Oracle wrote:May I remind you, you sent me the first PM.
The one I sent today was to stop your abusive use of private information on the forum.
Do not worry Bubbles, I am sure after your self-disclosure of how trustworthy you are, you will be hard-pressed to receive any ....
You stupid stupid thing, I only sent you a PM as you said that you were leaving the forum (MAY I POINT OUT ANOTHER LIE ON YOUR BEHALF)but would stay logged on for PM's etc! Remember?
Just in case you don't - copy below!
From webbo
To phoenix
Posted Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:27 am
Subject Sad ending?
Expected more from you Phoenix. So sad..............
Pity that you can give criticism and abuse but not take it.. As you can see, I can take it!
Wait till you rise again - we both know that you will
Bubbles x Cool
How are we supposed to know what is real and not real with you Oracle, Phoenix, Boumbalina, whatever? You have tried to dupe so many people so many times with all your stupid pseudonyms it is unreal. There was no abuse on my behalf. My integrity is in tact, do not fear. The question is, is yours?