This brainless kid by his psychology problem opened my mood to say something more about the Cypriots sickness and their donkey god but to speak also about the human nature with the hope that some apes are not so hopeless.
Young was not only the best psychiatrist of the new age but he was also an occultist (someone could called him magus) that have build his theories about the archetypes and about collective unconscious based in Plato theories that he was also mystique, but Young was also based in Hinduism and he was admirer of their psychology healing methods (like yoga for example) where he found a religion explanation about the triple nature.
Many ancient Greece philosophers had speak about the triple nature, like Pythagoras, Plato, Iamvlixos, Proklos, Plotinus, Ploutarxos and many other mystiques of those times.
The strange is what all most in all religions we have the triple nature reality (even in Orthodoxy) with the Hinduism giving a view in modern times that can connected with the today standards of psychiatric science.
For example science says what that is 3 levels of conscious.
1 conscious
2 subconscious
3 unconscious
The Hinduism and others say that we have:
1 conscious
2 subconscious
3 hyperconscious
They claim what the subconscious is the carrier of the karma that have to over passed to reach the hyperconscious that many ancient philosophers claim what they did (like Empedoklis for example) and that also many saints of all religions have different explanations for a situation that seems the same in every case.
The problem is what this is not only the belief of Young but it was also a believe of the ancient Greece, where we had:
1 conscious – Apollo
2 subconscious – Hermes that was bringing massages from the gods
3 hyperconscious – Dionysus
Where the most of the religions starting from the ancient Egyptians and ending with the Christians have their own trinity gods to express the triple nature.
Basically I can write 10 books about the trinity issue that’s why I will end this wonderful explanation with the tragedy of Cypriots reality.
While the Greeks had Apollo, Hermes and Dionysus the Cypriots have:
1 Conscious – the after – Garos
2 Subconscious – the now - Tpap piece of shit that is bringing massages from the god. The carrier of karma.
3 Hyperconscious – the before - Makarios to axristo papari that took the place of the god.
So basically the Cypriots are cursed and the thing is what all this maybe is not just a joke