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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:26 pm

Bananiot wrote:Probably because it is an easy and practical language with a nice sound that can be learnt by foreigners to almost perfection, bar the pronunciation.

Actually I had never appreciated the sound of the English language before...

You are so right! :shock:

French is so rapid, Italian so forceful, German so guttural, Greek so variable, Turkish so disgusting, Chinese so unique etc.

Yeah Bananiot, you have hit the nail on the head! :D
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Postby pantheman » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:57 pm

michalis5354 wrote:ops thanks pantheman I am sure this will be very useful in the future. It seems that you have progressed into an advanced stage.. he he

Hardly Michalis, I wish I did study it more. I worked for Panasonic for a number of years, but sadly as always, hindsight is great.

I should have learnt alot more because I could easily have had the opportunity to practice it in work with my colleagues.

Anyway, you live and you learn.

Good luck with the studying though.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:38 pm

michalis5354 wrote: just learnt 1 word but willing to built which is hello pronounced in english = Konnichiwa . This is my signature of course I dont have japanese keyboard so i cant write it properly.

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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:10 am

Sorry GR what did you say?
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Postby Piratis » Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:30 am

Bananiot wrote:Probably because it is an easy and practical language with a nice sound that can be learnt by foreigners to almost perfection, bar the pronunciation. Long, difficult words can be shortened at wil for aesthetic reasons too.

Even in these kind of topics you say nonsense ;)

Those countries that have a lot of English speakers are mostly the former British colonies. Beyond this, English has become more widespread the last decades due to the fact that USA has culturally and technologically dominated the world, in a similar way that anceint Greeks had done some 1000s years ago.

It has very little to do with the easiness of English, and absolutely nothing to do with how nice it sounds, somehting which is totally subjective. Personally I much prefer the sound of Italian, French, Portuguese and some of the Slavic languages.
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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:12 am

Piratis,English is the dominant language,because the British were once the most powerful colonial power in history.English remains important as a linking language in a multilingual country such as India,Pakistan,& South Africa.Designating a native language as THE official language is extremely divisive in a number of British Commonwealth member states.

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Postby Bill » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:38 am

Many years ago when opening a bank account in Cyprus I was amazed at the perfect English spoken by the guy dealing with my application.

When I commented on his perfect spoken English he replied " I'm from Palmer's Green mate.

For those that don't know the London area Palmer's Green is a predominately Greek area.

The reason English is spoken almost everywhere is that it has over the years become a international language ~ it's certainly the language of the air and sea .

It doesn't matter which part of the world you come from or what language you speak you will always find someone speaks English ~ next time you sit down in a cafe in Cyprus listen around you ~ French, German, Italian etc will order in English and use it as a common language to be used where ever in the world they go.

Aida ~~ stop banging the drum about the great British nation and the commonwealth those comments in Cyprus are as welcome as a festering boil on the bum

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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:42 am

Bill,you're forgetting one thing - Cyprus is a British Commonwealth member state! Your comments in this thread is as useful as the testicles on a faggot! Why don't you go & catch crabs - the ones that hide in the area around your nuts?

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Postby pantheman » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:46 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Bill,you're forgetting one thing - Cyprus is a British Commonwealth member state! Your comments in this thread is as useful as the testicles on a faggot! Why don't you go & catch crabs - the ones that hide in the area around your nuts?


:lol: :lol: :lol: This one had me in stitches :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aiden, you should write a book mate on "How to knock 'em dead with a one liner "
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:48 am

Oracle wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Probably because it is an easy and practical language with a nice sound that can be learnt by foreigners to almost perfection, bar the pronunciation.

Actually I had never appreciated the sound of the English language before...

You are so right! :shock:

French is so rapid, Italian so forceful, German so guttural, Greek so variable, Turkish so disgusting, Chinese so unique etc.

Yeah Bananiot, you have hit the nail on the head! :D

You just cannot STOP can you? You silly, silly, little woman do you know how ridiculous you are?????
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