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Elections in America

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Postby Mills Chapman » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:19 am

I'm really rooting for Obama and will vote for him, most definitely.

Though his critics say he does not have a lot of substance in what he says, which I don't know about, he is a very inspirational leader, and that's what we need. Who cares what he knows or can do himself! The man did graduate from Harvard Law School so he's not a dummy. It's how he inspires his cabinet to go above and beyond, how he inspires the average citizens to go above and beyond. That's what good leadership is.

I'm a white male, but I also think America won't get an African-American candidate this strong for a long long time, and by voting in an African-American we will win back a fair amount of goodwill from the rest of the world that we've lost over the last 8 years.

On foreign policy issues like Iran, Obama has pledged to meet with opposing leaders unconditionally. That's something that Hilary and McCain would never do. What's so wrong about meeting the folks in Damascus or Tehran. Our other leaders spew so much negative language - regardless of whether their policies are correct - that it really antagonizes the Muslin world and others like Russia. A lot of what Russia has been doing recently (rekindling Cold War talk, etc.) is due to the fact that the US is insisting on a missile shield.

A lot of moderate Republicans hate the Clintions with a passion and view them as unethical after their ethical problems in the 90's (Exhibit A: Vince Foster), and Obama is much more likely to get the independent voters, especially the independent males.

Yes we can!!!!

Within ten months, Hilary's and McCain's campaigns will share the fate of the dinosaurs.

:wink: :)
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:40 pm

dinos wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i am a democrat, and will vote whomever is on the ticket. i was hoping Hillary would run, with Obama as VP. i like them both, but Hillary already has 8 years experience in the white house, and a husband who she can get good advise from. Obama could learn alot, and when Hillery's 2nd term is completed, Obama could go for hsi 2 terms as persident.
a girl can dream, can't she?

i like Obama's issues on taxing the companies up the whazoo for outsourcing jobs to india. plenty of americans could do that work, and at least i could understand an american's accent over a thick indian accent when i call my ISP for tech support.

In my opinion, it is so expensive to offshore labor to places like India that you would not do it for any reason other than a lack of quality labor in the home market. The answer, of course, is to stop dumbing down the school system and force kids to actually learn math and science so that they can have a chance to compete with their counterparts overseas.

Hope you're well!

education has little to do with it. it's more about money.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:42 pm

regardless of who is in office come january, even mickey mouse would make a better bres. than george w.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:32 pm

Mills Chapman wrote:I'm really rooting for Obama and will vote for him, most definitely.

Though his critics say he does not have a lot of substance in what he says, which I don't know about, he is a very inspirational leader, and that's what we need. Who cares what he knows or can do himself! The man did graduate from Harvard Law School so he's not a dummy. It's how he inspires his cabinet to go above and beyond, how he inspires the average citizens to go above and beyond. That's what good leadership is.

I'm a white male, but I also think America won't get an African-American candidate this strong for a long long time, and by voting in an African-American we will win back a fair amount of goodwill from the rest of the world that we've lost over the last 8 years.

On foreign policy issues like Iran, Obama has pledged to meet with opposing leaders unconditionally. That's something that Hilary and McCain would never do. What's so wrong about meeting the folks in Damascus or Tehran. Our other leaders spew so much negative language - regardless of whether their policies are correct - that it really antagonizes the Muslin world and others like Russia. A lot of what Russia has been doing recently (rekindling Cold War talk, etc.) is due to the fact that the US is insisting on a missile shield.

A lot of moderate Republicans hate the Clintions with a passion and view them as unethical after their ethical problems in the 90's (Exhibit A: Vince Foster), and Obama is much more likely to get the independent voters, especially the independent males.

Yes we can!!!!

Within ten months, Hilary's and McCain's campaigns will share the fate of the dinosaurs.

:wink: :)

Well said Mills. Not much more I can add to your post.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:02 pm

dinos wrote:I wouldn't touch Obama with a 10 foot pole, Kikapu. What would he do if he takes office? Does anybody know? Does he know? Give me something more tangible than "hope" and "change."

All the women fainting and crying at his rallies is really starting to make me sick. And the talk about Obamaphilia being a "movement..." well, Jonestown was a movement too. If he wins, he's going to have to deliver the steak to match the sizzle - and telling people to volunteer and stop watching TV just isn't going to cut it.

I'm all for a minority winning the presidency - Obama just isn't the right person for the job. Those that live in hope die in despair.

Jack Kennedy was before my time as an adult. I knew of him in 1962/63 being told as bread, butter and milk was given to us to eat at school in Cyprus at the age of 8. As time went by and I began to watch film reels of Jack Kennedy before his assassination, he too inspired people with his words and stature. I have to tell you Dinos, Obama is no Jack Kennedy, but he reminds me a lot about him when ever I watch this guy on the TV. I watch how people are being drawn to him. He is capturing a lot of attention from everyone, from all Parties. As for what he would do once he is in office, well, no worse than Bush. The only way to clean up all the crap that has been left for us to clean from the last 2 years of Clinton's term in office and 8 years of Bush, we need someone like Obama to make a fresh start. As Bush said when he was interview as to how he would be a President 8 years ago, his response was, "I'll get the best minds to help me". Give Bush credit, because he did get the best minds to help him. The only problem was, Bush was too stupid to recognise, that he was hiring the best evil and crooked minds in the business.

I'm not supporting Obama because he is just a minority. I support him, because he is fresh, and baggage free. He is young and not as privileged as most others running for the Presidency office. I would also vote for Hillary, if she gets the nomination, but I voted for Obama during the Primaries. I have friends who only vote for republicans or not vote at all, but never for a Democrat, and yet, they are voting for Obama. When questions are asked who can make the better President or how much experience they have, is very much meaningless, since non of the candidates have ever been a President before. Bush had no idea what the name of President of Pakistan (Musharraf) was when he was asked in 1999. He said "that general guy" right.!! The important thing is, will they stand by the constitution and work for the people, or step on the constitution and push the people aside, as the case have been in the last 8 years with the Republicans. I can honestly say, that this was the worse administration we have ever had. They should all get jail time as a matter of fact.

It is time for a change and I really do not mean just the slogan only. We really do need a change.
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:05 pm

GorillaGal wrote:regardless of who is in office come january, even mickey mouse would make a better bres. than george w.

Oooo, don't get me going, GG! I couldn't stomach that yahoo from the get-go. ... And then to re-elect him! We reap what we sew.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:06 pm

Filitsa wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:regardless of who is in office come january, even mickey mouse would make a better bres. than george w.

Oooo, don't get me going, GG! I couldn't stomach that yahoo from the get-go. ... And then to re-elect him! We reap what we sew.

what, you don't like mickey mouse? :lol:
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:29 pm

Kikapu wrote:
dinos wrote:I wouldn't touch Obama with a 10 foot pole, Kikapu. What would he do if he takes office? Does anybody know? Does he know? Give me something more tangible than "hope" and "change."

All the women fainting and crying at his rallies is really starting to make me sick. And the talk about Obamaphilia being a "movement..." well, Jonestown was a movement too. If he wins, he's going to have to deliver the steak to match the sizzle - and telling people to volunteer and stop watching TV just isn't going to cut it.

I'm all for a minority winning the presidency - Obama just isn't the right person for the job. Those that live in hope die in despair.

Jack Kennedy was before my time as an adult. I knew of him in 1962/63 being told as bread, butter and milk was given to us to eat at school in Cyprus at the age of 8. As time went by and I began to watch film reels of Jack Kennedy before his assassination, he too inspired people with his words and stature. I have to tell you Dinos, Obama is no Jack Kennedy, but he reminds me a lot about him when ever I watch this guy on the TV. I watch how people are being drawn to him. He is capturing a lot of attention from everyone, from all Parties. As for what he would do once he is in office, well, no worse than Bush. The only way to clean up all the crap that has been left for us to clean from the last 2 years of Clinton's term in office and 8 years of Bush, we need someone like Obama to make a fresh start. As Bush said when he was interview as to how he would be a President 8 years ago, his response was, "I'll get the best minds to help me". Give Bush credit, because he did get the best minds to help him. The only problem was, Bush was too stupid to recognise, that he was hiring the best evil and crooked minds in the business.

I'm not supporting Obama because he is just a minority. I support him, because he is fresh, and baggage free. He is young and not as privileged as most others running for the Presidency office. I would also vote for Hillary, if she gets the nomination, but I voted for Obama during the Primaries. I have friends who only vote for republicans or not vote at all, but never for a Democrat, and yet, they are voting for Obama. When questions are asked who can make the better President or how much experience they have, is very much meaningless, since non of the candidates have ever been a President before. Bush had no idea what the name of President of Pakistan (Musharraf) was when he was asked in 1999. He said "that general guy" right.!! The important thing is, will they stand by the constitution and work for the people, or step on the constitution and push the people aside, as the case have been in the last 8 years with the Republicans. I can honestly say, that this was the worse administration we have ever had. They should all get jail time as a matter of fact.

It is time for a change and I really do not mean just the slogan only. We really do need a change.

I don't understand the comparisons to JFK ... okay so they're both Harvard grads and Democrats. Other than the attractive wives, they really have nothing else in common. I don't buy the "aura" comparison. JFK had it. If Obama does, it's by default of the current administration.
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:55 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
dinos wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i am a democrat, and will vote whomever is on the ticket. i was hoping Hillary would run, with Obama as VP. i like them both, but Hillary already has 8 years experience in the white house, and a husband who she can get good advise from. Obama could learn alot, and when Hillery's 2nd term is completed, Obama could go for hsi 2 terms as persident.
a girl can dream, can't she?

i like Obama's issues on taxing the companies up the whazoo for outsourcing jobs to india. plenty of americans could do that work, and at least i could understand an american's accent over a thick indian accent when i call my ISP for tech support.

In my opinion, it is so expensive to offshore labor to places like India that you would not do it for any reason other than a lack of quality labor in the home market. The answer, of course, is to stop dumbing down the school system and force kids to actually learn math and science so that they can have a chance to compete with their counterparts overseas.

Hope you're well!

education has little to do with it. it's more about money.

Dinos, I'm inclined to agree that education is indeed a large part of the problem.

GG, what do you mean by "it's more about money"?
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:01 pm

Filitsa wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
dinos wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i am a democrat, and will vote whomever is on the ticket. i was hoping Hillary would run, with Obama as VP. i like them both, but Hillary already has 8 years experience in the white house, and a husband who she can get good advise from. Obama could learn alot, and when Hillery's 2nd term is completed, Obama could go for hsi 2 terms as persident.
a girl can dream, can't she?

i like Obama's issues on taxing the companies up the whazoo for outsourcing jobs to india. plenty of americans could do that work, and at least i could understand an american's accent over a thick indian accent when i call my ISP for tech support.

In my opinion, it is so expensive to offshore labor to places like India that you would not do it for any reason other than a lack of quality labor in the home market. The answer, of course, is to stop dumbing down the school system and force kids to actually learn math and science so that they can have a chance to compete with their counterparts overseas.

Hope you're well!

education has little to do with it. it's more about money.

Dinos, I'm inclined to agree that education is indeed a large part of the problem.

GG, what do you mean by "it's more about money"?

it's alot cheaper to pay an indian than an american.
when i call my ISP for tech support, they are just reading what i need to do to fix my computer. it's all programmed into their system. someone calls with this problem, it tells them what to tell me to remedy the situation. and they can pay a person in india alot less than they pay an american to do that.
this is why so many things are made in foreign countries. it can be done cheaper there. it's all about money, very little to do with intelligence.
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