Though his critics say he does not have a lot of substance in what he says, which I don't know about, he is a very inspirational leader, and that's what we need. Who cares what he knows or can do himself! The man did graduate from Harvard Law School so he's not a dummy. It's how he inspires his cabinet to go above and beyond, how he inspires the average citizens to go above and beyond. That's what good leadership is.
I'm a white male, but I also think America won't get an African-American candidate this strong for a long long time, and by voting in an African-American we will win back a fair amount of goodwill from the rest of the world that we've lost over the last 8 years.
On foreign policy issues like Iran, Obama has pledged to meet with opposing leaders unconditionally. That's something that Hilary and McCain would never do. What's so wrong about meeting the folks in Damascus or Tehran. Our other leaders spew so much negative language - regardless of whether their policies are correct - that it really antagonizes the Muslin world and others like Russia. A lot of what Russia has been doing recently (rekindling Cold War talk, etc.) is due to the fact that the US is insisting on a missile shield.
A lot of moderate Republicans hate the Clintions with a passion and view them as unethical after their ethical problems in the 90's (Exhibit A: Vince Foster), and Obama is much more likely to get the independent voters, especially the independent males.
Yes we can!!!!
Within ten months, Hilary's and McCain's campaigns will share the fate of the dinosaurs.