Novus wrote:I am 38, straight and more liberal than Obama. I am a civil libertarian and Obama does not seem very dedicated to all civil liberties. The one issue I am referring to was just the last straw.Kikapu wrote:Novus,
You don't know what you are, that's why you can't make up your mind who to vote for. You sound like a very young person who is trying to find their own sexuality, but afraid to admit that they are in fact Gay, but want to convince themselves, that they are straight, until they get mature enough to admit the truth to themselves at least. You claiming to be a Democrat but will vote for McCain because your party and Obama does not get one particular issue is just a cop out. Jesus, you are luck you only have one particular issue with the Democrats.How many issues do you have with the Republicans. ??:lol:
Go find your sexuality first and then your politics will just fall in place by itself.![]()
Just for the record, I hope Obama will pick Richardson for his running mate for the VP position.
Obama and McCain have been moving toward each other politically for the past year anyway. I remember there was a joke going on when Hillary still had a chance. We used to joke there was only one candidate to choose from, but it had three bodies.
I am a civil libertarian
Well, that's your problem right there.!!

You just want Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll without any government interferences, no matter what you want to do, including Porn and Drugs, and you think the Republicans are going to me more accommodating to you than the Democrats.??

Just what the hell have you been smoking lately Novus.?

Yeah, I can just now see 71 year old McCain that you want to support, will be having wild sex orgies in the White House all a while smoking pot.

I think you have mistaken McCain with Bill Clinton I'm afraid.

At least Bill knew where to stick his "cigar" with Monica.

I think McCain stopped doing Drugs, Porn and Wild sex long time ago Novus.

Novus, your sexuality is not important to us, except to you. We accept you as you are. I was only using it as a metaphor, that's all.!!