purdey wrote:Hilary is back.....and my friend John is well on the way to the White House.
Dinos we need your input,what's the news on the streets.
The democratic primaries are straight-up in Blobama's favor. There is literally nothing Hillary can to to overtake him as far as delegates go. That said, the party is fractured and teetering between extremist lefties backing Blobama and old bats backing Hildog.
Most likely, the two will share the ticket to keep the party unified. Hell if I know who will actually be at the helm.
It's disappointing, really. Most of the asshole Ron Paul extremists are flocking to Blobama (you know - the Petrodollar idiots, jackasses that think 9/11 was an inside job, the fools that think the US invasion of Iran has already begun but you need a Ron Paul / Blobamalamadingdong secret decoder ring to see it all, etc, etc, etc).
So it's between these kool-aid drinkers and McCain, who will likely prove to be a failure on par with Bush.
O, happy day.