantine emperors come from Konstantinoupolis or the Venician Lords from Venice and built them with their own hands? Isn’t it the Cypriots (GCs of the time) who built them with their hands and blood?
moosse wrote:I appreciate that the inhabitants of the island at the time were almost exclusively Greek-speaking, Orthodox Christians, but remember that many of these were the ancestors of todays Turkish Cypriots - not all Turkish Cypriots draw their lineage from mainland Turkey, so they have a stake in this history too.
Be careful Moosse, do not say such things as they will jump on you for calling them GC bastards. They do not accept such a thesis. They are all the children of the grand sultans.
Anyway, I am the last one that would have started such a discussion as I considered them a heritage of all Cypriots and primarily a world heritage. I was provoked by Uzan’s comments who called the north as his (theirs) side which they can open and close anytime they want.