Kikapu wrote:Filitsa wrote:Kikapu wrote:Filitsa wrote:I hope he is on the "US Terrorist No Fly List." Apart from his Bush remarks, he's unbelievable annoying. What a no-talent!
Kikapu wrote:paliometoxo wrote:i saw on the news today this manchester guy was on tv saying how everyone in america who says america does notneed a black president is racist and that you cant be racist because you let that retard cowboy man in office for 8 years.. he said on tv

.. does everyone hate bush and glad to see him gone?:o maybe have a president that will fix america not like bush who took america to hell...
or am i wrong?
You are probably talking about Russell Brand presenting the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards yesterday. He is outrageously funny, specially picking on Bush and the Republicans. He'll probably end up on "US terrorist no fly list" after last nights insults to Bush, so that he won't be able to fly back to the US again once he leaves.!

I've only seen him when he appeared three times on
"The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno in the last 2-3 months and he seemed to be a very witty character who is quick and spontaneous with his comments that draws a lot of laughter from the audiences. It took a while for the audience to warm up to him in his very first show with Leno, because of his personal appearance and his pretentious way of talking, as well as speaking
"REAL ENGLISH". He has that typical
Dry English Humour which may take a second or two for most Americans for the "funny comment" to kick in, or not at all, as the case may be with some.

Kikapu! You call that wit?! I'm an American who appreciates true British humor. Now, I've only seen this guy twice, and each time he displayed none at all. His appearance isn't bothersome; his personality is.
You may want to turn the sound up next time you watch him Filitsa.!
Are you kidding?! I could turn it off and still here him. He's loud and obnoxious, and that's the extent of his gig.
All I can say is, I enjoy watching funny people when done correctly. Like Bill Cosby for instance. His actual material is really not that funny if you just read the script, but the way he presents it, it is very funny. It's the whole package with appearance, body language, quickness and spontaneity, and style that make comedians funny. On the other hand, I find someone like Chevy Chase totally unfunny and could care less for his attempts to try to be funny. Steve Martin on the other hand, can be very funny at times. Mostly it all comes down to body language and delivery.
Oh, I get it now! You're into form and not substance.

I, on the otherhand, perfer humor of substance.