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Elections in America

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Postby kurupetos » Mon May 26, 2008 7:52 pm

Words of wisdom for Americans:

I don't see much future for the Americans … it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities … my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance...everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?

Adolph Hitler, 1942

Boy, he was right! 8)
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon May 26, 2008 8:06 pm

kurupetos wrote:Words of wisdom for Americans:

I don't see much future for the Americans … it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities … my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance...everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?

Adolph Hitler, 1942

Boy, he was right! 8)

1942? boy was he wrong!
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Postby dinos » Mon May 26, 2008 9:02 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
dinos wrote:Yep, Hilary has lost the primary. There's no way for her to overcome Obama's lead in delegates. It's over for her. This said, Obama's entire campaign is based on empty platitudes. Regardless who we get as president in 2009 - Hill-dog, McCombover or Kool-aid man, we're all screwed.

Out of 280 million people, we couldn't find anyone better than these three. That's a problem. Perhaps we should return to cold-war style arms race tactics. Remember? There were so few scientists in the US, that as many as possible were brought over from Russia... Perhaps the US presidency should be off-shored so that we can find someone with adequate brain matter for the job...

anything is better than the clown we have in office now. have faith dinos!

They can't be worse. Better is something that remains to be proven and none of them give me any reason to keep my hopes up.

Hope you're feeling OK...
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon May 26, 2008 9:03 pm

dinos wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
dinos wrote:Yep, Hilary has lost the primary. There's no way for her to overcome Obama's lead in delegates. It's over for her. This said, Obama's entire campaign is based on empty platitudes. Regardless who we get as president in 2009 - Hill-dog, McCombover or Kool-aid man, we're all screwed.

Out of 280 million people, we couldn't find anyone better than these three. That's a problem. Perhaps we should return to cold-war style arms race tactics. Remember? There were so few scientists in the US, that as many as possible were brought over from Russia... Perhaps the US presidency should be off-shored so that we can find someone with adequate brain matter for the job...

anything is better than the clown we have in office now. have faith dinos!

They can't be worse. Better is something that remains to be proven and none of them give me any reason to keep my hopes up.

Hope you're feeling OK...

it sucks growing old.....
thanks for asking. hope you are well too!
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon May 26, 2008 10:54 pm

America is losing its power? because of the current president taking america to hell, who will be the next power? china? or russia?

I hope America has a president who helps more with the cy problem and does not favour the turkish just because they have a powerfull army. and not let the army control cyprus put them in their place once and for all.
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon May 26, 2008 10:55 pm

America is losing its power? because of the current president taking america to hell, who will be the next power? china? or russia?

I hope America has a president who helps more with the cy problem and does not favour the turkish just because they have a powerfull army. and not let the army control cyprus put them in their place once and for all.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 29, 2008 10:34 am

GorillaGal wrote:to be totally honest, Kikapu, i do not follow the election news all that much. i voted in the primaries (for Hills) and the rest is up to the remainder of the US citizens. when the candidtate is chosen who will run, that is when i will pay more attention, and even then, no doubt you will be more informed than me. (regardless, i will still vote democrat).
the news i get is only from the computer, as i seldom read the papers or watch the news. mostly i read my start page headlines, and that is as far as i go. yes, i know that is not the most intelligent way, however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes!

however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes

Wow, that's amazing. I know we all have many dreams when we sleep but hardly remember any of them upon waking up, but to remember all your dreams must be fascinating and strange at the same time.

I have an idea GG if you are willing to do it, and that is, why don't you open a "GG's Dreams" thread and tell us each day what you dreamt. Perhaps it will help you get rid of them once you have written them down. You can publish your own "Dream Book" once you have enough of them GG.

Good luck.
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 29, 2008 11:00 am

The day that America seizes to be the worlds super power and China takes the reigns it will be the end of democracy and the beginning of the dark age for the entire world.
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Postby GorillaGal » Thu May 29, 2008 11:56 am

Kikapu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:to be totally honest, Kikapu, i do not follow the election news all that much. i voted in the primaries (for Hills) and the rest is up to the remainder of the US citizens. when the candidtate is chosen who will run, that is when i will pay more attention, and even then, no doubt you will be more informed than me. (regardless, i will still vote democrat).
the news i get is only from the computer, as i seldom read the papers or watch the news. mostly i read my start page headlines, and that is as far as i go. yes, i know that is not the most intelligent way, however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes!

however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes

Wow, that's amazing. I know we all have many dreams when we sleep but hardly remember any of them upon waking up, but to remember all your dreams must be fascinating and strange at the same time.

I have an idea GG if you are willing to do it, and that is, why don't you open a "GG's Dreams" thread and tell us each day what you dreamt. Perhaps it will help you get rid of them once you have written them down. You can publish your own "Dream Book" once you have enough of them GG.

Good luck.

sounds interesting, but i don't think too many people care all that much about what i dream about.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 29, 2008 5:37 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:to be totally honest, Kikapu, i do not follow the election news all that much. i voted in the primaries (for Hills) and the rest is up to the remainder of the US citizens. when the candidtate is chosen who will run, that is when i will pay more attention, and even then, no doubt you will be more informed than me. (regardless, i will still vote democrat).
the news i get is only from the computer, as i seldom read the papers or watch the news. mostly i read my start page headlines, and that is as far as i go. yes, i know that is not the most intelligent way, however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes!

however, as i have mentioned in other threads, my health issues cause me to remember my dreams every night. i have to keep my thoughts as happy as possible, or i have nightmares and very disturbing dreams. it sucks sleeping alone sometimes

Wow, that's amazing. I know we all have many dreams when we sleep but hardly remember any of them upon waking up, but to remember all your dreams must be fascinating and strange at the same time.

I have an idea GG if you are willing to do it, and that is, why don't you open a "GG's Dreams" thread and tell us each day what you dreamt. Perhaps it will help you get rid of them once you have written them down. You can publish your own "Dream Book" once you have enough of them GG.

Good luck.

sounds interesting, but i don't think too many people care all that much about what i dream about.

I will be very interested GG. To most of us, we only remember parts of a dream, like watching a film but leaving and coming back to it every 5 minutes. The whole dream is all over the place. It makes as much sense as being on "Crack".!! :lol:

Not that I know anything about being on "Crack", you understand. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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