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DEKO supporting Christofias

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:36 pm

Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:The jokers are happy , GR is in his element, the biggest joke in Europe is about to be unveiled. A statue of Fidel Castro will be erected in Heroes Square , Stalin and Lenin will be somewhere in Nicosia , at Larnaca airport a 24 feet tall statue depicting the Communist ideals -sfirodrepano - will be placed at the Departure and Arrivals entry , just to remind visitors to Cyprus that the nation has gone and made itself the biggest joke in Europe !!
That bloody woman in Greece , the head of KKE will be having premenstrual orgasms , what a bunch of loonies , Hamas in action , they won too and the people suffer , and with a communist leader at the helm of the Cyprus government Cypriots will suffer . As they say those that God , or in this instance the Devil , wants to destroy first he makes them mad , in the case of Cyprus bloody lunatics. The Americans and the British will be told loud and clear , we the Cypriots have chosen a communist to lead us in our holy shit crusade against YOU , beware we are now part of Europe and we claim our prize , the first lunatics to have a Communist as a President !!!
GR Send for the KGB , forget Blackwater they dont fight for communists !!

Just woke up , I think I was having a nightmare !!

Are you sure it was just a dream, Miltiades? I hope so, because similar symptoms are experienced by hallucinating schizophrenics! You better check this up!

Kifeas I'm of the opinion that a communist president for Cyprus would not be conducive to our image either in the USA , Britain or Europe.
I do not need to be reminded by anyone that AKEL replaced the Communist Part of Cyprus , following the British ruling of 1931 which saw Thu KKE as illegal.
To be frank , I think the biggest jokers in Europe are the Communists of Greece , we shall shorty be perceived to be the second. Does anyone think that influential powers namely the USA and Britain will be rejoicing at the choice of a communist president , but of course we "hate " the USA and want the Brits out so their displeasure at our choice will have no adverse consequences on our choice. We are a democracy and the people will vote but the real world out there will be frowning and wandering whether it is time now to do the so far unthinkable.
The first European member with a Communist president who saluted and applauded wildly when Castro denounced our "common enemy " the USA !!!
Once again we may give credence to our political system and political decisions that have so far seen us creating alliances with the ineffectual , week and powerless.

Miltiades, now that you have mentioned this, in a way I have to agree with you! It is true that electing a communist as president of Cyprus will definitely turn our free world allies and protectors -those that supplied to us all the tanks and weapons and fought on our side to kick the invaders out of Cyprus, to become the friends of Turkey and will start giving them free weapons! How can the west tolerate such a betrayal on our behalf, to elect a Communist as president of Cyprus, one that will give the island as a military base to the Soviet Union, as soon as he is elected, and will pull Cyprus out of the EU and register it with the Warsaw pact! Of course it is a bad thing to elect someone that will close the churches and ban religion from Cyprus, and will prohibit the use of the Greek language and cut us short of our Hellenic ethnic origins, in order to promote Cypriotism! Don’t people see what happens in Soviet Union nowadays, in which people cue in order to buy just one sausage and one slice of bread for each family, from the grocery shops of this empire of the evil country! I think your thoughts should be taken seriously into consideration, and we should not let Cyprus become the Cuba of Mediterranean, like that bustard Makarios was trying to achieve, until the great heroes of Eoka B’ came and saved us from him! Yes you are right; Cyprus cannot possibly have a communist president! You surely know better and we should all listen to your wise thoughts, “kounia pou se kounage!”

My dear Kifeas , I would have expected a response based on hard realities and not formulated by your loathing of the USA and Britain.
Your acrimonious reply is bizarre to say the least and based entirely on your aversion of the USA and Britain.
I stated that a communist president of Cyprus is not conducive to the continuing struggle to find a peaceful solution to the Cyprob.
It is highly unlikely that the USA , in case it has escaped your attention still the most powerful nation on earth , along with Britain will take on board , or rather take seriously , any form of solicitation by a communist president for favourable response in regards to maintaining the current USA and British positions regarding recognition of the "TRNC"
I regret to note that so many of my compatriots are suffering from the Americanico daxtilo decease failing to digest realities that it is the USA that by refusing to recognise North Cyprus , will assist in a solution .
Our problems in Cyprus WERE NOT created by the USA in 1974 but by the fanatics who blindly followed the nationalistic crap of the Greek Military Junta .
Have the honour of becoming the first EU member with a communist president , absurd , laughable and hugely damaging to Cyprus's image overseas , but of course you don't care because tous grafis sta arhidia sou !!
I wonder if the statues I mention in my post are already being discussed by the team !!
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:39 pm

Miltiades Excellent Post. I hate to hear this phrase Αμερικανικο Δαχτυλο .And the sad thing is that we use this ONLY when it suit us.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:52 pm

michalis5354 wrote:Miltiades Excellent Post. I hate to hear this phrase Αμερικανικο Δαχτυλο .

I go go back many years Michalis and Αμερικανικο Δαχτυλο I have heard so many times. The dreaded decease that afflicted our Cypriot people originated from Greece and being a thoroughly contagious one we were afflicted.
I fail to see how any single Cypriot can not see that a communist president for Cyprus would be an absolute diplomatic disaster of Hamas proportions , the only people that will feel the effect of such a farcical situation , should Christofias wins , will be the Cypriot people. Other than that I ought to say that I do not dislike Christofias , know very little about him , but I absolutely loath the communist ideals .
May the best man for CYPRUS win !
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:06 pm

miltiades wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:The jokers are happy , GR is in his element, the biggest joke in Europe is about to be unveiled. A statue of Fidel Castro will be erected in Heroes Square , Stalin and Lenin will be somewhere in Nicosia , at Larnaca airport a 24 feet tall statue depicting the Communist ideals -sfirodrepano - will be placed at the Departure and Arrivals entry , just to remind visitors to Cyprus that the nation has gone and made itself the biggest joke in Europe !!
That bloody woman in Greece , the head of KKE will be having premenstrual orgasms , what a bunch of loonies , Hamas in action , they won too and the people suffer , and with a communist leader at the helm of the Cyprus government Cypriots will suffer . As they say those that God , or in this instance the Devil , wants to destroy first he makes them mad , in the case of Cyprus bloody lunatics. The Americans and the British will be told loud and clear , we the Cypriots have chosen a communist to lead us in our holy shit crusade against YOU , beware we are now part of Europe and we claim our prize , the first lunatics to have a Communist as a President !!!
GR Send for the KGB , forget Blackwater they dont fight for communists !!

Just woke up , I think I was having a nightmare !!

Are you sure it was just a dream, Miltiades? I hope so, because similar symptoms are experienced by hallucinating schizophrenics! You better check this up!

Kifeas I'm of the opinion that a communist president for Cyprus would not be conducive to our image either in the USA , Britain or Europe.
I do not need to be reminded by anyone that AKEL replaced the Communist Part of Cyprus , following the British ruling of 1931 which saw Thu KKE as illegal.
To be frank , I think the biggest jokers in Europe are the Communists of Greece , we shall shorty be perceived to be the second. Does anyone think that influential powers namely the USA and Britain will be rejoicing at the choice of a communist president , but of course we "hate " the USA and want the Brits out so their displeasure at our choice will have no adverse consequences on our choice. We are a democracy and the people will vote but the real world out there will be frowning and wandering whether it is time now to do the so far unthinkable.
The first European member with a Communist president who saluted and applauded wildly when Castro denounced our "common enemy " the USA !!!
Once again we may give credence to our political system and political decisions that have so far seen us creating alliances with the ineffectual , week and powerless.

Miltiades, now that you have mentioned this, in a way I have to agree with you! It is true that electing a communist as president of Cyprus will definitely turn our free world allies and protectors -those that supplied to us all the tanks and weapons and fought on our side to kick the invaders out of Cyprus, to become the friends of Turkey and will start giving them free weapons! How can the west tolerate such a betrayal on our behalf, to elect a Communist as president of Cyprus, one that will give the island as a military base to the Soviet Union, as soon as he is elected, and will pull Cyprus out of the EU and register it with the Warsaw pact! Of course it is a bad thing to elect someone that will close the churches and ban religion from Cyprus, and will prohibit the use of the Greek language and cut us short of our Hellenic ethnic origins, in order to promote Cypriotism! Don’t people see what happens in Soviet Union nowadays, in which people cue in order to buy just one sausage and one slice of bread for each family, from the grocery shops of this empire of the evil country! I think your thoughts should be taken seriously into consideration, and we should not let Cyprus become the Cuba of Mediterranean, like that bustard Makarios was trying to achieve, until the great heroes of Eoka B’ came and saved us from him! Yes you are right; Cyprus cannot possibly have a communist president! You surely know better and we should all listen to your wise thoughts, “kounia pou se kounage!”

My dear Kifeas , I would have expected a response based on hard realities and not formulated by your loathing of the USA and Britain.
Your acrimonious reply is bizarre to say the least and based entirely on your aversion of the USA and Britain.
I stated that a communist president of Cyprus is not conducive to the continuing struggle to find a peaceful solution to the Cyprob.
It is highly unlikely that the USA , in case it has escaped your attention still the most powerful nation on earth , along with Britain will take on board , or rather take seriously , any form of solicitation by a communist president for favourable response in regards to maintaining the current USA and British positions regarding recognition of the "TRNC"
I regret to note that so many of my compatriots are suffering from the Americanico daxtilo decease failing to digest realities that it is the USA that by refusing to recognise North Cyprus , will assist in a solution .
Our problems in Cyprus WERE NOT created by the USA in 1974 but by the fanatics who blindly followed the nationalistic crap of the Greek Military Junta .
Have the honour of becoming the first EU member with a communist president , absurd , laughable and hugely damaging to Cyprus's image overseas , but of course you don't care because tous grafis sta arhidia sou !!
I wonder if the statues I mention in my post are already being discussed by the team !!

Miltiades, In case you have been sleeping all these years and have just waken up –as it seems so, the cold war has ended nearly 20 years ago, the Soviet Union has been dissolved already and the communist block has been dissolved! In case you have just waken up from a long sleep and believe that we are still living in a cold war era, to continue maintaining all these cold war era parochial anti-communist fixations!
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:13 pm

Its funny bevause we close our eyes when US and UN supports our positions but we blame them for the slightlest statement . We live in our own fantasy world.

Have you ever heard this guy Omirou the Leader of EDEK how he speaks when he refers to US? He believes he is the regional power of the Middle East.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:20 pm

The Soviet Union may have been disolved but the principles are there. I heard Chritofias in a TV 3-4 days ago referring to a MIX economy not a Free Economy. The reason we have so much beauracracy in governemnt with all these fat salaries and low productivity its because of the strong Unions. no body can touch the employee in the government even If he does a second or third job at the expense of the rest private employees who they work in half salaries because there are strong unions. This is one example....
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:35 pm

michalis5354 wrote:The Soviet Union may have been disolved but the principles are there. I heard Chritofias in a TV 3-4 days ago referring to a MIX economy not a Free Economy. The reason we have so much beauracracy in governemnt with all these fat salaries and low productivity its because of the strong Unions. no body can touch the employee in the government even If he does a second or third job at the expense of the rest private employees who they work in half salaries because there are strong unions. This is one example....

My dear parrot, in case you also have just waken up, like Miltiades, mix-economy is what we always have had in Cyprus, both during the 10 years of Klerides administration and the 5 years of Papadopoulos! Mix-economy simply means that you have both private enterprises and corporations, as well as state owned ones, like the electricity and telecommunication authorities, CyCB TV station, Cyprus airways, etc, etc! In that sense, there is no country on this planet that cannot be classed as a mixed economy, because there is no country in which there are no state owned enterprises, not even in the USA!
Last edited by Kifeas on Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:41 pm

Yes Elephant we know that. Christofias has been consistent against Europe , Euro adoption , Nato etc what do u have to say about that ?

people have a Free mind and they can make their choice without parties dictating them who to vote and whom not , with the assumption they have a free mind.

My dear parrot, in case you also have just waken up, like Miltiades, mix-economy is what we always have had in Cyprus, both during the 10 years of Klerides administration and the 5 years of Papadopoulos! Mix-economy simply means that you have both private enterprises and corporations, as well as state owned ones like electricity, telecommunication authorities, CyCB TV station, Cyprus airways, etc, etc! In that sense, there is no country on this planet that cannot be glassed as a mixed economy, because there is no country in which there are no state owned enterprises, not even in the USA!
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:05 pm

I would politely ask everyone to please visit the website of the person that is going to lead Cyprus into the 21st century.

Especially enjoy the soviet emblems all over the site.
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:12 pm

looks like chrisofias will win
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