I’m glad that everyone is happy.
The great leader of bullshits have gone forever and their humiliation will last for ever like it seems.
We are about to elect the first communist leader in Europe just because they are mental sick. After they have collect all this spitting by Europe now they are pushing their luck even further and they are all most ready to lead the efforts for a new Cypriot Communist Europe.

If of course they will not adopt the communist bullshits of their friends from Greece (KKE) and fight openly for the destruction of the bad beast Europe. The situation is going from worst to worst because some people are just sick and they can’t accept this unquestionable fact.
Of course I’ll vote again the mamotherefto Kasoulidis(actually I’m voting the great Nikos Anastasiadis

) but I’ve all ready won the elections by kicking out the TPap thing and now I will sit back with my pop corn to watch this hilarious show.
The diko malakes have(probably had) a chance to justify their incapability and their endless stupidity and even justify the NO vote by throwing all their history daemons and their responsibility behind and reverse the situation in Europe by electing a YES voter that could make(he could at least try) things in Europe work for our side with the possibility for even a better solution. But no!! The sick persons just want to justify their sickness and they like the idea to continue pushing their bud luck to Europe.
Of course I never understood why Kasoulidis have to clean their shit

and I really like the idea to see the new show, but this time it will be more fun with Christofias for president.
I had predict years before what Christofias will go for president against TPap, I had predict among may other things that TPap will not make it to the second round and now I predict basically 2 things.
1st DIKO will be in the worst position of their pathetic history because they didn’t had the balls to forget their psychopathology and act for the first time in their existence with reason.

Many right winger fanatics will vote Kasoulides (it’s ridiculous to convince an ex EOKA member or an APOEL-APOLLON-ANORTHOSI etc fan to vote a communist) and if they manage to convince a percentage of their lambs to this ridiculous direction enna shisoun tin kkele tous like we say here in banaland.
2nd Christofias will lead us to dead end and will bring the division even faster and full responsibility will go exactly where it should (to all Makarios skata and their shit sons like Kafreas and the rest mental sick things) because with out Europe influence there is not one single way to convince Turkey to accept the possibility of a new solution since they had already accept the UN solution (and since TPap thing had sign their justification). I had said that at the past, what TPap “policy” had a big truth, what we mast find the right ground to make any new effort because the danger of the dead end is a reality. And of course in a dead-end the Europeans will get rid of the Eurofighters (evroavnanistes kai evromalakistes) communists and the rest lunatics with a Kossovo solution. With out the support of US and Europe there is not one in a million for Dimitrakis to find a solution and he will just make things go faster to division.
It’s a joke, is the funniest joke ever happened in Europe, after the first donkey president in Europe we will go straight ahead for the new record and we are about to elect the first donkey communist president of a “European” country!!!